University of Sydney Handbooks - 2011 Archive

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Master of Philosophy (Nursing)

The Master of Philosophy (Nursing) is a research degree awarded for a thesis focusing on research into aspects of health and health care related to nursing. Some coursework may be required to support the development of research skills and improve understanding of research methods, but this would not constitute a major component of the degree. Candidates work independently on a research project under the guidance of supervisors appointed by Sydney Nursing School.

Admission requirements

Students wishing to enrol in this degree should have a bachelor's degree with first or upper second-class honours (2nd Class, Division 1) or a master's degree from the University of Sydney, or equivalent qualifications from another university or institution and be registered or eligible to register to practice nursing in Australia. Post-registration nursing experience is also required.

Students intending to apply for candidature must submit a detailed research proposal with their application.


The Master of Philosophy is a research-based degree assessed by the examination of a thesis of a maximum of 60,000 words on a topic of the student€™s choice. During candidature students work closely with their supervisors who must be consulted regularly about the general design, planning, conduct and progress of the research, and the preparation of the written thesis.

Master of Philosophy students are expected to participate in the three-day research workshops in Semesters 1 and 2, and to attend Sydney Nursing School€™s Research Week. Students will have the opportunity to present their work to colleagues and peers at research forums and to develop and refine their work through this process.

Master of Philosophy students are required to complete a period of probationary candidature in accordance with the degree resolutions and also undergo an annual progress review and interview.

Course rules


Master of Philosophy (Nursing)

These Resolutions must be read in conjunction with The University of Sydney (Amendment Act) Rule 1999 (as amended), and the relevant Resolutions of the Senate and Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery.

1 Course Codes


Course title


Master of Philosophy (Nursing)

2 Admission

An applicant for admission to candidature for the degree shall, except as provided in Part 9, Division 10 of the University of Sydney (Amendment Act) Rule 1999 (as amended):
hold the degree of master, or
hold the degree of bachelor with first or second class honours, and
be registered to practice nursing in New South Wales or another state or territory of Australia or be registered as a nurse in a country other than Australia; and
demonstrate a minimum of one year's post-registration relevant experience as a registered nurse; and
meet the Faculty's English language requirements as outlined in the Research common resolutions section.
The Faculty may admit as a candidate for the degree an applicant holding the degree of bachelor without first or second class honours after the applicant has demonstrated an academic standard equivalent to the bachelor's degree with first or second class honours.
An applicant, for admission to candidature, shall submit to the Faculty a research proposal as part of the application.
Admission to candidature will be conditional upon the appointment of an appropriate supervisor as stipulated in the Academic Board policy entitled "Postgraduate Research Higher Degree Training Supervision at the University of Sydney".
An applicant may be required to undertake units of study prescribed by the Faculty.

3 Probationary review for the Master of Philosophy students

All Master of Philosophy students admitted to the degree are reviewed within two semesters of commencement of their candidature.
The satisfactory completion of this probationary period requires:
successful completion of any specified coursework;
presentation of a seminar on their project; and
a supportive recommendation from the Director Research Students on the basis of the supervisor's advice, the student's performance and progress towards completion.
The requirements of this probationary review must be communicated in writing to the candidate in their offer of admission letter.

4 Requirements for degree of Master of Philosophy (Nursing)

To qualify for the award of Master of Philosophy (Nursing) a candidate must:
complete any units of study prescribed by the Faculty; and
carry out supervised research leading to a thesis.
A candidate for the degree shall proceed by research and thesis, notwithstanding any requirements prescribed by the Faculty to undertake units of study.

5 Supervision

Students will complete a thesis under the guidance of a Supervisor and Associate Supervisor appointed by the Director Research Students in consultation with the Associate Dean (Learning and Teaching).

6 Award of the degree of Master of Philosophy (Nursing)

The degree will be awarded in the pass grade only.

7 Progress

At the end of each year each candidate shall provide evidence of progress and attend a progress review interview.
On the basis of evidence provided and the interview, recommendations regarding the continuing candidature will be made by the Director Research Students to the Research Degrees Sub-Committee.
If a candidate is deemed not to have made satisfactory progress they may be asked to show cause as to why the candidature should not be terminated by reason of unsatisfactory progress towards completion of the degree and where, in the opinion of the Research Degrees Sub-Committee acting on behalf of the Faculty, the candidate does not show good cause, the Research Degrees Sub-Committee may terminate that candidature or may impose conditions on the continuation of that candidature.

8 Satisfactory progress

The Research Degrees Sub-Committee shall have the power to resolve on satisfactory progress and progression in individual cases.
All Master of Philosophy students admitted to the degree are to be reviewed within two semesters of the commencement of candidature.
Candidates shall provide evidence of progress to the satisfaction of the supervisor and the review committee constituted by the Faculty.
(i)  On basis of the evidence provided, the review committee shall recommend the conditions of candidature to apply for the following year; and
(ii)  may require the candidate to provide further evidence of progress at the end of one semester or such other period as the review committee recommends to the Research Degrees Sub-Committee as appropriate.
If a candidate fails to submit evidence of progress or if the Research Degrees Sub-Committee considers that the evidence submitted does not indicate satisfactory progress:
(i)  the Sub-Committee may, on the recommendation of the review committee, call upon the candidate to show cause why that candidature should not be terminated by reason of unsatisfactory progress towards completion of the degree; and
(ii)  where, in the opinion of the Research Degrees Sub-Committee, the candidate does not show good cause the Sub-Committee may either terminate the candidature or impose conditions on the continuation of candidature.
Students will be reviewed at the end of the specified probationary period.
The satisfactory completion of this probationary period requires:
successful completion of any specified coursework;
presentation of a seminar on their project;
a supportive letter from the student's supervisor related to the student's ability to complete a project of appropriate scope and nature; and
that the requirements of this probationary review must be communicated in writing to the candidate in their offer of admission letter.

9 Time limits

A candidate may be admitted to proceed on either a full-time or part-time basis.
Candidates enrolled in the Master of Philosophy shall complete the course in a minimum of two semesters full-time and four semesters part-time.
The maximum time limit for completion will be six semesters for full-time students and 12 semesters for part-time students.

10 The thesis

The candidate shall present a thesis which shall be a substantial and original contribution to the subject concerned.
A candidate may not present as the thesis any work that has been presented for a degree at this or any other university, but the candidate will not be precluded from incorporating such work into the thesis.
As part of the candidature, candidates are required to present at research seminars.

11 Length of Thesis

The length of the Master of Philosophy thesis is determined by the topic area and the type of research conducted. The maximum for a Master of Philosophy thesis is 60,000 words.

12 Submission of thesis

Three months prior to submission of the thesis students are required to inform the Faculty on the appropriate form that the thesis is approaching completion.
At that time it is also necessary to supply three copies of a 300 word summary of the thesis for distribution to potential examiners.
Three copies of the thesis must be presented for examination.
These copies are required to be submitted in accordance with Academic Board policy.
The recommendation for submission from the supervisor must be presented along with the thesis.
On successful completion of the examination process a minimum of two hard bound copies of the completed thesis printed on acid free paper will be required, by the Associate Dean (Research) for lodging in the University and Faculty libraries.

13 Examination of thesis

The examination of a thesis for the degree of Master of Philosophy shall follow closely the examination process as stipulated by the Resolutions of the Academic Board for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy except for the following variations:
The Director Research Students shall recommend the appointment of two examiners of the thesis of whom at least one shall be external to the University, not being a member of staff. Approval of the examiners is the responsibility of the Research Degrees Sub-Committee.
The supervisor and Director Research Students shall take all possible steps to ensure that examiners are appointed at least four weeks prior to the submission of the thesis and where this does not occur, shall report the circumstances to the Research Degrees Sub-Committee.

14 Credit transfer policy

A candidate who, at the date of admission has completed not less than six months as a candidate for a higher degree in this or another university may be permitted by the Faculty to be credited for the whole or any part of the period of candidature completed as a period completed for the degree of Master of Philosophy, provided that:
at the date of admission to candidature for the higher degree the candidate shall have fulfilled the requirements for admission.
the period of candidature for the higher degree for which credit is sought shall have been a course of full-time or part-time advanced study and research under a supervisor directly related to the candidate's proposed course of advanced study and research in the University of Sydney;
the candidate shall have abandoned candidature for the other higher degree for which credit is sought;
the amount of credit which may be so granted shall not exceed one full-time year; and
normally no candidate who has been granted credit shall present a thesis for examination for the degree earlier than the second year after acceptance.