University of Sydney Handbooks - 2022 Archive

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Intelligent Information Engineering

Please check the current students website (Find a unit of study) for up-to-date information on units of study including availability.

The Intelligent Information Engineering specialisation focuses on teaching you the latest technologies in information engineering such as machine learning and artificial intelligence (AI), video and speech recognition, multimedia and sensory signal processing.

The specialisation builds on foundations in mathematics, electrical engineering and computer and software engineering principles.

It will provide you with the deep knowledge and technical skills required to meet the surge of intelligence already being used in information engineering for a wide range of domains, such as smart cities, advanced manufacturing, automatic driving, 5G and Internet of Things, virtual reality and augmented reality.

Unit of study Credit points A: Assumed knowledge P: Prerequisites C: Corequisites N: Prohibition Session

Intelligent Information Engineering specialisation (Combined Degree)

Students complete 24 credit points to achieve this specialisation.
Students complete 18 credit points from the following:
Intelligent Visual Signal Understanding
6    A Mathematics (e.g. probability and linear algebra) and programming skills (e.g. Matlab/Java/Python/C++)
Semester 1
Advanced Signal Processing with Deep Learning
6    A Mathematics (e.g., probability and linear algebra) and programming skills (e.g. Matlab/Java/Python/C++)
Semester 2
Signals, Software and Health
6    A Mathematics (linear algebra and probabilities) and basic programming skills (python/matlab/C++/java)
Semester 2
Students complete 6 credit points from the following:
Digital Signal Processing
6    A Familiarity with basic Algebra, Differential and Integral Calculus, continuous linear time-invariant systems and their time and frequency domain representations, Fourier transform, sampling of continuous time signals
Semester 1
Data Communications and the Internet
6      Semester 2
Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing
6    A (ELEC2302 OR ELEC9302) AND (ELEC3305 OR ELEC9305). Linear algebra, fundamental concepts of signals and systems as covered in ELEC2302/ELEC9302, fundamental concepts of digital signal processing as covered in ELEC3305/9305. It would be unwise to attempt this unit without the assumed knowledge- if you are not sure, please contact the instructor
Semester 2
Video Intelligence and Compression
6    A Basic understanding of digital signal processing (filtering, DFT) and programming skills (e.g. Matlab/Java/Python/C++)
Semester 1
Intelligent Information Engineering Practice
6    A Students must have a good understanding of Linear algebra and basic mathematics, Basic Programming skills in C, Python or Matlab
Semester 2
Electrical and Optical Sensor Design
6    A Math Ext 1, fundamental concepts of signal and systems, fundamental electrical circuit theory and analysis
Semester 1
Software Defined Networks
6    A ELEC3506 OR ELEC9506
Semester 2
Units taken for the specialisation will also count toward requirements of the Electrical stream.