University of Sydney Handbooks - 2011 Archive

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Postgraduate research


Master of Science in Agriculture

Master of Agricultural Economics

Doctor of Philosophy

These resolutions should be read in conjunction with The University of Sydney (Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)) Rule 2004 as outlined in The University of Sydney Calendar and the Resolutions of the Academic Board relating to the degree of Doctor of Philosophy.

1 Course codes


Course title


Master of Science in Agriculture


Master of Agricultural Economics


Doctor of Philosophy

2 Candidature

A candidate for the degree of Master of Science in Agriculture, Master of Agricultural Economics or Doctor of Philosophy, will proceed by research and submission of a thesis.

3 Admission requirements

An applicant for admission to candidature for a research degree will:
hold a degree of Bachelor of the Faculty with First or Second Class Honours or equivalent of the University of Sydney; or
for the Master of Agricultural Economics or Master of Science in Agriculture, hold a degree of Bachelor of the Faculty with a credit grade or above in the fourth year in the field in which the candidate is proceeding; or
have completed courses in another faculty or institution, these courses being deemed by the Faculty to be equivalent.
Demonstrated research ability will be considered when determining eligibility; applicants proposing to proceed primarily by research and thesis should provide evidence such as publications in scientific journals.
A research topic, which is satisfactory in terms of research interests, resources and availability of supervision within the discipline, must be agreed upon between the applicant and the supervisor.
The Faculty will require a person admitted as a candidate for the degree of Master of Science in Agriculture, Master of Agricultural Economics or Doctor of Philosophy to serve a period of probation for not more than two semesters and to complete such work during the period as it may prescribe, and at the completion of the period, the Faculty will review the candidature and the work completed, and may confirm or terminate the candidature.
If the Faculty confirms the candidature, it will be deemed to have commenced at the beginning of the period of probation.
Applicants may be required to provide evidence of adequate financial resources for personal support and compulsory fees during candidature.
They may be required to demonstrate to the satisfaction of the Faculty a proficiency in the English language adequate to undertake the proposed candidature.

4 Availability

The number of students admitted may be limited and will be determined by:
availability of resources, including space, library, equipment and computing facilities, and
availability of adequate and appropriate supervision.
In considering an application for admission to candidature the Faculty will take account of resource limitations and will select in preference applicants who are most meritorious in terms of section 3 above.

5 Periods of candidature

The minimum period of candidature for a full-time candidate for the degree of Master of Science in Agriculture or the degree of Master of Agricultural Economics will be four semesters, except in the case of a candidate who holds the degree of Bachelor of the Faculty with first- or second-class Honours or another qualification accepted by the Faculty as equivalent, for whom the minimum period will be two semesters.
The maximum period of full-time candidature for the Master of Science in Agriculture or the Master of Agricultural Economics will be six semesters, but the Faculty may, in special circumstances, extend a candidature.
The minimum period of candidature for a full-time candidate for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy will usually be six semesters.
The Faculty will determine the minimum and maximum periods of candidature for part-time candidates on a pro-rata basis.
The Faculty may deem time spent or work done for another research degree of The University of Sydney to be time spent or work done for the degree of Master of Science in Agriculture or the degree of Master of Agricultural Economics if the candidate has ceased to be a candidate for the other degree, and the Faculty may reduce the minimum and maximum periods of candidature accordingly.

6 Part-time candidature

The Faculty may permit candidates to enrol in part-time candidature provided they supply a satisfactorily detailed plan of their proposed program and attend at the University for such consultation with the supervisor and participate in such faculty activities as are required by the Associate Dean (Postgraduate).
The Faculty may permit part-time candidates for the Master of Agricultural Economics, Master of Science in Agriculture or Doctor of Philosophy admitted under the provisions of chapter 10 of the by-laws to complete the investigation elsewhere, after four semesters have been spent in this or equivalent candidature within the University.
Candidates admitted to part-time candidature are expected to devote a minimum of 20 hours per week (or equivalent) to their candidature.
Research assistants or associate lecturers in the University will enrol part-time unless they can demonstrate to the satisfaction of the Faculty that they have sufficient time to pursue full-time candidature.

7 Control of candidature

Each candidate for the Master of Agricultural Economics, Master of Science in Agriculture or Doctor of Philosophy will pursue his or her course of advanced study and research wholly under the control of the Faculty.
Where a candidate is employed by an institution other than the University, the Faculty may require a statement by that employer acknowledging that the candidature will be under the control of the Faculty.

8 Appointment of supervisor

The Faculty will appoint a member of the full-time academic or research staff of the Discipline in which a candidate for the Master of Agricultural Economics, Master of Science in Agriculture or Doctor of Philosophy is proceeding to be the candidate's supervisor.
The Faculty will also appoint one or more associate supervisor/s of the candidate who may be a member of the academic or research staff of the University, an Honorary Research Associate, or a person with appropriate qualifications in another institution or organisation.

9 Progress

Each candidate will report regularly to the Faculty on his or her progress towards completing the requirements for the degree.
The Faculty will consider the report of each candidate and may, if it considers that a candidate has not made satisfactory progress towards completing the requirements for the degree, terminate the candidature.

10 Discontinuation of enrolment and readmission after discontinuation

A Master of Agricultural Economics, Master of Science in Agriculture or Doctor of Philosophy candidate will be presumed to have discontinued enrolment in a unit of study or the degree from the date of application to the Faculty unless evidence is produced
that the discontinuation occurred at an earlier date, and
that there was good reason why the application could not be made at the earlier time.
A candidate who discontinues enrolment in a unit of study or degree before 31 March or 31 August will be recorded as having withdrawn from that unit or degree.
A candidate who discontinues enrolment in a unit of study or degree after 31 March or 31 August will be recorded as 'Discontinued - Not to count as failure'.
A candidate who at any time discontinues enrolment from a degree will not be entitled to re-enrol in that degree unless the candidate is readmitted to candidature for that degree.
Subject to section (1), candidates may not discontinue enrolment in a unit of study after the end of classes in that unit, unless the degree regulations permit otherwise.
The Dean, Pro Dean or an Associate Dean of a Faculty may act on behalf of that Faculty in the administration of these resolutions.

11 Lodgement of thesis

Not earlier than the end of the minimum period of candidature, each candidate proceeding by research and thesis will lodge with the Faculty copies of a thesis embodying the results of an original investigation carried out by the candidate.
Three copies of a thesis are required from Masters candidates and four copies from PhD candidates.
The candidate will state in the thesis, generally in a preface and specifically in notes, the sources from which the information was derived, the extent to which the candidate has made use of the work of others, and the portion of the thesis the candidate claims to be original.
The thesis will be accompanied by a certificate from the candidate's supervisor stating whether, in the supervisor's opinion, the form of presentation of the thesis is satisfactory.
A candidate must be enrolled at the time of submission of the thesis.

12 Form of a thesis

A thesis may be bound for submission in either a temporary or a permanent form.
Temporary binding must be strong enough to withstand ordinary handling and postage. The preferred form of binding is the 'Perfect Binding' system; ring-back or spiral binding is not permitted.
The cover of a temporarily bound thesis must have a label with the candidate's name, name of the degree, the title of the thesis and the year of submission.
The requirements for permanent binding are set out in the Statutes and Regulations in the Academic Board's resolutions for binding of PhD theses.
Following examination, and emendation if necessary, at least one copy of a thesis (the Rare Book Library copy) must be bound in permanent form on archive paper.
If emendations are required, all copies of a thesis which are to remain available within the University must be amended.

13 Examination

The Faculty will appoint three examiners for a PhD thesis, of whom at least two will be external to the University. An internal examiner need not be expected and the supervisor can not be an examiner.
The Faculty will generally appoint two examiners for a Masters thesis of whom at least one will be external to the University. The supervisor can not be an examiner.

14 Result of candidature

The Board of Postgraduate Studies awards, or for the PhD degree the PhD Awards Sub Committee of the University's Research and Research Training Committee recommends the award of, the degree whenever:
the examiners have recommended without reservation that the degree be awarded and the Pro Dean concurs; or
all of the examiners have recommended that the degree be awarded or awarded subject to emendations to all copies of the thesis which are to remain available within the University and the Pro Dean concurs; or
the Board of Postgraduate Studies unanimously accepts a recommendation from the Discipline Leader to award or award subject to emendations despite reservations expressed by one or more of the examiners; or
The Board of Postgraduate Studies may permit an unsuccessful candidate to prepare for re-examination if, in its opinion, the candidate's work is of sufficient merit to warrant this concession and the Pro Dean has so recommended.

15 Authority

In accordance with Senate Resolutions, the Board of Postgraduate Studies exercises the Faculty's powers and functions in
regard to Faculty's management of each higher degree candidature.
The Board of Postgraduate Studies may authorise the Associate Dean (Postgraduate Studies) to take executive action on behalf of the Board when, in his or her opinion, timely action is necessary and unlikely to be contentious in discussion by the Board, with such actions taken and relevant documents to be reported and tabled at the next meeting of the Board of Postgraduate Studies for consideration and formal approval.
Allowable actions include approval of:
award of the degree of Doctor of Philosophy under conditions approved by the University's Academic Board.
award of the Master of Science in Agriculture and Master of Agricultural Economics degrees.
nomination of examiners
admission to candidature
supervisory arrangements
variation of candidature
extension of candidature
completion of candidature away from the University
suspension of candidature
the award of Faculty scholarships, the Faculty Research Support Scheme(FRSS) and the Postgraduate Research Support Scheme(PRSS) monies.
continuance following receipt of annual progress reports.

16 Board of Postgraduate Studies

Pursuant to the resolutions of Senate the Faculty appoints the following to the Board of Postgraduate Studies:
Pro Dean
Associate Dean (Postgraduate Studies)
Professors of the Faculty
Postgraduate Coordinators or their nominees