University of Sydney Handbooks - 2011 Archive

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Emergency Nursing

Sydney Nursing School offers the following courses in emergency nursing:

  • Graduate Certificate in Emergency Nursing
  • Graduate Diploma in Emergency Nursing
  • Master of Emergency Nursing

Course information

Emergency nursing is a dynamic and challenging specialty. The acuity of patients, complexity of care and degree of technological intervention are variable. Emergency nurses must be able to prioritise patient care and provide accurate assessment and effective ongoing management for a diversity of patient populations. Nursing practice in emergency departments may range from life-saving interventions to providing health promotion and injury prevention information.

Graduate Certificate in Emergency Nursing GG012

Course overview

The Graduate Certificate in Emergency Nursing consists of two semesters of part-time study. Students are required to complete 24 credit points or four units of study as prescribed in the unit of study tables related to this program, as shown below.

If you attain a credit average or better you may use your graduate certificate to articulate into a master's degree. Units studied at the graduate certificate level are, in most cases, credited towards the longer qualification.


Admission to the Graduate Certificate in Emergency Nursing is open to all nurses registered in Australia. In addition to this requirement, applicants for this specialty area are required to be working in emergency nursing and must provide a statement of support from their supervisor or manager in order to undertake the required clinical assessments.

Applications from all students should be made directly to Sydney Nursing School.


The Graduate Certificate in Emergency Nursing may only be studied by local students in the part-time mode. Students generally undertake two units of study per semester. All units are offered in intensive on-campus mode with students required to attend study days and undertake e-learning and independent study. Assessment consists of written assignments, clinical assessments and examinations.

Graduate Diploma in Emergency Nursing GF023

Course overview

The Graduate Diploma in Emergency Nursing may be completed in one year of full-time study or two years part-time study. The graduate diploma consists of 48 credit points or eight units of study as prescribed in the unit of study table related to this program, as shown below.


Admission to the Graduate Diploma in Emergency Nursing is open to all nurses registered in Australia. International students who are registered nurses in their country of residence may study at the graduate diploma level and will need to meet English language requirements.

In addition to these requirements applicants for this specialty area are required to be working in emergency nursing and provide a statement of support from their supervisor or manager in order to undertake the required clinical assessments.

Applications from local students should be made directly to Sydney Nursing School. International students apply through the International Office.


Students generally undertake two units of study per semester. All units are offered in intensive on-campus mode with students required to attend study days and undertake e-learning and independent study. Assessment consists of written assignments, clinical assessments and examinations.

Master of Emergency Nursing GC062

Course overview

The Master of Emergency Nursing consists of 60 credit points or 9 units of study as prescribed in the unit of study table related to this program, as shown below. This may be taken over 18 months of full-time or two and a half years of part-time study.


Admission to the Master of Emergency Nursing is open to all nurses registered in Australia and overseas, who hold a Bachelor of Nursing or equivalent with a credit average. International students will also need to meet English language requirements.

In addition to these requirements applicants for this specialty area are required to be working in emergency nursing and must provide a statement of support from their supervisor or manager in order to undertake the required clinical assessments.

Applications from local students should be made directly to Sydney Nursing School. International students apply through the International Office.


Students generally undertake four units of study per semester full-time. Students studying part-time will undertake two units of study per semester. In the final semester students will undertake a 12 credit point unit of study and will study part-time.

All units are offered in intensive on-campus mode with students required to attend study days and undertake e-learning and independent study. Assessment consists of written assignments, clinical assessments and examinations.

Unit of study table

Unit of study Credit points A: Assumed knowledge P: Prerequisites C: Corequisites N: Prohibition Session

Graduate Certificate in Emergency Nursing GG012

Students in the Graduate Certificate in Emergency Nursing are required to complete 24 credit points from the following units of study:
Core units
Assessment and Clinical Judgement
6      Semester 1
Foundations of Clinical Practice
6      Semester 1
Emergency Nursing Practice
6    P NURS5052 or NURS5059
Semester 2
Complexity of Critical Illness & Injury
6    P NURS5059
C NURS5054 or NURS5055
Semester 2

Graduate Diploma in Emergency Nursing GF023

Students in the Graduate Diploma in Emergency Nursing are required to complete 48 credit points. This includes 36 credit points of core units of study, and an additional 12 credit points of elective units of study, as follows:
Core units
Assessment and Clinical Judgement
6      Semester 1
Foundations of Clinical Practice
6      Semester 1
Research in Nursing and Health Care
6      Semester 1
Expanding Practice in the ICU and ED
6      Semester 1
Emergency Nursing Practice
6    P NURS5052 or NURS5059
Semester 2
Complexity of Critical Illness & Injury
6    P NURS5059
C NURS5054 or NURS5055
Semester 2
Elective units
Students must choose two (2) of the following options:
Creating a Culture of Safety and Quality
6      Semester 2
Strengthening Nursing Leadership
6      Semester 2
Simulation-Based Learning in Health
6      Semester 2

Master of Emergency Nursing GC062

Students in the Master of Emergency Nursing are required to complete 60 credit points. This includes 36 credit points of core units of study, an additional 12 credit points of elective units of study, and one capstone option, as follows:
Core units
Assessment and Clinical Judgement
6      Semester 1
Foundations of Clinical Practice
6      Semester 1
Research in Nursing and Health Care
6      Semester 1
Expanding Practice in the ICU and ED
6      Semester 1
Emergency Nursing Practice
6    P NURS5052 or NURS5059
Semester 2
Complexity of Critical Illness & Injury
6    P NURS5059
C NURS5054 or NURS5055
Semester 2
Elective units
Students must choose two (2) of the following options. Students who intend to undertake NURS5080 Capstone (Thesis) are required to complete a research elective in place of one of these options and are advised to consult the Course Coordinator for advice regarding subject choice.
Creating a Culture of Safety and Quality
6      Semester 2
Strengthening Nursing Leadership
6      Semester 2
Simulation-Based Learning in Health
6      Semester 2
Capstone options
Students must chose one (1) of the following options:
Capstone (Work-based Project)
12      Semester 1
Semester 2
Capstone (Thesis)
12    P NURS5069 Research in Nursing & Health Care

Note: Department permission required for enrolment

Semester 1
Semester 2

Unit of study descriptions

NURS5012 Assessment and Clinical Judgement

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 1 Classes: distance education/intensive Assessment: 1xclinical assessment (50%) and 1xessay (20%) and 3xclinical case study (3x10%) Campus: Mallett Street Mode of delivery: Distance Education/Intensive on Campus
The ability to undertake a focused and comprehensive patient assessment is fundamental to nursing practice. Undertaking patient assessment allows nurses to gather the requisite information to make sound clinical judgements thus this unit of study places an emphasis on the systematic collection of reliable and valid assessment data. This unit of study examines the knowledge, capabilities and clinical skills required to undertake comprehensive health assessment inclusive of physical and mental health status in complex clinical situations. Underpinning any patient assessment is a detailed understanding of normal physiological processes and the ways in which illness and injury alters these processes. In this unit of study students will have the opportunity to demonstrate their ability to synthesise concepts of altered physiology and patient assessment with the implementation and evaluation of appropriate management strategies.
NURS5054 Emergency Nursing Practice

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 2 Classes: distance education/intensive, up to 5 study days Prerequisites: NURS5052 or NURS5059 Assessment: 1500wd assignment (10%) and 3000wd assignment (30%) and 2.5hr exam (50%) and online modules (10%) and satisfactory completion of clinical assessment tasks Campus: Mallett Street Mode of delivery: Distance Education/Intensive on Campus
Emergency nursing practice is characterised by a diversity of clinical presentations which range from those requiring minimal care to those with complex or life-threatening clinical presentations or injury. This variation in clinical presentation requires emergency nurses to have a strong foundation in patient assessment and associated physiological knowledge, both which are key components of this unit of study. Acknowledging the diversity of clinical presentations, in this unit of study we will specifically examine the assessment and management of the most common illness or injuries seen in the emergency department, including those requiring resuscitation. Management of patients with these clinical conditions will be explored, specifically focusing on the evidence-base of interventions and their influence on patient outcome.
NURS5059 Foundations of Clinical Practice

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 1 Classes: distance education/intensive on campus, up to 5 study days Assessment: 2500wd essay (30%) and 2hr exam (50%) and online activities (20%) Campus: Mallett Street Mode of delivery: Distance Education/Intensive on Campus
Increasing patient acuity in the hospital environment requires a sound understanding of alterations to normal physiological processes which assists nurses to make decisions about patient assessment and management. Within this unit of study an emphasis will be placed on exploring alterations to key physiological concepts and the associated patient assessment and management. Within in the context of these altered physiological states the acquisition of clinical assessment data, such as that obtained from laboratory and diagnostic testing, will be interpreted and applied to specific patient clinical presentations. Strategies to support physiological function and manage complex clinical presentations will be examined with students undertaking critical appraisal of treatment guidelines.
NURS5060 Complexity of Critical Illness & Injury

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 2 Classes: distance education/intensive on campus, up to 5 study days Prerequisites: NURS5059 Corequisites: NURS5054 or NURS5055 Assessment: poster (50%) and online modules (30%) and portfolio (20%) and satisfactory completion of clinical assessment tasks Campus: Mallett Street Mode of delivery: Distance Education/Intensive on Campus
Patients who experience severe traumatic injury or episodes of critical illness require advanced assessment and management in the pre-hospital phase, during transport to and stabilisation in the emergency department, and ongoing care in the intensive care unit. The critical illness/injury trajectory is complex and interdependent and effective care at each stage requires an appreciation of the care which has been provided as well as an understanding of potential ongoing management of the patient. In this unit of study we will examine the critical illness/injury trajectory from physiological and psychosocial perspectives. An evidence-based approach to patient management will focus on collaborative decision-making and the ways in which synthesised evidence informs patient care. This unit of study allows students to consolidate theoretical underpinnings of their practice and demonstrate the requisite knowledge, skills and attributes required to care for critically ill or injured patients through the completion of clinical assessments.
NURS5069 Research in Nursing and Health Care

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 1 Classes: distance education/intensive on campus, up to 5 study days Assessment: 2xonline activities (2x10%) and 2xassignments (2x40%) Campus: Mallett Street Mode of delivery: Distance Education/Intensive on Campus
This unit of study will examine and critique established and emerging ways of researching nursing and health care through discussion of the philosophical and theoretical origins of the research traditions and knowledge generation in nursing research. Conceptualisation of research questions, selection of research designs, governance of research and research utilisation in the clinical setting will be explored. Opportunities will be provided to engage in the research process with reference to clinically related situations.
NURS5070 Creating a Culture of Safety and Quality

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 2 Classes: distance education/intensive on campus, up to 5 study days Assessment: 2500wd essay (45%) and 3500wd case study (55%) Campus: Mallett Street Mode of delivery: Distance Education/Intensive on Campus
This unit of study pursues a critical analysis of the theoretical constructs and practical applications underpinning good clinical governance in health care organisations.
Many studies identify the factors influencing a culture of safety and quality in the clinical environment and most concur with six main domains: the safety climate, teamwork, perceptions of management, working conditions, job satisfaction and stress recognition. These factors and how to influence them positively will be examined in this unit of study utilising a better practice (quality/continuity of care/health outcomes/governance) framework.
NURS5071 Strengthening Nursing Leadership

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 2 Classes: distance education/intensive on campus, up to 5 study days Assessment: 1x3000wd essay (50%) and 1x1000wd reflection exercise (20%) and 1xbriefing paper (30%) Campus: Mallett Street Mode of delivery: Distance Education/Intensive on Campus
The need for leadership across all clinical disciplines has been shown to be integral to safe practice and strong staff morale. Providing a clear and unambiguous framework for practice and fostering skills in moral stewardship are known to enable personal growth and strong clinical care. This unit explores a range of issues for clinicians including their legal and ethical obligations, concepts of accountability and collegiality, and strategies to increase resilience and emotional intelligence. It aims to equip nurses to take initiative, create supportive and sustaining clinical environments, have the courage of their convictions, and to celebrate curiosity.
NURS5074 Expanding Practice in the ICU and ED

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 1 Classes: distance education/intensive on campus, up to 5 study days Assessment: 1xessay (40%) and 1xlearning contract (60%) Campus: Mallett Street Mode of delivery: Distance Education/Intensive on Campus
Nurses working in leadership positions within emergency departments and intensive care units provide care to groups of patients and their families. In doing so nurses must incorporate individual need with the requirements of the department/unit, hospital and area health service. The provision of coordinated care to critically ill and/or injured patients is supported by organisational structures at the hospital and area health service level, which are guided by NSW Department of Health Intensive Care and Emergency Department Planning services.
Professional bodies such as the Australian College of Critical Care Nurses (ACCCN) and the College of Emergency Nurses Australasia (CENA) also inform practice. In this unit of study students will explore ways in which government and professional bodies provide information that supports decision-making regarding the provision of care to critically ill and injured patients. Additionally, students will be encouraged to expand their clinical and theoretical repertoire by developing an in-depth understanding of a specific practice issue in intensive care and/or emergency nursing practice.
NURS5078 Capstone (Work-based Project)

Credit points: 12 Session: Semester 1,Semester 2 Classes: distance education/intensive on campus, up to 8 study days Assessment: reflective portfolio (40%), assignment (40%), presentation (20%) Campus: Mallett Street Mode of delivery: Distance Education/Intensive on Campus
This unit of study will assist students to extend their development of a critically informed personal/professional position on the many issues impacting clinical nursing practice with which, as potential senior clinicians, they will continue to engage and to further develop the skills required to argue that position effectively within current clinical contexts and climates. The unit will provide a framework within which students will explore selected current clinical and professionally related situations from several perspectives. These may include those of tertiary and professional education, local, state and federal government policy development and implementation, management, and industry, workforce and regulatory perspectives. Students will also negotiate and participate in a period of partnered clinical observation with senior nurse clinicians whose work relates to the student's clinical focus, to develop a personal portfolio which will incorporate the work undertaken during the award and extend to include guided reflection on their observation and understanding of advanced practice roles in nursing.
NURS5080 Capstone (Thesis)

Credit points: 12 Session: Semester 1,Semester 2 Classes: distance education/intensive on campus, up to eight study days Prerequisites: NURS5069 Research in Nursing & Health Care Assessment: 20000wd thesis (100%) Campus: Mallett Street Mode of delivery: Distance Education/Intensive on Campus
Note: Department permission required for enrolment
This unit of study will provide an opportunity for students with an interest in research to conduct an in-depth exploration of a topic of professional relevance. The independent work required to develop the thesis will be undertaken under the guidance of a supervisor. The thesis will be assessed in a manner suitable for determining equivalence to work undertaken during an Honours program. Completion of high level work will therefore assist students wishing to apply for Australian Postgraduate Awards to support PhD candidature when the Capstone is completed as part of the 60 credit point master's degree. It is anticipated that a student's thesis topic will have been identified during the pre-requisite units of study and students are advised to indicate their interest in undertaking the research capstone to the Director of Postgraduate Studies as they complete the first pre-requisite unit of study NURS5069 Research in Nursing & Health Care so that specific academic advice can be provided.
NURS5091 Simulation-Based Learning in Health

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 2 Classes: distance education/intensive on campus, up to four study days Assessment: 2500w essay (40%) and learning contract (60%) Campus: Mallett Street Mode of delivery: Distance Education/Intensive on Campus
The use of simulation (the process of mimicking reality in an environment that can be manipulated to reflect real clinical situations) is an educational tool that is becoming increasingly prevalent in health care practice and education. Simulation activities have strong relevance to a broad range of learner levels across health professions providing a safe and controlled learning environment. Simulation can be used in task or situational training areas in order to train clinicians to anticipate certain situations and develop capability to react appropriately. Additionally, simulation has the potential to create a dynamic interprofessional learning environment, facilitating the process of learning through assessment, decision making, evaluation and error prevention or correction within the healthcare team.
This unit of study will provide learners with the opportunity to critically examine the current literature related to the instructional use of simulation in health education and practice. They will become familiar with evolving theoretical frameworks associated with the use of simulation in education and explore concepts related to technical and non-technical skill development such as: participant consent and confidentiality, levels and types of fidelity, models of instruction/tuition, immersive and non-immersive scenarios, virtual reality simulation, debriefing, participant assessment and translation to practice. Students will be encouraged to further expand their clinical and theoretical repertoire by developing a simulated learning experience, based on best evidence, and linked to education outcomes.

Degree resolutions


Graduate Certificate in Emergency Nursing

Graduate Diploma in Emergency Nursing

Master of Emergency Nursing

These resolutions must be read in conjunction with applicable University By-laws, Rules and policies including (but not limited to) the University of Sydney (Coursework) Rule 2000 (the 'Coursework Rule'), the Resolutions of the Faculty, the University of Sydney (Student Appeals against Academic Decisions) Rule 2006 (as amended) and the Academic Board policies on Academic Dishonesty and Plagiarism.

Course resolutions

1 Course codes


Course title


Graduate Certificate in Emergency Nursing


Graduate Diploma in Emergency Nursing


Master of Emergency Nursing

2 Attendance pattern

The attendance pattern for this course is full time or part time according to candidate choice, except for the Graduate Certificate which is part time only.

3 Master's type

The master's degree in these resolutions is an advanced learning master's course, as defined by the Coursework Rule.

4 Embedded courses in this sequence

The embedded courses in this sequence are:
the Graduate Certificate in Emergency Nursing
the Graduate Diploma in Emergency Nursing
the Master of Emergency Nursing
Providing candidates satisfy the admission requirements for each stage, a candidate may progress to the award of any of the courses in this sequence. Only the longest award completed will be conferred.

5 Admission to candidature

Available places will be offered to qualified applicants in the order in which complete applications are received, according to the following admission criteria.
Admission to each course requires the applicant to be registered to practise nursing in an Australian state or territory, or country in which they reside, and satisfy the English language proficiency requirements detailed in the faculty resolutions. In addition to these requirements, domestic applicants are required to be working in emergency nursing and provide a statement of support from their supervisor or Nursing Unit Manager in order to undertake the required clinical assessments. International applicants are required to have a minimum of one year's experience in Emergency Nursing and provide a statement of support from a relevant clinical area in order to undertake the required clinical assessments. Specific requirements for each course are below.
Admission to the Graduate Certificate in Emergency Nursing requires:
a pre-registration nursing degree from the University of Sydney or equivalent qualification; or
a minimum of five years experience in the field.
In exceptional circumstances the dean may admit applicants without these qualifications who, in the opinion of the faculty, have qualifications and evidence of experience and achievement sufficient to successfully undertake the award.
Admission to the Graduate Diploma in Emergency Nursing requires:
a pre-registration nursing degree from the University of Sydney or equivalent qualification; or
a minimum of five years experience in the field; or
completion of the requirements of the embedded graduate certificate in this discipline from the University of Sydney, or equivalent qualification.
In exceptional circumstances the dean may admit applicants without these qualifications who, in the opinion of the faculty, have qualifications and evidence of experience and achievement sufficient to successfully undertake the award.
Admission to the Master of Emergency Nursing requires:
a pre-registration nursing degree from the University of Sydney or equivalent qualification with a credit average; or
a graduate diploma in a nursing discipline from the University of Sydney or equivalent qualification; or
completion of the requirements of the embedded graduate certificate or graduate diploma in this discipline from the University of Sydney, or equivalent qualification.
Qualifications used as the basis of admission must have been completed less than ten years prior to application. Qualifications older than ten years will be considered subject to the applicant providing further information substantiating appropriate continuing education and development. In these cases, admission will be at the discretion of the Dean.

6 Requirements for award

The units of study that may be taken for the courses are set out in the Units of Study table for Emergency Nursing.
To qualify for the award of the Graduate Certificate in Emergency Nursing a candidate must complete 24 credit points of core units of study.
To qualify for the award of the Graduate Diploma in Emergency Nursing a candidate must complete 48 credit points of core units of study.
To qualify for the award of the Master of Emergency Nursing a candidate must complete 60 credit points, including:
48 credit points of core units of study; and
a 12 credit point capstone unit of study.
Candidates are required to attend clinical simulation and fieldwork as prescribed. Where appropriate, the faculty may require individual candidates to undertake further or remedial theoretical, clinical or practical study in addition to the above requirements.

7 Time limits

A candidate must complete all the requirements for the graduate certificate within two and a half calendar years of first enrolment, including periods of suspension.
A candidate must complete all the requirements for the graduate diploma within four calendar years of first enrolment, including periods of suspension.
A candidate must complete all the requirements for the master's degree within five calendar years of first enrolment, including periods of suspension.

8 Course transfer

A candidate for the master's degree or graduate diploma may elect to discontinue study and graduate with a shorter award from this embedded sequence, with the approval of the Dean, and provided the requirements of the shorter award have been met.

9 Transitional provisions

These resolutions apply to students who commenced their candidature after 1 January, 2011 and students who commenced their candidature prior to 1 January, 2011 who elect to proceed under these resolutions.
Candidates who commenced prior to 1 January, 2011 may complete the requirements in accordance with the resolutions in force at the time of their commencement, provided that requirements are completed by 1 January, 2016. The faculty may specify a later date for completion or specify alternative requirements for completion of candidatures that extend beyond this time.