University of Sydney Handbooks - 2022 Archive

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Bachelor of Project Management

Course Overview

The Bachelor of Project Management uses multidisciplinary theories and methods to investigate a particular project management phenomenon from a holistic viewpoint. The program covers the fundamentals of project management in an industry context, and will provide you with fundamental project management skills that can be applied across any industry.

Core subject areas include project management, stakeholder management, project finance, complex project coordination, analytics, statistics, risk management and organisational behaviour.

The Bachelor of Project Management is accredited by the Project Management Institute Global Accreditation Center (GAC) for Project Management Education Programs.

Course Requirements

To meet the requirements of the Bachelor of Project Management, a candidate must successfully complete 144 credit points, comprising:

  1. 84 credit points of degree core units as set out in Table A; and
  2. A major (48 credit points) from Table A or Table S
  3. Optionally, a Table A minor (36 credit points), noting that specified core units may be cross counted in Table A minors
  4. Additional electives from Table A as may be necessary to gain credit to complete the requirements of the degree

The Bachelor of Project Management is offered as a combined degree with the Bachelor of Engineering (Honours).

For a standard enrolment plan for Bachelor of Project Management visit CUSP (