Bachelor of Architecture and Environments

Learning Outcomes

On successful completion of the program students will be able to:


Course Learning Outcome

Graduate Quality

Graduate Quality

Graduate Quality

Graduate Quality


Describe and demonstrate how the fields of architecture, design, planning and architectural science interact and achieve positive architectural and environmental outcomes.

Depth of disciplinary expertise

Critical thinking and Problem solving

Interdisciplinary effectiveness

Integrated professional, ethical and personal identity


Combine practical skills, theory and evidence to create and evaluate designs, and proposals to solve real world problems through architecture, design, planning and architectural science.

Depth of disciplinary expertise

Critical thinking and Problem solving

Information and Digital literacy



Analyse historical, cultural, environmental and social issues in architecture and the built environment at different spatial and socio-political scales, applying these in the design process.

Critical thinking and Problem solving

Cultural competence

Integrated professional, ethical and personal identity



Distinguish between the differing theoretical underpinnings, methodologies and conventions of various modes of architectural, design, planning and architectural science research.

Depth of disciplinary expertise

Critical thinking and Problem solving

Interdisciplinary effectiveness



Use sophisticated communication concepts including oral, written, quantitative, visual and other forms of communication relevant to architecture and environments to illustrate a synthesis of ideas.

Critical thinking and Problem solving

Communication (oral and written)

Information and Digital literacy



Demonstrate collaboration, employ self-reflection and practice positive critical review.

Integrated professional, ethical and personal identity

Communication (oral and written)

Cultural competence

Interdisciplinary effectiveness