Master of Philosophy
Course resolutions
1 Course codes
Code |
Course title |
DC009 |
Master of Philosophy |
2 Award of the degree
If the Faculty is of the opinion that the candidate's work is of sufficient merit, that candidate shall receive a bronze medal.
A candidate who has completed the requirements but has not qualified for the award of the degree may be awarded the degree of Master of Arts.
3 Admission to candidature
An applicant for admission to candidature for the degree shall except as provided in Part 9, section 47 of the University of Sydney (Amendment Act) Rule 1999 (as amended):
be a Bachelor of Arts (Honours) of the University of Sydney or, in special cases, be a graduate with honours of another faculty or board of studies of the University; and
have obtained honours in a subject within the subject area in which the applicant seeks to proceed; or
hold the degree of bachelor and have completed courses at a level deemed by the Faculty to be equivalent to honours in an appropriate subject area.
An applicant for admission to candidature proposing to proceed primarily by research and thesis must in support of the application nominate for the approval of the head of the department concerned a proposal for a program of study in the subject area nominated.
Applicants may be required to demonstrate to the satisfaction of the Faculty their ability to proceed by the method nominated.
4 Availability
availability of adequate and appropriate supervision, including both the supervision of research candidatures and the coordination of coursework programs.
In considering an applicant for admission to candidature the Faculty may take account of the quota and will select in preference applicants who are most meritorious in terms of the eligibility for admission criteria.
5 Probationary admission
A candidate may be accepted by the faculty on a probationary basis for a period not exceeding 12 months and upon completion of this period the Faculty shall review the candidate's work and shall either:
In the case of a candidate accepted on a probationary basis, the candidature shall be deemed to have commenced from the date of acceptance.
6 Method of progression
7 Subject areas
8 Time limits
unless otherwise determined by the Faculty, not later than the end of the second year of candidature.
unless otherwise determined by the Faculty, not later than the end of the fourth year of candidature.
The earliest and latest dates for completion of requirements for the degree shall be adjusted for those candidates wishing to proceed on a part-time basis following their admission to candidature on a full-time basis, and vice versa.
9 Credit
A candidate who, before admission to candidature, has spent time in advanced study in the University of Sydney or in another university or institution, may be deemed by the Faculty to have spent such time after admission to candidature:
provided that it represents no more than half of the total candidature, except for special cases where it may be deemed by the Faculty to represent a greater proportion of the candidature up to the total candidature, and
provided that attendance requirements as prescribed by the resolution of the Faculty are otherwise met.
10 Supervision
The Faculty shall appoint, on the recommendation of the head of the department concerned, a full-time member of the academic staff of the department to act as supervisor of each candidate proceeding primarily by research and thesis.
The Faculty may appoint, on the recommendation of the head of department concerned, from amongst appropriately qualified persons, an associate supervisor to assist in the supervision of any candidature within the Faculty.
11 Requirements for the degree
complete such seminars and such courses as may be prescribed by the head of department concerned;
carry out supervised research on a topic approved by the Faculty on the recommendation of the head of the department concerned;
write a thesis embodying the results of the research; and in completion of the requirements for the degree; and
lodge with the Registrar three copies of this thesis, typewritten and bound in either a temporary or permanent form.
Theses submitted in a temporary binding should be strong enough to withstand ordinary handling and postage;
Theses submitted in a temporary form shall have fixed to the cover a label clearly identifying the name of the candidate:
These submitted in abound form shall normally be on international standard A4 size paper sewn and bound in boards covered with book cloth or buckram or other binding fabric.
The title of the thesis, the candidate's initials and surname, the title of the degree, the year of submission and the name of the University of Sydney should appear in lettering on the front cover or on the title page.
The lettering on the spine, reading from top to bottom, should conform as far as possible to the above except that the name of the University of Sydney may be omitted and the thesis title abbreviated;
Supporting material should be bound in the back of the thesis as an appendix or in a separate set of covers.
The degree shall not be awarded until the candidate has caused at least one copy of the thesis (containing any corrections or amendments that maybe required) to be bound in permanent form.
The thesis shall be accompanied by a statement from the supervisor stating whether, in the supervisor's opinion, the form of presentation of the thesis is satisfactory.
A candidate may not present as the thesis a work which has been presented for a degree in this or another university, but will not be precluded from incorporating such in the thesis provided that in presenting the thesis the candidate indicates the part of the work which has been so incorporated.
12 Requirements for the degree by coursework
A candidate proceeding primarily by coursework shall complete such courses; attend such seminars; and complete such essay or other written work as may be prescribed by the Faculty on the recommendation of the head of department concerned.
13 Examination
On completion of the requirements for the degree by a candidate proceeding primarily by research and thesis, the Faculty, on the recommendation of the head of department concerned, shall appoint at least two examiners to examine and report on the thesis.
The reports of the examiners shall be made available to the head of department who shall consult with the professor most concerned, if the professor is not the head of the department, and the supervisor.
The head of the department shall report the result of the examination of the candidature, together with a recommendation concerning the award of the degree, to the Faculty which shall determine the result.
In special cases the Faculty, on recommendation of the head of the department concerned, may require the candidate to take a further examination in the area of the thesis.
permit an unsuccessful candidate to revise and resubmit the thesis if, in the opinion of the head of the department concerned, the candidate's work is of sufficient merit to warrant this concession; and
On completion of the requirements for the degree by a candidate proceeding primarily by coursework the head of the department shall report the result of the examination of the coursework to the Faculty which shall determine the result of the candidature.
14 Progress
The Faculty may, on the recommendation of the head of the department concerned, call upon any candidate to show cause why that candidature should not be terminated by reason of unsatisfactory progress towards completion of the degree; and where, in the opinion of the Faculty, the candidate does not show good cause, terminate the candidature.