University of Sydney Handbooks - 2022 Archive

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Clinical Dentistry (Orthodontics)

Please check the current students website (Find a unit of study) for up-to-date information on units of study including availability.

Unit outlines will be available through Find a unit outline two weeks before the first day of teaching for 1000-level and 5000-level units, or one week before the first day of teaching for all other units.

Unit of study Credit points A: Assumed knowledge P: Prerequisites C: Corequisites N: Prohibition Session


Doctor of Clinical Dentistry (Orthodontics)

(a) In order to fulfil the requirements for specialist registration in Orthodontics, students must complete 144 credit points in the sequence indicated by years 1-3 below
(b) Enrolment is full-time
(c) All units of study are compulsory unless otherwise noted.

Graduate Diploma in Clinical Dentistry (Tooth Mechanics)

(a) Students must complete 48 credit points in the sequence indicated by year 1 below
(b) Enrolment is full-time
(c) All units of study are compulsory unless otherwise noted.

Graduate Certificate in Clinical Dentistry (Tooth Mechanics)

(a) Students must complete 24 credit points in the sequence indicated below
(b) Enrolment is full-time
(c) All units of study are compulsory unless otherwise noted.

Graduate Certificate in Clinical Dentistry (Tooth Mechanics)

Orthodontics Clinical Training 1
6    A Knowledge acquired from the following online study module topics: Clinical examination (extra oral intraoral features), Patient interview data, Diagnostic tools, Definition and Aetiology of malocclusion, Cephalometrics. Introduction, Cephalometrics. Practice locating basic landmarks, Cast and arch length analysis, Tooth size problems and Bolton analysis, Diagnostic summary and problem list, treatment planning and sequencing - Part 1, Diagnostic summary and problem list, treatment planning and sequencing - Part 2, Clinical photography, Introduction to cleft lip and palate, Tip-Edge Introduction Course, Functional Appliances Course
C DENT5161 and DENT5162

Refer to the unit of study outline
Semester 1
Orthodontics Clinical Training 2
6    A Knowledge acquired from the following online module topics: Brackets, bands and bonding materials, Bracket and band placement (theory), Fixed appliance systems, Standard Edgewise Course I- Types of wires / pliers; how, why, when, Wire properties in orthodontic appliances, Basics in orthodontic anchorage
C DENT5160 and DENT5162

Refer to the unit of study outline
Semester 1
Introduction to Orthodontic Theory
6    A Knowledge acquired from the following online module topics: Introduction to facial growth development, Biology of tooth movement I, Biology of tooth movement II, Perio ligament: Anatomy and histology
C DENT5160 and DENT5161

Refer to the unit of study outline
Semester 1
Research Methods in Dentistry

Refer to the unit of study outline
Semester 1
Doctor of Clinical Dentistry (Orthodontics) and Graduate Diploma in Clinical Dentistry (Tooth Mechanics)
Year 1
Orthodontics Clinical Training 1
6    A Knowledge acquired from the following online study module topics: Clinical examination (extra oral intraoral features), Patient interview data, Diagnostic tools, Definition and Aetiology of malocclusion, Cephalometrics. Introduction, Cephalometrics. Practice locating basic landmarks, Cast and arch length analysis, Tooth size problems and Bolton analysis, Diagnostic summary and problem list, treatment planning and sequencing - Part 1, Diagnostic summary and problem list, treatment planning and sequencing - Part 2, Clinical photography, Introduction to cleft lip and palate, Tip-Edge Introduction Course, Functional Appliances Course
C DENT5161 and DENT5162

Refer to the unit of study outline
Semester 1
Orthodontics Clinical Training 2
6    A Knowledge acquired from the following online module topics: Brackets, bands and bonding materials, Bracket and band placement (theory), Fixed appliance systems, Standard Edgewise Course I- Types of wires / pliers; how, why, when, Wire properties in orthodontic appliances, Basics in orthodontic anchorage
C DENT5160 and DENT5162

Refer to the unit of study outline
Semester 1
Introduction to Orthodontic Theory
6    A Knowledge acquired from the following online module topics: Introduction to facial growth development, Biology of tooth movement I, Biology of tooth movement II, Perio ligament: Anatomy and histology
C DENT5160 and DENT5161

Refer to the unit of study outline
Semester 1
Research Methods in Dentistry

Refer to the unit of study outline
Semester 1
Orthodontics Clinical Training 3
6    P (DENT5160 and DENT5161) or DENT6226
C DENT5164 and DENT5165

Refer to the unit of study outline
Semester 2
Orthodontics Clinical Training 4
6    P (DENT5160 and DENT5161) or DENT6226
C DENT5163 and DENT5165

Refer to the unit of study outline
Semester 2
Basic Orthodontic Theory
6    P DENT5162 or DENT6226
C DENT5163 and DENT5164

Refer to the unit of study outline
Semester 2
Dental Research Studies 1
6    P DENT6000

Refer to the unit of study outline
Semester 1
Semester 2
Doctor of Clinical Dentistry (Orthodontics)
Year 2
Orthodontics Clinical Training 5
6    P (DENT5163 and DENT5164) or DENT6227
C DENT5167 and DENT5168

Refer to the unit of study outline
Semester 1
Orthodontics Clinical Training 6
6    P (DENT5163 and DENT5164) or DENT6227
C DENT5166 and DENT5168

Refer to the unit of study outline
Semester 1
Intermediate Orthodontic Theory
6    P DENT5165 or DENT6227
C DENT5166 and DENT5167

Refer to the unit of study outline
Semester 1
Dental Research Studies 2
6    P DENT6010

Refer to the unit of study outline
Semester 1
Semester 2
Orthodontics Clinical Training 7
6    P (DENT5166 and DENT5167) or DENT6228
C DENT5170 and DENT5171

Refer to the unit of study outline
Semester 2
Orthodontics Clinical Training 8
6    P (DENT5166 and DENT5167) or DENT6228
C DENT5169 and DENT5171

Refer to the unit of study outline
Semester 2
Advanced Orthodontic Theory
6    P DENT5168 or DENT6228
C DENT5169 and DENT5170

Refer to the unit of study outline
Semester 2
Dental Research Studies 3
6    P DENT6010 and DENT6011

Refer to the unit of study outline
Semester 1
Semester 2
Year 3
Orthodontics Clinical Training 9
6    P (DENT5169 and DENT5170) or DENT6229
C DENT5173 and DENT5174

Refer to the unit of study outline
Semester 1
Orthodontics Clinical Training 10
6    P (DENT5169 and DENT5170) or DENT6229
C DENT5172 and DENT5174

Refer to the unit of study outline
Semester 1
Comprehensive Orthodontic Theory 1
6    P DENT5171 or DENT6229
C DENT5172 and DENT5173

Refer to the unit of study outline
Semester 1
Dental Research Studies 4
6    P DENT6010 and DENT6011 and DENT6012

Refer to the unit of study outline
Semester 1
Semester 2
Orthodontics Clinical Training 11
6    P (DENT5172 and DENT5173) or DENT6230
C DENT5176 and DENT5177

Refer to the unit of study outline
Semester 2
Orthodontics Clinical Training 12
6    P (DENT5172 and DENT5173) or DENT6230
C DENT5175 and DENT5177

Refer to the unit of study outline
Semester 2
Comprehensive Orthodontic Theory 2
6    P DENT5174 or DENT6230
C DENT5175 and DENT5176

Refer to the unit of study outline
Semester 2
Dental Research Studies 5
6    P DENT6010 and DENT6011 and DENT6012 and DENT6013

Refer to the unit of study outline
Semester 1
Semester 2


Doctor of Clinical Dentistry (Orthodontics)

(a) In order to fulfil the requirements for specialist registration in Orthodontics, students must complete 144 credit points in the sequence indicated by years 1-3 below
(b) Enrolment is full-time
(c) All units of study are compulsory unless otherwise noted.

Graduate Diploma in Clinical Dentistry (Tooth Mechanics)

(a) Students must complete 48 credit points in the sequence indicated by year 1 below
(b) Enrolment is full-time
(c) All units of study are compulsory unless otherwise noted.

Graduate Certificate in Clinical Dentistry (Tooth Mechanics)

(a) Students must complete 24 credit points in the sequence indicated below
(b) Enrolment is full-time
(c) All units of study are compulsory unless otherwise noted.

Graduate Certificate in Clinical Dentistry (Tooth Mechanics)

DENT5160 Orthodontics Clinical Training 1

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Refer to the unit of study outline Session: Semester 1 Classes: Refer to the unit of study outline Corequisites: DENT5161 and DENT5162 Assumed knowledge: Knowledge acquired from the following online study module topics: Clinical examination (extra oral intraoral features), Patient interview data, Diagnostic tools, Definition and Aetiology of malocclusion, Cephalometrics. Introduction, Cephalometrics. Practice locating basic landmarks, Cast and arch length analysis, Tooth size problems and Bolton analysis, Diagnostic summary and problem list, treatment planning and sequencing - Part 1, Diagnostic summary and problem list, treatment planning and sequencing - Part 2, Clinical photography, Introduction to cleft lip and palate, Tip-Edge Introduction Course, Functional Appliances Course Assessment: Refer to the unit of study outline Practical field work: Refer to the unit of study outline Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) day
Note: Refer to the unit of study outline
This unit familiarises students with the important aspects of orthodontic clinical sequences and basic clinical skills. It runs for two months and covers both basic theoretical and clinical orthodontic skills that are essential prior to undertaking patient treatment. This unit has a preclinical focus: Typodont simulation to manage and observe orthodontic tooth movement and wire bending sessions to learn and practice hand bending of wires.
Refer to the unit of study outline
DENT5161 Orthodontics Clinical Training 2

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Refer to the unit of study outline Session: Semester 1 Classes: Refer to the unit of study outline Corequisites: DENT5160 and DENT5162 Assumed knowledge: Knowledge acquired from the following online module topics: Brackets, bands and bonding materials, Bracket and band placement (theory), Fixed appliance systems, Standard Edgewise Course I- Types of wires / pliers; how, why, when, Wire properties in orthodontic appliances, Basics in orthodontic anchorage Assessment: Refer to the unit of study outline Practical field work: Refer to the unit of study outline Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) day
Note: Refer to the unit of study outline
This unit is designed to further familiarise students with the important aspects of orthodontic treatment sequencing by typodont simulations and to also learn clinical set-up and basic clinical skills. Further typodont training is carried out where students manage and observe orthodontic tooth movement prior to patient management. Wire bending sessions allow the students to hand bend a variety of structures from the wire. Basic clinical set-up sessions aim to teach students to undertake very basic procedures clinically, including bracket bonding, removable appliances placement and bonded appliance cementation.
Refer to the unit of study outline
DENT5162 Introduction to Orthodontic Theory

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Refer to the unit of study outline Session: Semester 1 Classes: Refer to the unit of study outline Corequisites: DENT5160 and DENT5161 Assumed knowledge: Knowledge acquired from the following online module topics: Introduction to facial growth development, Biology of tooth movement I, Biology of tooth movement II, Perio ligament: Anatomy and histology Assessment: Refer to the unit of study outline Practical field work: Refer to the unit of study outline Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) day
Note: Refer to the unit of study outline
This unit is a series of lectures and daily tutorials on fundamental orthodontic theory. The topics in this unit include the concept of growth and development, craniofacial anatomy and cephalometric analysis. Students are required to read and critically review the designated reading and present their views in the tutorials.
Refer to the unit of study outline
DENT6000 Research Methods in Dentistry

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Refer to the unit of study outline Session: Semester 1 Classes: Refer to the unit of study outline Assessment: Refer to the unit of study outline Practical field work: Refer to the unit of study outline Mode of delivery: Online
Note: Refer to the unit of study outline
Research Methods in Dentistry is a postgraduate course designed to provide fundamental knowledge and skills in clinical research design and Evidence­Based Dentistry for students intending to undertake research at the Sydney Dental School. All course material is provided through eLearning via the University of Sydney's website. A detailed series of modules and resources are included in the study material. Students are required to complete one tutorial exercise/assignment each week and a final assignment at the end of the course.
Topics covered include introduction to Evidence­Based Dentistry, epidemiologic study design, and basic biostatistics. Considerable attention is paid to critical appraisal of journal articles which is an indispensable tool in the pursuit of clinical practice founded on Evidence­Based Dentistry. An introduction into conducting literature search, diagnostic test studies and systematic reviews is also provided.
Refer to the unit of study outline
Doctor of Clinical Dentistry (Orthodontics) and Graduate Diploma in Clinical Dentistry (Tooth Mechanics)
Year 1
DENT5160 Orthodontics Clinical Training 1

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Refer to the unit of study outline Session: Semester 1 Classes: Refer to the unit of study outline Corequisites: DENT5161 and DENT5162 Assumed knowledge: Knowledge acquired from the following online study module topics: Clinical examination (extra oral intraoral features), Patient interview data, Diagnostic tools, Definition and Aetiology of malocclusion, Cephalometrics. Introduction, Cephalometrics. Practice locating basic landmarks, Cast and arch length analysis, Tooth size problems and Bolton analysis, Diagnostic summary and problem list, treatment planning and sequencing - Part 1, Diagnostic summary and problem list, treatment planning and sequencing - Part 2, Clinical photography, Introduction to cleft lip and palate, Tip-Edge Introduction Course, Functional Appliances Course Assessment: Refer to the unit of study outline Practical field work: Refer to the unit of study outline Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) day
Note: Refer to the unit of study outline
This unit familiarises students with the important aspects of orthodontic clinical sequences and basic clinical skills. It runs for two months and covers both basic theoretical and clinical orthodontic skills that are essential prior to undertaking patient treatment. This unit has a preclinical focus: Typodont simulation to manage and observe orthodontic tooth movement and wire bending sessions to learn and practice hand bending of wires.
Refer to the unit of study outline
DENT5161 Orthodontics Clinical Training 2

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Refer to the unit of study outline Session: Semester 1 Classes: Refer to the unit of study outline Corequisites: DENT5160 and DENT5162 Assumed knowledge: Knowledge acquired from the following online module topics: Brackets, bands and bonding materials, Bracket and band placement (theory), Fixed appliance systems, Standard Edgewise Course I- Types of wires / pliers; how, why, when, Wire properties in orthodontic appliances, Basics in orthodontic anchorage Assessment: Refer to the unit of study outline Practical field work: Refer to the unit of study outline Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) day
Note: Refer to the unit of study outline
This unit is designed to further familiarise students with the important aspects of orthodontic treatment sequencing by typodont simulations and to also learn clinical set-up and basic clinical skills. Further typodont training is carried out where students manage and observe orthodontic tooth movement prior to patient management. Wire bending sessions allow the students to hand bend a variety of structures from the wire. Basic clinical set-up sessions aim to teach students to undertake very basic procedures clinically, including bracket bonding, removable appliances placement and bonded appliance cementation.
Refer to the unit of study outline
DENT5162 Introduction to Orthodontic Theory

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Refer to the unit of study outline Session: Semester 1 Classes: Refer to the unit of study outline Corequisites: DENT5160 and DENT5161 Assumed knowledge: Knowledge acquired from the following online module topics: Introduction to facial growth development, Biology of tooth movement I, Biology of tooth movement II, Perio ligament: Anatomy and histology Assessment: Refer to the unit of study outline Practical field work: Refer to the unit of study outline Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) day
Note: Refer to the unit of study outline
This unit is a series of lectures and daily tutorials on fundamental orthodontic theory. The topics in this unit include the concept of growth and development, craniofacial anatomy and cephalometric analysis. Students are required to read and critically review the designated reading and present their views in the tutorials.
Refer to the unit of study outline
DENT6000 Research Methods in Dentistry

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Refer to the unit of study outline Session: Semester 1 Classes: Refer to the unit of study outline Assessment: Refer to the unit of study outline Practical field work: Refer to the unit of study outline Mode of delivery: Online
Note: Refer to the unit of study outline
Research Methods in Dentistry is a postgraduate course designed to provide fundamental knowledge and skills in clinical research design and Evidence­Based Dentistry for students intending to undertake research at the Sydney Dental School. All course material is provided through eLearning via the University of Sydney's website. A detailed series of modules and resources are included in the study material. Students are required to complete one tutorial exercise/assignment each week and a final assignment at the end of the course.
Topics covered include introduction to Evidence­Based Dentistry, epidemiologic study design, and basic biostatistics. Considerable attention is paid to critical appraisal of journal articles which is an indispensable tool in the pursuit of clinical practice founded on Evidence­Based Dentistry. An introduction into conducting literature search, diagnostic test studies and systematic reviews is also provided.
Refer to the unit of study outline
DENT5163 Orthodontics Clinical Training 3

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Refer to the unit of study outline Session: Semester 2 Classes: Refer to the unit of study outline Prerequisites: (DENT5160 and DENT5161) or DENT6226 Corequisites: DENT5164 and DENT5165 Assessment: Refer to the unit of study outline Practical field work: Refer to the unit of study outline Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) day
Note: Refer to the unit of study outline
This unit is designed to familiarise students with the important aspects of orthodontic clinical set-up and basic clinical skills. Students will be trained to undertake basic clinical procedures, including orthodontic bracket bonding, removable appliance placement and bonded appliances cementation.
Refer to the unit of study outline
DENT5164 Orthodontics Clinical Training 4

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Refer to the unit of study outline Session: Semester 2 Classes: Refer to the unit of study outline Prerequisites: (DENT5160 and DENT5161) or DENT6226 Corequisites: DENT5163 and DENT5165 Assessment: Refer to the unit of study outline Practical field work: Refer to the unit of study outline Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) day
Note: Refer to the unit of study outline
This unit is designed to further familiarise students with the important aspects of orthodontic clinical set-up and basic clinical skills. Students will be trained to undertake basic clinical procedures, including orthodontic bracket bonding, removable appliance placement and bonded appliances cementation. At this stage, the students also obtain basic skills in proceeding with correct treatment sequences.
Refer to the unit of study outline
DENT5165 Basic Orthodontic Theory

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Refer to the unit of study outline Session: Semester 2 Classes: Refer to the unit of study outline Prerequisites: DENT5162 or DENT6226 Corequisites: DENT5163 and DENT5164 Assessment: Refer to the unit of study outline Practical field work: Refer to the unit of study outline Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) day
Note: Refer to the unit of study outline
This unit is a series of lectures and daily tutorials on fundamental orthodontic theory. The topics in this unit include biomechanics of tooth movement and biomechanical traits of brackets and archwires. Students are required to read and critically review the designated reading and present their views in the tutorials. The students are also required to complete an assignment on a relevant topic and present it during the tutorials.
Refer to the unit of study outline
DENT6010 Dental Research Studies 1

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Refer to the unit of study outline Session: Semester 1,Semester 2 Classes: Refer to the unit of study outline Prerequisites: DENT6000 Assessment: Refer to the unit of study outline Practical field work: Refer to the unit of study outline Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) day
Note: Refer to the unit of study outline
This unit provides the introduction to a research project, including the development of a research proposal, completing a research data management plan, conducting literature review, and commencing ethics and other institutional biosafety approval application if necessary.
Refer to the unit of study outline
Doctor of Clinical Dentistry (Orthodontics)
Year 2
DENT5166 Orthodontics Clinical Training 5

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Refer to the unit of study outline Session: Semester 1 Classes: Refer to the unit of study outline Prerequisites: (DENT5163 and DENT5164) or DENT6227 Corequisites: DENT5167 and DENT5168 Assessment: Refer to the unit of study outline Practical field work: Refer to the unit of study outline Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) day
Note: Refer to the unit of study outline
This unit is designed to familiarise students with the important orthodontic techniques including standard Edgewise, basic straight wire techniques (e.g. MBT). Each clinical technique is taught first by typodont simulation and then applied to patients. This Unit also gives the students opportunities to use a variety of bracket types, and practice choosing proper archwires from a wide range of preformed wires. Advanced skills training also covers the knowledge and use of advanced digital imaging systems, such as Dolphin, 3dMD, LaserDenta and their applications in assisting case diagnosis, treatment planning and treatment assessment.
Refer to the unit of study outline
DENT5167 Orthodontics Clinical Training 6

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Refer to the unit of study outline Session: Semester 1 Classes: Refer to the unit of study outline Prerequisites: (DENT5163 and DENT5164) or DENT6227 Corequisites: DENT5166 and DENT5168 Assessment: Refer to the unit of study outline Practical field work: Refer to the unit of study outline Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) day
Note: Refer to the unit of study outline
This unit is designed to familiarise students with the important orthodontic techniques including various straight wire modalities, functional appliances, miniscrew implants. Each clinical technique is taught first by typodont simulation and then applied to patients. This Unit also gives the students opportunities to use a variety of bracket types, especially the self-ligating brackets, and build up their ability to choose proper archwires from a wide range of preformed wires. Advanced skills training also covers the knowledge and use of advanced digital imaging systems in assisting case diagnosis, treatment planning and treatment assessment.
Refer to the unit of study outline
DENT5168 Intermediate Orthodontic Theory

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Refer to the unit of study outline Session: Semester 1 Classes: Refer to the unit of study outline Prerequisites: DENT5165 or DENT6227 Corequisites: DENT5166 and DENT5167 Assessment: Refer to the unit of study outline Practical field work: Refer to the unit of study outline Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) day
Note: Refer to the unit of study outline
This unit is a series of lectures and daily tutorials on fundamental orthodontic theory. The topics in this unit include recent developments on the topics of growth and development, craniofacial anatomy cephalometric analysis, biomechanics of tooth movement, biomechanical traits of brackets and archwires. Students are required to read and critically review the designated reading and present their views in the tutorials. The students are also required to complete an assignment on a relevant topic and present it during the tutorials.
Refer to the unit of study outline
DENT6011 Dental Research Studies 2

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Refer to the unit of study outline Session: Semester 1,Semester 2 Classes: Refer to the unit of study outline Prerequisites: DENT6010 Assessment: Refer to the unit of study outline Practical field work: Refer to the unit of study outline Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) day
Note: Refer to the unit of study outline
This unit provides the skills and knowledge to write literature review and conduct a research project including carrying out experiments, data collection, and data analysis.
Refer to the unit of study outline
DENT5169 Orthodontics Clinical Training 7

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Refer to the unit of study outline Session: Semester 2 Classes: Refer to the unit of study outline Prerequisites: (DENT5166 and DENT5167) or DENT6228 Corequisites: DENT5170 and DENT5171 Assessment: Refer to the unit of study outline Practical field work: Refer to the unit of study outline Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) day
Note: Refer to the unit of study outline
This unit is designed to familiarise students with important advanced orthodontic techniques including invisible techniques (e.g. Invisalign and lingual). Each clinical technique is taught first by typodont simulation and then applied to patients. Advanced skills training also covers the further knowledge and use of advanced digital imaging systems in assisting case diagnosis, treatment planning and treatment assessment.
Refer to the unit of study outline
DENT5170 Orthodontics Clinical Training 8

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Refer to the unit of study outline Session: Semester 2 Classes: Refer to the unit of study outline Prerequisites: (DENT5166 and DENT5167) or DENT6228 Corequisites: DENT5169 and DENT5171 Assessment: Refer to the unit of study outline Practical field work: Refer to the unit of study outline Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) day
Note: Refer to the unit of study outline
This unit is designed to teach students how to combine and integrate various orthodontic techniques and apply them to resolving individual problems. The hybrid mechanism, which combines various bracket systems to achieve maximum effects, is also an important treatment philosophy that the students are required to learn and use in clinic.
Refer to the unit of study outline
DENT5171 Advanced Orthodontic Theory

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Refer to the unit of study outline Session: Semester 2 Classes: Refer to the unit of study outline Prerequisites: DENT5168 or DENT6228 Corequisites: DENT5169 and DENT5170 Assessment: Refer to the unit of study outline Practical field work: Refer to the unit of study outline Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) day
Note: Refer to the unit of study outline
This unit is a series of lectures and daily tutorials on advanced orthodontic theory. The topics in this unit include clinical trials and basic studies, narrative and systematic reviews on certain topics about clinical treatment modalities and their effects. This unit exposes students to contemporary developments of orthodontic treatment approaches and the supporting research, to understand the important philosophy of evidence-based orthodontics.
Refer to the unit of study outline
DENT6012 Dental Research Studies 3

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Refer to the unit of study outline Session: Semester 1,Semester 2 Classes: Refer to the unit of study outline Prerequisites: DENT6010 and DENT6011 Assessment: Refer to the unit of study outline Practical field work: Refer to the unit of study outline Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) day
Note: Refer to the unit of study outline
This unit involves a research project related to dentistry and oral health, including conducting the proposed experiments, collecting experimental data, and conducting statistical analysis as required.
Refer to the unit of study outline
Year 3
DENT5172 Orthodontics Clinical Training 9

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Refer to the unit of study outline Session: Semester 1 Classes: Refer to the unit of study outline Prerequisites: (DENT5169 and DENT5170) or DENT6229 Corequisites: DENT5173 and DENT5174 Assessment: Refer to the unit of study outline Practical field work: Refer to the unit of study outline Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) day
Note: Refer to the unit of study outline
This unit is designed to teach students how to combine and integrate various orthodontic techniques and apply them to resolving complicated orthodontic problems. The students are taught to treat malocclusions using various techniques including combined mechanisms consisting of different techniques that are suitable for the specific case. The hybrid mechanism, which combines various bracket systems to achieve maximum effects, is also an important treatment philosophy that the students are required to further learn and use in clinic.
Refer to the unit of study outline
DENT5173 Orthodontics Clinical Training 10

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Refer to the unit of study outline Session: Semester 1 Classes: Refer to the unit of study outline Prerequisites: (DENT5169 and DENT5170) or DENT6229 Corequisites: DENT5172 and DENT5174 Assessment: Refer to the unit of study outline Practical field work: Refer to the unit of study outline Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) day
Note: Refer to the unit of study outline
This unit is designed to teach students how to coordinate and integrate with other dental or surgical specialties for an interdisciplinary approach for the orthodontic patient. Interdisciplinary management with orthognathic surgery is an essential approach that is studied. The students are required to undertake pre and post-operative orthodontic treatment analysis and discuss orthognathic approaches with the surgeon.
Refer to the unit of study outline
DENT5174 Comprehensive Orthodontic Theory 1

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Refer to the unit of study outline Session: Semester 1 Classes: Refer to the unit of study outline Prerequisites: DENT5171 or DENT6229 Corequisites: DENT5172 and DENT5173 Assessment: Refer to the unit of study outline Practical field work: Refer to the unit of study outline Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) day
Note: Refer to the unit of study outline
This unit is a series of lectures and daily tutorials on comprehensive orthodontic theories. These include published studies on combined use of various techniques, and clinical trials that apply newly developed techniques. This unit also emphasises the recent developments of comprehensive orthodontic treatment approaches and the underlying research. This unit further exposes students to contemporary developments of orthodontic treatment approaches and the supporting research, to understand the important philosophy of evidence-based orthodontics.
Refer to the unit of study outline
DENT6013 Dental Research Studies 4

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Refer to the unit of study outline Session: Semester 1,Semester 2 Classes: Refer to the unit of study outline Prerequisites: DENT6010 and DENT6011 and DENT6012 Assessment: Refer to the unit of study outline Practical field work: Refer to the unit of study outline Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) day
Note: Refer to the unit of study outline
This unit involves a research project related to dentistry and oral health and also provides the training opportunity to develop a research grant proposal or discipline specific exercise to advance research skills.
Refer to the unit of study outline
DENT5175 Orthodontics Clinical Training 11

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Refer to the unit of study outline Session: Semester 2 Classes: Refer to the unit of study outline Prerequisites: (DENT5172 and DENT5173) or DENT6230 Corequisites: DENT5176 and DENT5177 Assessment: Refer to the unit of study outline Practical field work: Refer to the unit of study outline Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) day
Note: Refer to the unit of study outline
This unit is designed to further teach students how to coordinate and integrate with other dental or surgical specialties for an interdisciplinary approach for the orthodontic patient. Students learn about independently processing the entire course of treatment, including diagnosis and treatment planning and the implementation of specific treatment based on its underlying mechanisms.
Refer to the unit of study outline
DENT5176 Orthodontics Clinical Training 12

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Refer to the unit of study outline Session: Semester 2 Classes: Refer to the unit of study outline Prerequisites: (DENT5172 and DENT5173) or DENT6230 Corequisites: DENT5175 and DENT5177 Assessment: Refer to the unit of study outline Practical field work: Refer to the unit of study outline Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) day
Note: Refer to the unit of study outline
This unit is designed to teach students how deal with complicated situations in relation to case completion. The students are required to learn all of the procedures of terminating the treatment, including establishing a proper protocol for retention. They are also required to learn the protocols of case treatment summary and case records archiving.
Refer to the unit of study outline
DENT5177 Comprehensive Orthodontic Theory 2

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Refer to the unit of study outline Session: Semester 2 Classes: Refer to the unit of study outline Prerequisites: DENT5174 or DENT6230 Corequisites: DENT5175 and DENT5176 Assessment: Refer to the unit of study outline Practical field work: Refer to the unit of study outline Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) day
Note: Refer to the unit of study outline
This unit is a series of lectures and daily tutorials on concepts of interactions between orthodontics and other disciplines. These include the reported success in interdisciplinary management of the orthodontic patient, and the appropriate sequences in managing the interdisciplinary team. This unit exposes students to the contemporary developments of orthodontic interdisciplinary approaches and the supporting research, to understand the important philosophy of evidence-based orthodontics.
Refer to the unit of study outline
DENT6014 Dental Research Studies 5

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Refer to the unit of study outline Session: Semester 1,Semester 2 Classes: Refer to the unit of study outline Prerequisites: DENT6010 and DENT6011 and DENT6012 and DENT6013 Assessment: Refer to the unit of study outline Practical field work: Refer to the unit of study outline Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) day
Note: Refer to the unit of study outline
This unit requires the candidate to complete a specific research project in dentistry and oral health under supervision and present the research findings in the format of a treatise. The treatise is a formal piece of writing relevant to the research subject area of the Extended Masters Degree.
Refer to the unit of study outline