University of Sydney Handbooks - 2011 Archive

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Human Rights and Democratisation (Asia Pacific Regional Program)


Dr Danielle Celermajer
Phone: + 61 2 9351 7641

Master of Human Rights and Democratisation (Asia Pacific Regional Program)

10 units of study = 60 credit points

Units of study carry a value of 6 credit points unless otherwise stated.

A Bachelor's degree with a major in the humanities or social sciences, or a Bachelor of Laws degree.

Students will commence Semester 2, 2011.

Units of study

The list below sets out core units of study offered during the first iteration of the degree commencing July 2011. The degree as a whole comprises a foundational semester and a one-week inter-sessional intensive unit of study (HRTD6905) at the University of Sydney, followed by a second semester at one of four regional partner institutions: Mahidol University (Thailand), Gadjah Mada University (Indonesia), Kathmandu School of Law (Nepal) and the University of Colombo (Sri Lanka).

  • HRTD6901 Human Rights: Norms and Mechanisms 1
  • HRTD6902 Human Rights and Democratisation Research
  • HRTD6903 Human Rights Violations
  • HRTD6904 Democratisation: Theory and Practices
  • HRTD6905 Human Rights and Democratisation Intensive
  • HRTD6907 Human Rights: Norms and Mechanisms 2
  • HRTD6908 Critical and Emerging Regional Issues
Electives - Candidates choose from one of the following options

1. Dissertation

  • HRTD6909 Dissertation Part 1 (12 credit points), and
  • HRTD69011 Dissertation Part 2

2. Internship

  • HRTD6910 Internship (12 credit points), and
  • HRTD6912 Internship Research Report

3. Electives

  • HRTD6913 Human Rights/Democratisation Elective 1
  • HRTD6914 Human Rights/Democratisation Elective 2
  • HRTD6915 Human Rights/Democratisation Theme Paper

Course rules


Master of Human Rights and Democratisation (Asia Pacific Regional Program)

These resolutions must be read in conjunction with applicable University By-laws, Rules and policies including (but not limited to) the University of Sydney (Coursework) Rule 2000 (the 'Coursework Rule'), the Resolutions of the Faculty, the University of Sydney (Student Appeals against Academic Decisions) Rule 2006 (as amended) and the Academic Board policies on Academic Dishonesty and Plagiarism.

Course Resolutions

1 Course codes

Code Course and stream title
DC069 Master of Human Rights and Democratisation (Asia Pacific Regional Program)

2 Attendance pattern

The attendance pattern for this course is full time in the first semester of enrolment.

3 Master's type

The master's degree in these resolutions is an advanced learning master's course, as defined by the Coursework Rule.

4 Collaborating Institutions

This course is offered in collaboration with the following institutions:
Gadjah Mada University (Indonesia)
Kathmandu School of Law, Purbanchal University (Nepal)
Mahidol University (Thailand)
University of Colombo (Sri Lanka)

5 Admission to candidature

Available places will be offered to qualified applicants based on merit, according to the following admissions criteria. In exceptional circumstances the Dean may admit applicants without these qualifications but whose evidence of experience and achievement is deemed by the Dean to be equivalent.
Admission to candidature for the Master of Human Rights and Democratisation (Asia Pacific Regional Program) requires:
a bachelor's degree with a minimum credit (65%) average, from the University of Sydney, including a major in a relevant subject area in the humanities or social sciences, or an equivalent qualification; or
a Bachelor of Laws degree with a minimum credit (65%) average, or an equivalent qualification.

6 Requirements for award

The units of study that may be taken for this course are set out in the Postgraduate Table of Units of Study for the Human Rights and Democratisation subject area.
Candidates for the Master of Human Rights and Democratisation (Asia Pacific Regional Program) are required to complete 60 credit points, including:
30 credit points of core units of study to be completed at the University of Sydney;
12 credit points of core units of study to be completed at one of the collaborating institutions; and
18 credit points of elective units of study to be completed, at the same collaborating institution, as a research component comprising either a dissertation, internship, or coursework units of study.

7 Course transfer

A candidate for the Master of Human Rights and Democratisation (Asia Pacific Region Program) may elect to discontinue study and transfer to the Master of Human Rights with full credit for the units of study completed, with the approval of the Dean.

8 Award of the degree

The Master of Human Rights and Democratisation (Asia Pacific Regional Program) will be conferred by the University of Sydney and the relevant collaborating institution, under a conjoint agreement.

9 Transitional provisions

These resolutions apply to students who commenced their candidature after 1 January 2011.
Candidates who commenced prior to 1 January 2011 will complete the requirements in accordance with the resolutions in force at the time of their commencement, provided that requirements are completed by 1 January 2016. The Faculty may specify a later date for completion or specify alternative requirements for completion of candidatures that extend beyond this time.