University of Sydney Handbooks - 2022 Archive

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Doctor of Medicine (Pre-2020 enrolment)

Teaching and learning objectives

The Sydney Medical Program Graduate Outcome statement is as follows:

To improve the health and wellbeing of people in Australia, including Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples, by educating and supporting, to the highest level, compassionate clinicians, medical scientists, health professionals and researchers whose work forms the basis of advances in health both locally and globally.

Goals and Themes

The curriculum is grouped around four themes:

  • Basic and Clinical Sciences Theme
  • Patient and Doctor Theme
  • Population Medicine Theme
  • Personal and Professional Development Theme.

Basic and Clinical Sciences Theme

Graduates of the Sydney Medical Program will demonstrate the ability to:

  • apply an understanding of normal and abnormal human structure, function and behaviour to the diagnosis, management and prevention of health problems
  • use the best available evidence on outcomes to prevent or cure disease, relieve symptoms or minimise disability
  • analyse clinical data and published work to determine their validity and application
  • participate in the generation, interpretation, application and dissemination of significant advances in medical knowledge
  • recognise the limits to scientific knowledge and understanding, and the continuing nature of all scientific endeavour.

Patient and Doctor Theme

Graduates of the Sydney Medical Program will demonstrate:

  • understanding of the therapeutic nature of the patient-doctor relationship and the effects on that relationship of the individual characteristics of both patient and doctor
  • the ability to listen, to identify issues of concern to patients, families and carers and to respond to those concerns, using whatever means are necessary for effective communication
  • the capacity to make rational and sensitive decisions based on the best available evidence, recognising that many decisions will inevitably be made in the face of uncertainty
  • the ability to elicit and interpret clinical symptoms and signs by interviewing and examining patients systematically and with sensitivity, and to use this information to guide further investigations
  • the ability to perform important clinical procedures, particularly those vital in life-threatening situations
  • the ability to prescribe medications safely, effectively and economically using objective evidence. Safely administer other therapeutic agents including fluid, electrolytes, blood products and selected inhalational agents
  • ethical behaviour in meeting the needs of patients, families, colleagues and the broader community
  • concern for confidentiality and respect for individual autonomy, enabling patients and their families to make informed decisions in relation to their medical care
  • understanding of the principles of care for patients at the end of their lives, avoiding unnecessary investigations or treatment, and ensuring physical comfort including pain relief, psychosocial support and other components of palliative care
  • the ability to obtain and use research-based information in health-care decisions and in advising patients on health-care choices
  • understanding of the principles of the design and analysis of health and medical research, including the ability to advise patients who might consider participating in research (such as clinical trials).

Population Medicine Theme

Graduates of the Sydney Medical Program will demonstrate the ability to:

  • evaluate the distribution of and risk factors for disease and injury
  • understand prevention practices in the care of individual patients and communities
  • make evidence-based, ethical and economically responsible decisions about the most appropriate management of health problems in individuals and in communities
  • identify the economic, psychological, occupational and socio-cultural factors that contribute to the development and/or continuation of poor health and to explain how poor health affects individuals and communities
  • evaluate the economic, political, social and legal factors which determine the way that individuals and communities respond to health problems and to describe how public and population health strategies are systematically planned and implemented
  • understand and describe the factors that contribute to the health and wellbeing of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, including history, spirituality and relationship to land, diversity of cultures and communities, epidemiology, social and political determinants of health and health experiences
  • communicate and care for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples effectively and in a culturally competent manner

Personal and Professional Development Theme

Graduates of the Sydney Medical Program will:

  • show commitment to compassionate, ethical professional behaviour
  • be able to work cooperatively as a member of a team, accepting and providing leadership as appropriate
  • be able to recognise their personal physical and emotional needs and responses to stress, and be open to assistance when it is required
  • show commitment to the advancement of learning within a community of medical scholars
  • have skills in the recording, organisation and management of information, with appropriate use of information technology
  • demonstrate awareness of and explain the options available when personal values or beliefs may influence patient care, including the obligation to refer to another practitioner
  • describe and apply the fundamental legal responsibilities of health professionals especially those relating to ability to complete relevant certificates and documents, informed consent, duty of care to patients and colleagues, privacy, confidentiality, mandatory reporting and notification
  • demonstrate awareness of financial and other conflicts of interest.


The Doctor of Medicine is fully accredited by the Australian Medical Council (AMC). As a consequence, our graduates are eligible for provisional registration as interns in any Australian state or territory, and in New Zealand.