University of Sydney Handbooks - 2020 Archive

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Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering

Course overview

A postgraduate specialisation in Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering is concerned with industrial processes in which material in bulk undergoes changes in its physical or chemical nature.

Chemical and biomolecular engineers design, construct, operate and manage these processes and in this they are guided by economic, environmental and societal considerations.

Areas of study include process intensification, sustainability, water and environmental treatment processes, biomolecular and cellular engineering and food processing.

This degree has been given full accreditation at the level of Professional Engineering by the industry governing body, Engineers Australia

Course requirements

Candidates for the Master of Professional Engineering (Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering) complete 144 credit points as listed in the unit of study table.

Candidates also complete 12 weeks of practical experience.

For more information on units of study and degree program requirements visit CUSP (