University of Sydney Handbooks - 2022 Archive

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Teaching (Qualifying)


Become a teacher with this two-year program. Gain hands-on experience wih practical experience in different settings. The Master of Teaching program is designed to instil in you the skills and knowledge necessary to excel in the classroom and prepare you to thrive within various educational contexts. This program offers various designed to equip students with specialist knowledge, designed to meet accreditation requirements.

The following streams are available in the Master of Teaching:

Master of Teaching (Early Childhood)

The Master of Teaching (Early Childhood) leads to a qualification as a teacher of children aged birth to five years, in pre-primary childcare and early-childhood-education settings. Students learn to integrate training for preservice teachers of infants, toddlers and preschool children. An examination of the vital relationships between early-childhood teachers, families, caregivers and the community is also integrated in the program.

Master of Teaching (Primary)

The Master of Teaching (Primary) is designed to prepare students for teaching all subjects in the Primary K–6 syllabi in NSW, as well as learning about teaching theory and practice, policy frameworks that shape teaching and completing three professional experience placements including an internship. Students undertake coursework that covers teaching in the Primary School Key Learning Areas of English, Mathematics, Science and technology, Human society and its environment (HSIE), Creative and practical arts, and Personal development, health and physical education (PDHPE), as well as multilingual classrooms (TESOL) and Special Education units.

Master of Teaching (Secondary)

The Master of Teaching (Secondary) program qualifies students for accreditation as a secondary school teacher in two teaching areas or one double teaching area. The program focuses on coursework that addresses the various complexities of teaching in a high school classroom, dealing with students from diverse backgrounds and needs, and thriving within educational systems.

Awards and requirements

To qualify for the award of Master of Teaching, candidates must complete 96 credit points worth of study as specified in the stream specific unit of study table.

Students normally complete a combination of core education and curriculum and professional units of study as well as practicum placements.

Please refer to the course rules in this handbook for information on the specific admission requirements for different coursework award courses.

Contacts and further information

Website: Sydney School of Education and Social Work

Master of Teaching (Early Childhood)
Dr Amanda Niland
Phone 02 9351 6361

Master of Teaching (Primary)
Dr Jon Callow
Phone 02 9351 2613

Master of Teaching (Secondary)
Dr Andrew Ross
Phone 02 8627 7362