Further information

  1. Application and admission
  2. Disclosure
  3. Suspension of candidature
  4. Assessment
  5. Progression
  6. Special consideration and illness and misadventure
  7. Mandatory and voluntary notification requirements
  8. Appeals
  9. Evaluation
  10. Clinical schools
  11. US Federal Student Aid
1. Application and admission

Applicants to the Sydney Medical Program must have completed, or be in the final year of, a bachelor's degree with a track record of good academic performance, achieving a good score in the Australian or US graduate medical student admission test, and performing well in a multiple mini interview.admission

About 10 percent of domestic students in each cohort gain admission to the sydney Medical Program through a double-degree program, for which school leavers are eligible if they achieve an exceptional final high-school score and perform satisfactorily in an assessment process.

For up to date details on admission and application requirements for entry into the University of Sydney Medical Program, visit:http://sydney.edu.au/medicine/study/md/admission/index.php

2. Disclosure

All applicants must fully disclose all information relevant to Sydney Medical School's decision about an offer of admission. All such information known to the applicant must be disclosed at the time of initial application.

Relevant information includes (but is not limited to) academic performance and transcripts, citizenship and permanent residency, details of any exclusions and certification of completion of previous bachelor's degree by the time of enrolment in the University of Sydney Medical Program.

If an applicant fails to disclose any information that would have resulted in a decision not to offer admission, the applicant's offer of admission or subsequent enrolment in the Sydney Medical Program will be rescinded.

Presentation of false or forged documents by an applicant may constitute a criminal offence and the University may take appropriate action in such cases, including (but not limited to) cancellation of an application for admission, cancellation of an offer of admission or termination of enrolment.

3. Suspension of candidature

Sydney Medical School may permit students to suspend their candidature in the Sydney Medical Program for the following purposes:

  1. To undertake a higher degree. With the permission of the Dean, a student may interrupt candidature in order to enrol for another degree in the University of Sydney (such as a higher degree by research) or any other institution approved by the Dean. The student may resume the Sydney Medical Program at such time and under such conditions as were agreed by the Dean at the time permission to suspend was granted.
  2. For any other purpose, at the discretion of the Dean, including but not limited to, serious illness, misadventure and appropriate professional development.

In most instances, students seek to suspend candidature for an entire academic year. Periods of suspension for less than an academic year, or periods of suspension that begin during an academic year, cause difficulties because of the integrated nature of the Medical Program and because the scheduling of teaching Blocks does not conform with University semesters.

The faculty will grant approval for a suspension from candidature only after a student has successfully completed at least one semester of enrolment. Students who do not satisfy the academic requirements for semester 1 in Stage 1, will be required to withdraw and repeat Stage 1 in its entirety in accordance with the Course Resolutions.

The precise arrangements and academic requirements for any interruption of candidature during an academic year will be determined on a case-by-case basis at the discretion of the Directors of the Medical Program, in accordance with available capacity, Faculty provisions and University policies.

Requests for suspension of candidature submitted after the Higher Education Contribution Scheme (HECS) census dates (31 March for Semester 1 and 31 August for Semester 2) will result in a HECS fee liability for at least half of a year's fees.

Students should note the requirement to complete the Medical Program in a maximum of five academic years. This does not include any period of suspension up to two semesters. Students should be aware that if a student suspends candidature for more than one academic year (two semesters) and is required to repeat a year because of academic failure, he or she may be at risk of being required to show cause because of a breach of this rule.

Suspension of candidature for any one period of more than 12 months will not be permitted, other than in exceptional circumstances and with the approval of the Dean (see Rules).

4. Assessment

See University of Sydney Assessment Policy (as amended) and Assessment Procedures (as amended).

The Sydney Medical Program utlises a range of tasks and assessments to determine students' eligibility for progression (or graduation) and/or provide feedback to individuals:

  1. Formative tasks. These give students feedback on their progress in learning. The results of formative assessments do not contribute directly to decisions about progression (or eligibility for graduation) or grading, although students should be aware that participation in these assessments is noted.
  2. Unit of study, theme and in-block assessments. These are specific assessments that are compulsory. They include formal designated examinations, online tasks, clinical and other practical tasks and written assignments. Students must complete and/or participate in all designated assessments, and the fact of completing or participating is a part of the unit of study, theme and in-block academic requirements. The submission of formative tasks for review, and completion of unit of study, theme and in-block assessments, are considered to be professionally appropriate behaviour. Failure to complete these learning tasks conscientiously, and in an orderly and timely fashion, may constitute a breach of the Medical Program's Professionalism Requirements.
  3. Required Summative assessments. These are used for the purpose of making decisions about grading, progression and graduation.
Assessment schedule

At the beginning of each year, the Sydney Medical Program publishes that year's assessment schedule online. The assessment schedule identifies all RFAs and Summative Assessments that an enrolled student is required to complete in order to satisfy the requirements for progression.

5. Progression

The details of requirements for progression (or eligibility for graduation) and for the provision of remediation and reassessment are set out in the Rules section: Rules - Doctor of Medicine and Rules - Bachelor of Medicine/Bachelor of Surgery.

The Progression Requirements are to be read in conjunction with the University of Sydney Coursework Policy 2014.

Students are also urged to refer to the Medical Program’s statement on Attendance Requirements, which are updated from time to time and made available on the University of Sydney Policy Register under Local Provisions.

Students are strongly advised against entering into travel or other commitments that may be disrupted if they are required to undertake remediation and/or additional (e.g. supplementary) assessments prior to or after any summative assessment. Commitment to non-refundable travel costs will not be accepted as an excuse for non-attendance at remediation or additional assessments.

Because of the integrated structure of the Themes and Blocks, a student who is required to repeat Stage 1 or 2 of the Sydney Medical Program (see below) must repeat the whole Stage, and will be reassessed in all Themes and Blocks in that Stage.

6. Special consideration and Illness and Misadventure
(a) Special consideration: general points

Students who seek Special Consideration in respect of an assessment because of short-term illness, injury or misadventure during a Block or Term, or at the time of examination, should read the University's Assessment Policy and Procedures.

Further information can be found in the Student Administration website.

Students who experience longstanding or ongoing problems, such as permanent impairments or chronic illness, should contact the University's Disability Services Unit.

(b) Illness or misadventure during a Stage

A student who does not attend scheduled activities for prolonged periods because of serious illness or adverse circumstances should seek an early interview with the relevant Sub-Dean or Clinical School Associate Dean.

Details of requirements are available in the Sydney Medical Program Attendance and Leave Policy.

It should be noted that students who do not complete the Medical Program within five years may be required to show cause as to why they should be allowed to continue their candidature. This may apply regardless of the circumstances.

(c) Illness or misadventure at the time of an assessment

A student who believes that his/her attendance or performance at an assessment has been compromised by serious illness or misadventure has a right to apply for Special Consideration in accordance with the University's Assessment Policy and Procedures.

7. Mandatory and voluntary notification requirements

The Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA) in partnership with the Medical Council of New South Wales, implements the National Registration and Accreditation Scheme under the Health Practitioner Regulation National Law Act 2009 (known as 'the National Law'). This applies to graduates of medical schools in NSW.

All medical students enrolled in Australian medical schools are registered with the Medical Board of Australia in accordance with processes of the AHPRA. Information about student registration can be found on the Medical Board website: http://www.medicalboard.gov.au/Registration/Types/Student-Registration.aspx

AHPRA has developed guidelines under the National Law that provide direction to education providers, about the requirements for mandatory notifications of individual students. Students should make themselves familiar with the Guidelines for Mandatory Notifications on the Medical Board of Australia website. More information about reporting requirements can be found at: http://www.medicalboard.gov.au/Registration/Types/Student-Registration.aspx

8. Appeals

Any student may appeal against an academic decision in the Sydney Medical Program.

Appeals may only be made, and their outcomes will only be determined, in accordance with the University of Sydney (Student Appeals Against Academic Decisions) Rule 2006 (as amended)

Students who wish to appeal against an academic decision are advised to read the policy and follow the prescribed steps in order for an appeal to be accepted.

9. Evaluation

Evaluation is an essential element of educational process. Evaluation methods are designed to collect, analyse and apply information from students, staff and others involved in the delivery of the Medical Program. The emphasis is on ensuring that evaluation data are incorporated in decision-making. Evaluation goes hand-in-hand with assessment, seeking to determine how well the educational needs of students have been met and whether educational standards have been attained. The Medical Program is evaluated for educational quality, and the curriculum is regularly updated to ensure that the most recent educational innovations are implemented. The effectiveness of evaluation depends on high response rates from the students and teachers who take part.

Students in the Medical Program are invited to become partners in evaluation - for their own benefit through improvements in the course, as a professional responsibility to develop skills as reflective learners, and to take part in the ongoing cycle of curriculum development for the benefit of future students.

Most of the formal evaluation is conducted online by means of questionnaires or surveys.

There is a strong, conspicuous track record of changes and improvements to the Medical Program resulting from student evaluation. Academic staff regularly meet with student representatives to discuss priorities and processes for introducing changes that enhance the educational experience.

10. Clinical Schools

Specific information on Sydney Medical School’s Clinical Schools can be found at the following websites:

Central Clinical School
Website: sydney.edu.au/medicine/central

The Children's Hospital at Westmead Clinical School
Website: sydney.edu.au/medicine/chw

Concord Clinical School
Website: sydney.edu.au/medicine/concord

Nepean Clinical School
Website: sydney.edu.au/medicine/nepean

Northern Clinical School
Website: sydney.edu.au/medicine/northern

Westmead Clinical School
Website: sydney.edu.au/medicine/westmead

School of Rural Health
Website: sydney.edu.au/medicine/rural-health

Sydney Adventist Hospital Clinical School
Website: sydney.edu.au/medicine/sah

Further information can be found here: http://sydney.edu.au/medicine/schools-disciplines-centres/clinical-schools/index.php

11. US Federal Student Aid

Currently, US students are eligible to apply for student loans from the US Government in order to cover fees and other costs in the Sydney Doctor of Medicine (MD) program.

US applicants for the MD program at Sydney Medical School should note the following important information.

  1. From 1 March 2019, The University of Sydney will not accept applications for US Federal Student Aid from students enrolled in the MD. Students who enter the MD program in 2019 and wish to access US Federal Student Aid must apply for their loans before 1 March 2019.
  2. US Federal Student Aid will not be available to students enrolled in the MD after 31 December 2020, regardless of when they first enrolled.
  3. To be eligible to receive US Federal Student Aid in 2020, amongst other eligibility criteria, students must have remained continuously enrolled throughout the MD and must have accessed the Federal Student Aid scheme before 1 March 2019.

Please note that the eligibility of Sydney Medical School to participate in the US Federal Student Aid program is subject to review by the US Department of Education on an annual basis. Consequently, Sydney Medical School cannot guarantee that students enrolled in the MD will have access to US Federal Student Aid from 2017 to 2020. In addition, students enrolled in the MD are required to meet the standard US Federal Student Aid eligibility requirements in order to receive funding from 2017 to 2020. These eligibility requirements are outlined on the University’s website: http://sydney.edu.au/study/finances-fees-costs/fees-and-loans/international-student-loan-schemes.html

Enquiries can be directed to: . To discuss other financing options, students may wish to contact the International Loans Team at: .