Master of Urban Design

Over the last century, urban design has gradually emerged as a distinct field in response to:

  1. built environment professionals needing to work collaboratively with the drivers of urban change to influence urban places at the ‘precinct scale’ of a city or town.
  2. the need for better design skills at urban scales: streets, street blocks, town centres, city districts, new suburbs, and cross-city infrastructure.

Urban design is an integrated discipline that includes a broad range of knowledge and skills including but not limited to economic, environmental, social, spatial and infrastructure planning, housing, urban data science, place-making and governance. The course is offered with a strong commitment to understanding the relationship of urban design and form to Aboriginal culture and Country.

During your Master of Urban Design degree a combination of core and elective units will allow you to obtain the knowledge and the ability to contribute to such a broad understanding of urban development processes, design and form. It is strongly recommended that students enrol in core courses that are prerequisites for other units before taking electives.