University of Sydney Handbooks - 2014 Archive

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Bachelor of Nursing (Advanced Studies)

The Bachelor of Nursing (Advanced Studies) is accredited by the Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia and addresses all of the essential criteria for registration as a beginning practitioner, in most areas in which graduates may wish to practise.

Course overview

The Bachelor of Nursing (Advanced Studies) is a three-year pre-registration program for students without previous tertiary qualifications. It is designed to introduce students to the profession of nursing through an integration of both clinical practice and theory.

The units of study and the order in which you will take them is predetermined and is described in the unit of study tables. Students who have previously studied units at the undergraduate level that are similar in nature to those offered in the Bachelor of Nursing (Advanced Studies) are welcome to apply for credit. You should contact the relevant academic adviser for further information.

The pre-registration courses at Sydney Nursing School involve significant participation in off-campus clinical placements. You will complete more than 800 clinical hours during your degree. Before each clinical placement you will practise your skills in our clinical labs and high fidelity simulation wards. Clinical placement sites include private and public hospitals, mental health services and community health settings. The majority of clinical placements occur within the Sydney metropolitan area, although you will also be expected to undertake some clinical placements in rural locations. You will need to be available to complete full-time weeks of shiftwork throughout University holiday periods in order to complete your clinical placements.

Important information to prepare you for clinical placements:


The Bachelor of Nursing (Advanced Studies) consists of 144 credit points and 24 units of study (each worth six credit points), with eight units of study offered in each academic year. In terms of workload, most six credit point units of study consist of attendance at lectures, tutorials and/or laboratory sessions on a regular basis. There are also pre-reading and assessment items equating to approximately 10 hours per week. The course is offered only in the on-campus mode.

English language requirements

Students are strongly advised that all units of study are presented on the assumption that they possess a high level of competency in English (currently an IELTS overall band score of 7.0 with a minimum of 7.0 in each band, or equivalent score in another recognised test). This is particularly the case in respect of clinical education units of study where students require language skills that will not be challenged in a critical situation.

For safe practice, nurses require a high level of verbal and written English language skills, particularly technical language. Good English language skills are also necessary to fulfil the University's generic skills and the competency requirements of the Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia.

Applicants are strongly advised to make enquiries with the Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia regarding English language requirements for registration as these may differ from the English language requirements needed for admission into this program.

If you are facing difficulties with English language, either in the classroom or in the clinical environment, academic staff will recommend that you attend University support programs. You will be expected to use this assistance, so that you can perform well and communicate effectively with peers, teachers and patients or clients.

Course rules


Bachelor of Nursing (Advanced Studies)

These resolutions must be read in conjunction with applicable University By-laws, Rules and policies including (but not limited to) the University of Sydney (Coursework) Rule 2000 (the 'Coursework Rule'), the Resolutions of the Faculty, the University of Sydney (Student Appeals against Academic Decisions) Rule 2006 (as amended), the University policy on Academic Dishonesty and Plagiarism and the Sydney Nursing School Clinical Policy.

Course resolutions

1 Course codes


Course title


Bachelor of Nursing (Advanced Studies)

2 Attendance pattern

The attendance pattern for this course is full time or part time according to candidate choice.

3 Admission to candidature

Admission to undergraduate courses at the University of Sydney is competitive on the bases of completion of secondary study via the NSW Higher School Certificate, leading to the award of an Australian Tertiary Admission Ranking (ATAR) or equivalent (and subject to special provisions as set out in the Coursework Rule), or on the basis of Mature Age Admission as set out in the Admissions chapter of the Coursework Rule.
English language requirements for this course are detailed in the faculty resolutions.
This course requires applicants to have the ability to undertake clinical placements. The faculty's Clinical Policy contains further details of the requirements.
In addition, this course is not available to applicants who are registered to practice as a nurse in Australia or in New Zealand.

4 Requirements for award

The units of study that may be taken for the course are set out in the units of study table for the Bachelor of Nursing (Advanced Studies).
To qualify for the award of the Bachelor of Nursing (Advanced Studies) degree candidates must complete a minimum of 144 credit points, including all of the units of study set out in the table and any prescribed clinical experience.
Candidates are required to attend clinical simulation and fieldwork as required. Where appropriate, the faculty may require individual candidates to undertake further or remedial theoretical, clinical or practical study in addition to the above requirements. Clinical requirements are stipulated in the Faculty's Clinical Policy.

5 Requirements for the Honours degree

Admission, requirements and award of Honours are according to the Resolutions of the Bachelor of Nursing (Honours).

6 Award of the degree

The Bachelor of Nursing (Advanced Studies) is awarded in one grade: Pass.

7 Time limits

A candidate for the Bachelor of Nursing (Advanced Studies) must complete all of the course requirements within 10 calendar years.

8 Credit for previous study

Credit awarded for previous study at the University of Sydney or at another institution will not exceed 24 credit points.
Credit for nursing units of study will not be granted for recognised previous study older than five years at the time of first enrolment.
Students who are admitted to candidature on the basis of previous study may, at the discretion of the dean, be granted a maximum of 12 credit points of credit towards the award.