University of Sydney Handbooks - 2022 Archive

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Teaching (Qualifying) Practical Experience

About the practical experience

The term ‘Professional Experience’ refers to a Teacher Education Student doing practical work in the field as part of the University program. It is the core of all initial teacher education courses. Productive professional experience occurs when the University is able to work collaboratively with placement environments and their staff to ensure quality practical learning components for Teacher Education Students in school or early learning centre programs.

Professional experience is designed to integrate with and augment University coursework and provide teacher education students with opportunities to develop their professional skills and understandings in teaching environments. It is undoubtedly a most significant aspect of teacher education because it provides the major opportunity for teacher education students to draw together the more theoretical aspects of their learning with those aspects that are more explicitly orientated towards the professional practice of the teacher.

Requirements for completion

Master of Teaching (Early Childhood)
Students undertake a 20-day block in their first year. In their second year they complete a 20-day block in semester one and a 36-day internship in semester two. *

Master of Teaching (Primary)
Students undertake three blocks of professional experience in schools. The first 20-day block occurs in year one of the program. A second 25-day block occurs in semester one and a final 35-day internship occurs in semester two of the second year of the program.*

Master of Teaching (Health and Physical Education)
Students undertake a 20-day block in their first year. In their second year they complete a 25-day block in semester one and a 35-day internship in semester two.*

Master of Teaching (Secondary)
Students undertake a 20-day block in their first year. In their second year they complete a 25-day block in semester one and a 35-day internship in semester two.*

* Please note that the duration and timing of placements may be subject to variation in 2021 due to public health restriction impacts as a result of COVID-19.

Learning Outcomes

The broad purpose of the professional experience components of the school programs is to provide opportunities for preservice teachers to:

  • broaden their experience, understanding and appreciation of the realities of schooling and of the nature, needs and capacities of young people
  • progressively develop effective teaching and management skills
  • enhance their capacity to construct, implement and evaluate programs of appropriate learning experiences
  • develop an understanding and an appreciation of the role of teachers within both the school and its community
  • develop a reflective understanding of the ways in which as preservice teachers they are constituting their own sense of professional teacher identity.

This is achieved through the preservice teacher reflectively engaging with experiences within:

  • observation visits to schools and work with other educational institutions
  • in-school single-day and block teaching experiences
  • additional programs arranged for individual preservice teachers recommended for supplementary assistance or for specialised teaching experience.
Contacts and further information

See the Sydney School of Education and Social Work website for location and contact details, including counter opening hours for the Office of Professional Engagement and Program Support.

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