University of Sydney Handbooks - 2014 Archive

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Clinical Trials Practice

Unit of study table

Unit of study Credit points A: Assumed knowledge P: Prerequisites C: Corequisites N: Prohibition Session

Graduate Certificate in Clinical Trials Practice

Students in the Graduate Certificate in Clinical Trials Practice are required to complete 24 credit points from the following units of study:
Foundations of Clinical Trials
6      Semester 1
Research in Nursing and Health Care
6      Semester 1
Clinical Trials: Measurement & Analysis
6      Semester 2
Clinical Trials in Practice
6      Semester 2

Graduate Diploma in Clinical Trials Practice

Students in the Graduate Diploma in Clinical Trials Practice are required to complete 36 credit points. This includes 30 credit points from the following units of study and a 6 credit point elective:
Foundations of Clinical Trials
6      Semester 1
Research in Nursing and Health Care
6      Semester 1
Trial Design and Methods
6      Semester 1
Clinical Trials: Measurement & Analysis
6      Semester 2
Clinical Trials in Practice
6      Semester 2
A 6 credit point elective unit of study (see coordinator for advice)

Master of Clinical Trials Practice (Part time)

Students in the Master of Clinical Trials Practice are required to complete 48 credit points. This includes 30 credit points from the following units of study, 12 credit points of elective units of study, and a 6 credit point capstone, as follows:
Year 1, Semester 1
Foundations of Clinical Trials
6      Semester 1
Research in Nursing and Health Care
6      Semester 1
Year 1, Semester 2
Clinical Trials: Measurement & Analysis
6      Semester 2
Clinical Trials in Practice
6      Semester 2
Year 2, Semester 1
Trial Design and Methods
6      Semester 1
A 6 credit point elective unit of study (see coordinator for advice)
Year 2, Semester 2
Capstone (Clinical Trials Practice)
6    P NURS5066 and NURS5067 and NURS5068 and CLTR5001

Note: Department permission required for enrolment in the following sessions:Semester 2

Semester 1
Semester 2
A 6 credit point elective unit of study (see coordinator for advice)

Master of Clinical Trials Practice (Full time)

Students in the Master of Clinical Trials Practice are required to complete 48 credit points. This includes 30 credit points from the following units of study, 12 credit points of elective units of study, and a 6 credit point capstone, as follows:
Semester 1
Foundations of Clinical Trials
6      Semester 1
Research in Nursing and Health Care
6      Semester 1
Trial Design and Methods
6      Semester 1
A 6 credit point elective unit of study (see coordinator for advice)
Semester 2
Clinical Trials: Measurement & Analysis
6      Semester 2
Clinical Trials in Practice
6      Semester 2
A 6 credit point elective unit of study (see coordinator for advice)
Capstone (Clinical Trials Practice)
6    P NURS5066 and NURS5067 and NURS5068 and CLTR5001

Note: Department permission required for enrolment in the following sessions:Semester 2

Semester 1
Semester 2