University of Sydney Handbooks - 2011 Archive

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Graduate Certificate in Agriculture

Candidates for the Graduate Certificate complete a total of 24 credit points (cp) made up of 12cp from their selected specialisation as specified in TABLE A and the balance from elective units chosen from any other units listed in TABLE D (subject to meeting prior learning requirements and timetabling). Students who have completed relevant prior learning at an equivalent level may be given up to 6cp advanced standing.

Table A


Core units


At least two of AGEC5401, AGEC5403, ACGEC5404

Agricultural Economics

At least two units of study beginning with the prefix AGEC54

Agricultural Technologies

At least two of AFNR5110, AFNR5201, AFNR5210, AFNR5307

Natural Resource Management

At least two of RSEC5431, RSEC5432, AFNR5502, AFNR5510,
AFNR5511, AFNR5512, AFNR5701

Resource Economics

At least two of RSEC5431, RSEC5432, RSEC5433

Sustainable Agriculture

At least two of RSEC5431, RSEC5432, AFNR5201, AFNR5210,
AFNR5511, AFNR5512, AFNR5701

Turf Management

At least two units of study beginning with the prefix AFNR56.
Department permission required.