University of Sydney Handbooks - 2011 Archive

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Resolutions of the Faculty


Resolutions of the Faculty of Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources for coursework awards

These resolutions apply to all undergraduate and postgraduate coursework award courses in the Faculty, unless specifically indicated otherwise. Students enrolled in postgraduate research awards should consult the resolutions for their course. These resolutions must be read in conjunction with applicable University By-laws, Rules and policies including (but not limited to) the University of Sydney (Coursework) Rule 2000 (the 'Coursework Rule'), the resolutions for the course of enrolment, the University of Sydney (Student Appeals against Academic Decisions) Rule 2006 (as amended) and the Academic Board policies on Academic Dishonesty and Plagiarism.

Part 1: Course enrolment

1 Enrolment restrictions

The Coursework Rule limits the maximum number of credit points students may take in any given semester. The Faculty does not encourage full time students to exceed the recommended enrolment patterns for its courses.

2 Time limits

The Coursework Rule limits the time students may take to complete their course; part time students should ensure their enrolment pattern allows completion within the maximum time. The Rule also defines how time limits are affected by periods of suspension or absence, and the time limits for recognition of credit for previous study.

3 Suspension, discontinuation and lapse of candidature

The Coursework Rule specifies the conditions for suspending or discontinuing candidature, and return to candidature after these events. The Rule also defines the circumstances when candidature is deemed to have lapsed. Students should pay careful attention to the significant dates in these processes and their effect on results and financial liability.

4 Credit for previous study

For undergraduate degrees: the Dean may approve a maximum of 96 credit points of credit towards the requirements. A maximum of 36 unspecified credit points for units of study not comparable to units listed in table units for each degree may be granted as part of the 96 credit point maximum credit transfer permitted.
For postgraduate courses: a maximum of six credit points may be granted to graduate certificates, and 12 credit points to graduate diplomas and master's, except that full credit will be awarded for students moving through an embedded sequence.

Part 2: Unit of study enrolment

5 Cross-institutional study

Provided that permission has been obtained in advance, the Dean may permit a student to complete a unit of study at another institution and have that unit credited to the student's course requirements provided that:
the unit of study content is material not taught in any corresponding unit of study in the University; or
the student is unable for good reason to attend a corresponding unit of study at the University.
Cross institutional study is regarded as another form of credit and will be counted as such when considering eligibility.

6 International Exchange

The faculty encourages students with a minimum credit average, to participate in international exchange programs. For more information refer to the International Office.

Part 3: Studying and Assessment

7 Attendance

Students are required to be in attendance at the correct time and place of any formal or informal examinations. Non attendance on any grounds insufficient to claim special consideration will result in the forfeiture of marks associated with the assessment. Participation in a minimum number of assessment items may be included in the requirements specified for a unit of study.
Students are expected to attend a minimum of 90% of timetabled activities for a unit of study, unless granted exemption by the Dean. A student who has not met the minimum attendance requirements in a unit may be deemed to have failed to complete the requirements and may be excluded by the Dean from admission to examinations in that unit.

8 Late submission policy

It is expected that unless an application for special consideration has been approved, students will submit all assessment for a unit of study on the due date specified. If the assessment is completed or submitted within the period of extension, no academic penalty will be applied to that piece of assessment.
If an extension is either not sought, not granted or is granted but work is submitted after the extended due date, the late submission of assessment will result in an academic penalty at the discretion of the unit coordinator or as advised in the unit outline.

9 Special consideration for illness, injury or misadventure

Special consideration is a process that affords equal opportunity to students who have experienced circumstances that adversely impact their ability to adequately complete an assessment task in a unit of study. The Coursework Rule provides full details of the University policy. The procedures for applying for special consideration are described in each unit of study outline.

10 Concessional pass

In this Faculty the grade PCON (Concessional Pass) is not awarded.

11 Re-assessment

In this Faculty re-assessment is offered to students whose performance is in the prescribed range and circumstances.
Students whose final mark for their unit of study is within the range 45-49 may be offered the chance to complete re-assessment. Re-assessment will normally be offered within 3 weeks at the end of the formal examination period and it is the student's responsibility to be available to attend during this time. The maximum mark awarded for a unit of study in these circumstances will be 50 - Pass.
Students who have successfully requested special consideration may be allowed to sit the exam or submit the required work at a negotiated date that should not be longer than the period of incapacitation and in any case not longer than 3 months. After this time the student will be considered to have discontinued with permission. Marks will be awarded at full value for re-assessment where special consideration is approved.

Part 4: Progression, Results and Graduation

12 Satisfactory progress

The Faculty will monitor students for satisfactory progress towards the completion of their award course. In addition to the common triggers used to identify students not meeting academic progression requirements (as defined by the Progression requirements of the Coursework Rule), students must pass any unit of study identified in the course resolutions as being critical to progression through the course.
An undergraduate student must obtain the written permission of the Associate Dean (Teaching and Learning) to enrol in level 3000 units of study unless he/she has successfully completed all required level 1000 units of study and has successfully completed or is concurrently enrolled in compulsory level 2000 units of study.

13 Award of the degree of bachelor with honours

To qualify for the award of honours a student must:
have a Year 2/3 WAM of at least 65 across years two/three; and
complete an independent research component as part of the final year of the program with an overall honours mark of at least 65.
General conditions of candidature include:
In the event of a recommendation for the award of honours that departs from these standards, it shall be incumbent upon the Degree Coordinator and section concerned to make out a substantial case for such a departure.
Admissible grounds for departure would include medical disability or misadventure early in the course, and of a nature for which allowance could not be made through the normal special consideration processes for units of study.
The honours mark is determined by the overall honours mark at the end of the fourth year and shall be the average of the Year 2/3 WAM and the Year 4 WAM.
Honours is awarded in the following classes:

Level of honours

Overall honours mark

Minimum WAM Years 2/3

First Class

mark >= 75


Second Class, Division 1

70 <= mark < 75


Second Class, Division 2

65 <= mark < 70


Honours not awarded

mark <65


14 University medal

A student with a year four WAM of at least 85 and a year two/three WAM of at least 80, may be awarded a university medal. The medal is awarded at the discretion of the faculty to the highest achieving students who in the opinion of the Faculty have an outstanding academic record, in accordance with Coursework Rule.

15 Weighted average mark (WAM)

The University has a formula for calculating a Weighted Average Mark and this is defined in the University Glossary. WAMs are used by the University as one indicator of performance. For example, WAMs can be used in assessing admission to and award of honours, eligibility for prizes and scholarships, or assessing progression through a course.
For the BAgrEc and BResEc, the Faculty of Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources uses a Year 2/3 WAM that includes all 2000 level and 3000 level units of study. All 4000 level units of study count towards Year 4 WAM.
For the BScAgr, the Faculty of Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources uses a Year 2/3 WAM that includes all 2000 level and 3000 level units of study, except those 3000 level units of study taken to fulfil part of the requirements for Year 4. For the BScAgr, the Year 4 WAM includes all 4000 level units of study as well as any 3000 level unit of study taken to fulfil part of the requirements for Year 4.
The WAM calculations use the following formula:
sum(Wc x Mc)  
where Wc is the unit of study credit points x the unit weighting and Mc is the mark achieved for the unit. The mark used for units with a grade AF is zero. Pass/fail units and credited units from other institutions are not counted. All units carry a weighting of one, except the individual research components of undergraduate degrees, which carry a weighting of two.

Part 5: Other

16 Transitional provisions

These resolutions apply to students who commenced their candidature after 1 January, 2011 and students who commenced their candidature prior to 1 January, 2011 who elect to proceed under these resolutions.
Candidates who commenced prior to 1 January, 2011 may complete the requirements in accordance with the resolutions in force at the time of their commencement, provided that requirements are completed by 1 January, 2016. The Faculty may specify a later date for completion or specify alternative requirements for completion of candidatures that extend beyond this time.