Bachelor of Science / Doctor of Medicine


Bachelor of Science/Doctor of Medicine

These resolutions must be read in conjunction with the applicable University By-Laws, Rules and policies including (but not limited to) the University of Sydney (Coursework) Rule 2014 (the ‘Coursework Rule’), the Coursework Policy 2014 (‘the Coursework Policy’), the Learning and Teaching Policy 2015, the Resolutions of the Faculty of Science, the University of Sydney (Student Appeals against Academic Decisions) Rule 2006 (as amended), the Academic Honesty in Coursework Policy 2015 and the Academic Honesty Procedures 2016. Up to date versions of all such documents are available from the Policy Register:

Course resolutions

1 Course codes


Course title


Bachelor of Science/Doctor of Medicine


2 Attendance pattern

The attendance pattern for this course is full time only.

3 Streams

The Bachelor of Science in this double degree is available in the following streams:
Medical Science
Completion of a stream is not a requirement of the Bachelor of Science. The requirements for the completion of each stream are as specified in Table A for the Bachelor of Science or, in the case of the Dalyell stream, in Table S of the Shared Pool for Undergraduate Degrees.
Candidates wishing to transfer between streams should contact the Student Centre.
Candidates who qualify for the Dalyell stream may complete that stream while also completing another stream.

4 Cross faculty management

Candidates in this double degree program will be under the general supervision of the Faculty of Science until the end of the semester in which they complete the requirements for the Bachelor of Science. They will then be under the supervision of the University of Sydney Medical School.
The Faculty of Science and the University of Sydney Medical School shall jointly exercise authority in any matter concerned with the double degree program not otherwise dealt with in these resolutions.

5 Admission to candidature

Admission to this course is on the basis of a secondary school leaving qualification such as the NSW Higher School Certificate (including national and international equivalents) leading to the award of an Australian Tertiary Admission Ranking (ATAR) or equivalent. English language requirements must be met where these are not demonstrated by sufficient qualifications taught in English. Special admission pathways are open for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. Applicants are ranked by merit and offers for available places are issued according to the ranking. Details of admission policies are found in the Coursework Rule.
Applicants are only eligible for assessment for admission to the first available course intake following the receipt of their final ATAR results or equivalent. Applicants are ineligible for admission to the course in subsequent years.
Admission to this course requires the applicant to participate in an assessment process, including a written assessment and a panel discussion session. The result of this assessment will form part of the ranking of applicants.
Admission to the Dalyell stream requires achievement of a minimum tertiary admission rank (ATAR) set by the Board of Interdisciplinary Studies or equivalent standard.

6 Requirements for award

The units of study that may be taken for the course are set out in:
Table A for the Bachelor of Science; and
Table S from the Shared Pool for Undergraduate Degrees; and
Table O from the Shared Pool for Undergraduate Degrees; and
The Table of units for the Doctor of Medicine from the Faculty of Medicine.
In these resolutions, Table A, Table S, Table O mean Table A, Table S and Table O as specified here.
To qualify for the award of both degrees a candidate must successfully complete 336 credit points, comprising:
144 credit points to qualify for the award of the Bachelor of Science as specified in the resolutions for the Bachelor of Science, including:
12 credit points of mathematics degree core units of study as set out in Table A (candidates may count the units from their major(s) or minor(s) to fulfil this requirement); and 12 credit points of 1000-level science elective units of study (excluding units listed as mathematics degree core) as set out in Table A (candidates may count the units from their major(s) or minor(s) to fulfil this requirement); and
A major (48 credit points) or program defined in Section 7 below and listed in Table A; and
A minor (36 credit points) or second major (48 credit points) as defined in Section 7 below and listed in Table A or Table S; and
12 credit points of units of study in the Open Learning Environment as listed in Table O; and
18 credit points of foundational knowledge units of study for medicine offered by the Faculty of Science comprising BIOL1XX7, PHSI2X05 or MEDS2001, ANAT2011 or MEDS2005 and one zero credit point unit (SMTP3007); and
Where appropriate, elective units from Table A and Table S; and
If enrolled in a stream, complete the requirements for the stream as specified in Table A or Table S.
192 credit points to qualify for the award of the Doctor of Medicine as specified in the resolutions for the Doctor of Medicine.

7 Programs, majors and minors

Completion of a major from Table A is a requirement for this double degree.
Completion of a minor or second major from Table A or Table S is a requirement for this double degree.
Candidates have the option of completing a program with an embedded major from Table A provided that the total credit point value of the program and the degree core does not exceed 78 credit points.
The programs and majors available as first majors in the Bachelor of Science are as specified in the resolutions for the Bachelor of Science, Bachelor of Science/Bachelor of Advanced Studies and in Table A.
The minors and majors available as second majors in the Bachelor of Science are as specified in Table A and Table S.

8 Progression rules

Progression within the Bachelor of Science
Candidates must complete all requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Science, including the designated foundational knowledge units of study for medicine offered by the Faculty of Science specified in (6) (3) (a) (v), within three years (or four years if candidates take an embedded honours component through the Bachelor of Advanced Studies), excluding any authorised periods of suspension, in order to progress to the Doctor of Medicine degree.
Candidates must achieve an Annual Average Mark (AAM) of at least 65.0 in each year of study in the Bachelor of Science to continue in the double degree, this being the minimum achievement required for admission to candidature for the Doctor of Medicine.
Failure to maintain the minimum progression requirements will result in candidates being transferred from the double degree program to a Bachelor of Science degree with full credit for all units of study successfully completed.
Progression within the Dalyell Stream
With the permission of the Dalyell coordinator, candidates in the Dalyell Stream may attempt units of study at higher levels than the usual sequence.
Candidates must achieve an AAM at a level determined by the Board of Interdisciplinary Studies in each year of study to continue in the Dalyell Stream. Candidates who do not maintain this AAM at the level determined by the Board of Interdisciplinary Studies may continue in the Bachelor of Science component of the double degree, but will not remain in the Dalyell Stream.
Progression within the Medical Science Stream
Candidates in this stream will be required to meet the progression requirements for the stream as specified in the resolutions of the Bachelor of Science.
Progression within the Doctor of Medicine is as specified in the resolutions for the Doctor of Medicine.
Progression within the Doctor of Medicine is as specified in the Resolutions for the Doctor of Medicine.

9 Requirements for the award with Honours

Honours in the Bachelor of Science is available to meritorious candidates who have completed requirements for the Bachelor of Science degree, by suspending candidature, with the permission of the Faculty of Science and the University of Sydney Medical School, in the double degree for one year, enrolling in the Bachelor of Advanced Studies and taking an embedded honours component in an additional year of full time study.
The grade of honours in the Bachelor of Advanced Studies will be determined by an honours mark calculated from work in the embedded honours component as specified in Table A and the Resolutions of the Faculty of Science.

10 Award of the degrees

The Bachelor of Science is awarded at Pass level. Honours in science is taken by enrolling in the Bachelor of Advanced Studies and completing an embedded honours component.
Candidates who attempt the Bachelor of Science with an embedded honours component in the Bachelor of Advanced Studies who do not meet the requirements for honours but who meet the requirement for the pass degree, may be awarded the relevant degree or degrees at pass level for which they fulfil requirements.
The Doctor of Medicine is awarded as a Pass grade.

11 Cross-institutional study

Cross institutional study is not available in this double degree course.

12 International exchange

The Faculty of Science encourages candidates in this course to participate in international exchange programs while undertaking the Bachelor of Science as specified in the Resolutions of the Faculty of Science provided that the progression requirements and timelines in Section 8 of these resolutions can be met.

13 Course transfer

A candidate may abandon the double degree program and elect to complete the Bachelor of Science in accordance with the resolutions governing the degree. Completion of the Doctor of Medicine in the future will require a new application for admission to that course and completion in accordance with the resolutions governing that degree.
With the permission of the Faculty of Science and the University of Sydney Medical School, suitably qualified candidates may, after completing requirements for the Bachelor of Science, defer progression to the Doctor of Medicine and undertake an embedded honours component in the Bachelor of Advanced Studies, and, upon completion of the Bachelor of Advanced Studies, continue to the Doctor of Dental Medicine.
A candidate who has suspended enrolment in the double degree to enrol in the Bachelor of Advanced Studies to complete requirements of honours or a stream may, with the permission of the Faculty of Science and the Faculty of Medicine, abandon the Bachelor of Advanced Studies and enrol in the Doctor of Medicine.

14 Credit for previous study

It is not possible for candidates enrolled in the Bachelor of Science / Doctor of Medicine to obtain credit for previous studies.

15 Transitional provisions

These resolutions apply to candidates who commenced their candidature after 1 January, 2018 and candidates who commenced their candidature prior to 1 January, 2018 who elect to proceed under these resolutions.
Candidates who commenced their candidature prior to 1 January, 2018 who elect to transfer and proceed under these resolutions should note that the University does not undertake to offer 4000 level honours units of study in the Bachelor of Advanced Studies degree prior to 2020 nor 2000 or 3000 level units of study prior to 2019 and that it may not be possible to complete requirements for the Bachelor of Advanced Studies before the end of Semester 2 2020 or the Bachelor of Science component of the double degree before the end of Semester 2 2019.
Candidates who commenced their candidature prior to 1 January 2018 may complete the requirements in accordance with the resolutions in force at the time of their commencement.