University of Sydney Handbooks - 2011 Archive

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Units of study

First Year

BIOL1003 Human Biology

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 1,Summer Main Prohibitions: BIOL1903 Assumed knowledge: HSC 2-unit Biology. Semester 1 students who have not completed HSC biology (or equivalent) are strongly advised to take the Biology Bridging Course (in February).
Note: It is recommended that BIOL (1001 or 1911) be taken concurrently with this unit of study.
This Unit of Study has four main components: lectures, practicals, workshops and HBOnline activities. The unit of study provides an introduction to human evolution and ecology, cell biology, physiology and anatomy, through lectures and practical work. The unit of study includes human nutrition, distribution of essential requirements to and from cells, control of body functions and defence mechanisms. After discussion of reproduction and development, it concludes with modern studies and research prospects in biotechnology and human genetics.
This unit of study, together with BIOL (1001 or 1911 or 1002 or 1902), or MBLG (1001 or 1901), provides entry to Intermediate units of study in Biology, but the contents of BIOL (1002 or 1902) is assumed knowledge for BIOL (2011 or 2012) and PLNT 2003, and students entering these units with BIOL (1003 or 1903) will need to do some preparatory reading.
CHEM1611 Chemistry A (Pharmacy)

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 1 Assumed knowledge: HSC Chemistry and Mathematics
Note: Department permission required for enrolment
Chemistry provides the basis for understanding molecular structures and processes, essential knowledge for many later year Pharmacy units of study. Lecture topics include some fundamental concepts, atomic theory, states and properties of matter, equations and stoichiometry, introduction to organic chemistry, nomenclature, aliphatic chemistry, aromatic chemistry, heterocyclic compounds, isomerism, stereoisomerism, reaction mechanisms, biomolecules, amino acids and peptides, carbohydrates, general acid-base theory, atomic structure, chemical bonding. Practical work is designed to enhance confidence and develop skills in the handling and manipulation of chemicals and in the observation and processing of experimental results.
Special preparative studies: Students wishing to enrol in CHEM1611 who do not have the assumed chemical knowledge are advised to consult the School of Chemistry for information about a bridging course.
PHAR1811 Foundations of Pharmacy

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 1 Assumed knowledge: HSC Chemistry
Foundations of Pharmacy is a broad introduction to the discipline of pharmacy and the roles that pharmacists play in health care as well as the ideas, issues, skills and knowledge base required of a professional pharmacist. A number of topics are introduced but not covered in depth; they will be further developed in subsequent units of study and later years of the degree. Specific skills in research, critical thinking, writing and presenting are developed in the context of activities designed to orient students to their future profession. The intent is that students begin to think and behave as future members of the profession of pharmacy, and reflect upon the attitudes and beliefs that will shape their practice.
PHAR1812 Basic Pharmaceutical Sciences

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 1 Corequisites: PHAR1811, CHEM1611 Assumed knowledge: HSC Chemistry
Basic Pharmaceutical Sciences provides an introduction to principles which will be expanded and applied in later years. This unit is concerned with several aspects of pharmaceutical chemistry and pharmaceutics discipline. The physicochemical properties of drugs are explored from the perspective of pharmacy as they complement perspectives gained from chemistry. Further modules provide introduction to solubility characteristics of drug molecules, dosage forms, drug discovery and fundamental mathematics. Small group work in workshop sessions will complement and support the learning of material introduced in lectures.
CHEM1612 Chemistry B (Pharmacy)

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 2 Corequisites: CHEM1611 Chemistry A (Pharmacy)
Note: Department permission required for enrolment
Chemistry provides the basis for understanding molecular structures and processes, essential knowledge for many later year Pharmacy units of study.Lecture topics include redox reactions, electrochemistry, introduction to colloids and surface chemistry, the biological periodic table, radiochemistry, chemical energetics, equilibrium theory, solution theory. Practical work is designed to enhance confidence and develop skills in the handling and manipulation of chemicals and in the observation and processing of experimental results.
MBLG1001 Molecular Biology and Genetics (Intro)

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 2 Prohibitions: AGCH2001, BCHM2001, BCHM2101, BCHM2901, MBLG2101, MBLG2901, MBLG2001, MBLG2111, MBLG2771, MBLG2871, MBLG1901 Assumed knowledge: 6 credit points of Junior Biology and 6 cp of Junior Chemistry
The lectures in this unit of study introduce the "Central Dogma" of molecular biology and genetics -i.e., the molecular basis of life. The course begins with the information macromolecules in living cells: DNA, RNA and protein, and explores how their structures allow them to fulfill their various biological roles. This is followed by a review of how DNA is organised into genes leading to discussion of replication and gene expression (transcription and translation). The unit concludes with an introduction to the techniques of molecular biology and, in particular, how these techniques have led to an explosion of interest and research in Molecular Biology. The practical component complements the lectures by exposing students to experiments which explore the measurement of enzyme activity, the isolation of DNA and the 'cutting' of DNA using restriction enzymes. However, a key aim of the practicals is to give students higher level generic skills in computing, communication, criticism, data analysis/evaluation and experimental design.
PHAR1821 Social Pharmacy

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 2 Corequisites: PHAR1811
This unit of study consists of three streams: Social Pharmacy, which is designed to provide a broad perspective of health and illness, and encourage a view of the patient as a whole person. Topics include self-regulation, pain, chronic illness and support networks. The emphasis will be on the psychosocial processes that underpin patient behaviour. Teamwork, which introduces students to the concept of teamwork and its relevance to the health care setting. Students will play an active role in a team based project incorporating analysis of team processes. Academic Writing Skills, which provides instruction and support for developing skills for academic writing and critiquing.
PHAR1822 Physical Pharmaceutics and Formulation A

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 2 Corequisites: PHAR1812 Assumed knowledge: HSC Chemistry and Mathematics
This unit of study aims to facilitate an understanding of the physicochemical principles, design, formulation, manufacture and evaluation of pharmaceutical dose forms. The unit starts with an introduction to different dose forms and the importance of route of administration. The formulation of liquid dose forms including parenteral, nasal, ophthalmic and aural products is discussed. Related topics such as diffusion and dissolution of drugs, drug solubilisation, surface and interfacial tension, surface active materials, micelle formation, pharmaceutical complexes and drug-packaging interactions will be covered. Fundamentals of the stability of pharmaceuticals are also presented in this unit. This unit of study also includes mathematical tools required for other units of study.

Second Year

PHAR2811 Drug Discovery and Design A

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 1 Prerequisites: CHEM1611, CHEM1612, PHAR1811, PHAR1812, MBLG1001 Corequisites: PHSI2601
This unit of study aims to provide the background to the study of drugs and the important interactions of drugs and their targets. Learning about the molecular bases of such interactions requires discussions of the fundamental macromolecules of life: DNA, RNA and proteins and processes as replication, transcription and translation. The course therefore also covers the fundamental mechanisms of the regulation of targets, as well as fundamental molecular interactions important for both detection and diagnostic applications for drugs and metabolites. Fuel metabolism and storage is considered, including metabolic adaptation and disorders of metabolism. Students get experience with a variety of practical techniques to assist learning in the course.
PHAR2812 Microbiology and Infection

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 1 Prerequisites: BIOL1003, PHAR1811, PHAR1812, MBLG1001
This unit of study provides information on the biology of micro-organisms with particular reference to the importance of micro-organisms in pharmacy and the pharmaceutical sciences. The unit also involves the application of basic microbiological principles to the production of clean and sterile pharmaceutical products in both community and hospital pharmacy, and in industrial manufacture. Topics include the comparison of the structure, function and importance of the major groups of micro-organisms; pathogenicity and epidemiology of infectious diseases (e.g., HIV); infection control measures and principles underlying treatment of infectious diseases; mechanisms of action, characteristics, and types of antibiotics and synthetic antimicrobial agents; antibiotic resistance; principles and methods of sterilisation, aspects of disinfection and preservation; concepts of good manufacturing practice and aseptic techniques. The practical component is illustrative of the lectures and focuses on techniques of handling microbial culture and identifying micro-organisms; factors affecting the microbial growth; transmission of diseases and host defence mechanisms; basic aseptic microbiological technique applicable to pharmaceutical sciences; and evaluation of different antimicrobial agents.
PHAR2813 Therapeutic Principles

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 1 Prerequisites: CHEM1611, CHEM1612, BIOL1003, MBLG1001, PHAR1812, PHAR1822 Corequisites: PHSI2601
This unit of study is intended to provide knowledge in a number of fundamental areas that guide and provide evidence to support the safe, effective and ethical use of medicines. These fundamental areas of knowledge start with an understanding of the relationship between drugs interacting with target sites in the body and the effect produced (i.e. pharmacodynamic principles) and understanding the physiological and physicochemical factors that govern the movement of drugs around the body and the time course of exposure of body tissues and blood to drugs (i.e. pharmacokinetics). These principles involve developing concepts and models to explain drug activity in patients and to guide appropriate drug dosage selection. To support this, relevant mathematical principles involving calculus are introduced during this unit of study.
This unit will also explore reasons behind variability in response to medicines among different individuals. The effects of disease, other drugs, demographics and the genetic basis for variable response will be introduced. Basic pharmacogenetic principles for explaining and predicting pharmacodynamic and pharmacokinetic variability in response will be explored.
Students are also exposed to the notion that medicines may produce adverse effects (as well as beneficial ones). The mechanisms underlying adverse reactions to drugs and how these are classified are explored as are the principles for detecting and avoiding these effects.
Ultimately, many options often exist to manage illness. While the fundamental principles described above assist in understanding how individual drugs should be used, they do not alone provide knowledge to select among alternative options. This unit will introduce students to methods that are used to provide evidence of efficacy and safety of different therapeutic options and to define the place in therapy of these options. To do this, the principles that underpin evidence based medicine (including the clinical trial and pharmacoepidemiology) and the notion of levels of evidence are introduced. Exposure to these principles is intended to develop in students a basic understanding of how to critically evaluate therapeutic options. The evaluation of therapeutic options requires an understanding of statistical methods, which are also introduced during this unit of study.
PHSI2601 Physiology for Pharmacy

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 1 Prerequisites: CHEM1611 and CHEM1612 and (BIOL1001 or BIOL1101 or BIOL1901 or BIOL1003 or BIOL1903) and MBLG1001
Physiology for Pharmacy provides a broad basic knowledge of human structure and function. Topics covered include studies of nerve and muscle physiology, and movement and consciousness. It also covers human endocrine hormones, reproduction, blood, heart and circulation, fluid regulation and electrolyte balance, the skin, sensory perception, gastro-intestinal function and respiration.
PCOL2605 Pharmacology for Pharmacy

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 2 Prerequisites: CHEM1611 and CHEM1612 and (BIOL1003 or BIOL1903) and MBLG1001 Corequisites: PHSI2601
This unit of study provides a basic understanding of drug actions related to physiological and pathological functions. It covers areas of drug-receptor interactions, pharmacodynamics and drug treatment of various physiological systems (e.g. autonomic nervous system, cardiovascular, respiratory and endocrine), management of pain and complementary drug therapy.
PHAR2821 Drug Discovery and Design B

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 2 Corequisites: PHAR2811 and PCOL2605
This unit of study covers drug design; physicochemical properties of drugs and how this determines the interactions of small molecules (drugs) with biological macromolecules (enzymes and receptors). All stages in the process of drug design and development will be investigated, including computational drug design and the required mathematics for computation and statistical treatment; role of stereochemistry in drug action, structure-activity relationships and molecular modelling; drug metabolism, bioactivation and inactivation; advanced analytical methods for the identification of drugs, their metabolites and degradation products; sources of drugs; discovery of new small molecules as leads for drug development. Workshops consist of the Stereochemistry/Ligand-Based Drug Design molecular modelling workshop, drug action workshop and drug metabolism problem-based learning workshop.
PHAR2822 Pharmacy Practice

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 2 Prerequisites: PHAR1811 and PHAR1821 Corequisites: PHSI2601 and PCOL2605
This unit of study is an introduction to Pharmacy Practice. It focuses on disease and the delivery of health care by the pharmacist. It will build on knowledge acquired in Physiology and Pharmacology and aims to develop knowledge and skills around common acute and chronic conditions, with a particular focus on elements of health care delivery that are unique to the pharmacist, within the health care environment. Different models of health care will be used to demonstrate effective health strategies.
PHAR2823 Physical Pharmaceutics and Formulation B

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 2 Prerequisites: CHEM1611, CHEM1612, PHAR1812, PHAR1822 Corequisites: PHAR2812
This unit of study builds on the material presented in Physical Pharmaceutics and Formulation A. The topics covered in this unit include: solid dose forms and particle science, rheology; dispersion dose forms including suspensions, colloidal dispersions, and emulsions; topical dose forms and semisolids; inhalation pharmaceutical aerosols; protein and peptide drugs and formulations; rectal products and novel drug delivery technologies. Aspects pertaining to the stability of dose forms are also presented in this unit. Practical activities relate to the preparation, quality control and quality assurance of a marketed solid dosage form.

Third Year

PHAR3811 Cardiovascular and Renal

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 1a Prerequisites: All first and second year units of study. Corequisites: PHAR3812, PHAR3813, PHAR3814
This unit of study will cover the therapeutics of cardiovascular and renal disorders including the pharmaceutical sciences that underpin such drug therapies. This unit will also include the epidemiology, pathophysiology and clinical features of cardiovascular and renal disorders. Through the use of case-based learning, students will participate in the interpretation, application and dissemination of pharmaceutical and pharmacotherapeutic concepts and knowledge. On completion of this unit of study students will be able to apply an understanding of the pharmaceutical sciences to optimising the drug and non-drug therapy of patients with cardiovascular and renal disorders. Interprofessional communication and the application of specialist knowledge to implementing pharmacist cognitive services such as clinical interventions and/or medication management review will also be explored. Students will become familiar with drug information software and a number of computerised drug information databases. Role-plays will be used to develop students' communication skills for interaction between pharmacists and their clients (patients, doctors, other health professionals).
This unit of study is parallel to the practical components including laboratory classes and experiential placements.
PHAR3812 Respiratory

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 1a Prerequisites: All first and second year units of study. Corequisites: PHAR3811, PHAR3813, PHAR3814
This unit of study will cover the therapeutics of respiratory disorders including the pharmaceutical sciences that underpin such drug therapies. This unit will also include the epidemiology, pathophysiology and clinical features of respiratory disorders. Through the use of case-based learning, students will participate in the interpretation, application and dissemination of pharmaceutical and pharmacotherapeutic concepts and knowledge. On completion of this unit of study students will be able to apply an understanding of the pharmaceutical sciences to optimising the drug and non-drug therapy of patients with respiratory disorders. Interprofessional communication and the application of specialist knowledge to implementing pharmacist cognitive services such as clinical interventions and/or medication management review will also be explored. Students will become familiar with drug information software and a number of computerised drug information databases. Role-plays will be used to develop students' communication skills for interaction between pharmacists and their clients (patients, doctors, other health professionals).
This unit of study is parallel to the practical components including laboratory classes and experiential placements.
PHAR3813 Endocrine, Diabetes and Reproductive

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 1b Prerequisites: All first and second year units of study. Corequisites: PHAR3811, PHAR3812, PHAR3814
This unit of study will cover the therapeutics of endocrine, diabetes and reproductive disorders including the pharmaceutical sciences that underpin such drug therapies. This unit will also include the epidemiology, pathophysiology and clinical features of endocrine, diabetes and reproductive disorders. Through the use of case-based learning, students will participate in the interpretation, application and dissemination of pharmaceutical and pharmacotherapeutic concepts and knowledge. On completion of this unit of study students will be able to apply an understanding of the pharmaceutical sciences to optimising the drug and non-drug therapy of patients with endocrine, diabetes and reproductive disorders. Interprofessional communication and the application of specialist knowledge to implementing pharmacist cognitive services such as clinical interventions and/or medication management review will also be explored. Students will become familiar with drug information software and a number of computerised drug information databases. Role-plays will be used to develop students' communication skills for interaction between pharmacists and their clients (patients, doctors, other health professionals).
This unit of study is parallel to the practical components including laboratory classes and experiential placements.
PHAR3814 Gastrointestinal

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 1b Prerequisites: All first and second year units of study. Corequisites: PHAR3811, PHAR3812, PHAR3813
This unit of study will cover the therapeutics of gastrointestinal disorders including the pharmaceutical sciences that underpin such drug therapies.This unit will also include the epidemiology, pathophysiology and clinical features of gastrointestinal disorders. Through the use of case-based learning, students will participate in the interpretation, application and dissemination of pharmaceutical and pharmacotherapeutic concepts and knowledge. On completion of this unit of study students will be able to apply an understanding of the pharmaceutical sciences to optimising the drug and non-drug therapy of patients with gastrointestinal disorders. Interprofessional communication and the application of specialist knowledge to implementing pharmacist cognitive services such as clinical interventions and/or medication management review will also be explored. Students will become familiar with drug information software and a number of computerised drug information. Role-plays will be used to develop students' communication skills for interaction between pharmacists and their clients (patients, doctors, other health professionals).
This unit of study is parallel to the practical components including laboratory classes and experiential placements.
PHAR3821 Mental Health

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 2a Prerequisites: All first and second year units of study. Corequisites: PHAR3811, PHAR3812, PHAR3813, PHAR3814, PHAR3822, PHAR3823, PHAR3824
This unit of study will cover the therapeutics of mental health disorders including the pharmaceutical sciences that underpin such drug therapies. This unit will also include the epidemiology, pathophysiology and clinical features of mental health disorders. Through the use of case-based learning, students will participate in the interpretation, application and dissemination of pharmaceutical and pharmacotherapeutic concepts and knowledge. On completion of this unit of study students will be able to apply an understanding of the pharmaceutical sciences to optimising the drug and non-drug therapy of patients with mental health disorders. Interprofessional communication and the application of specialist knowledge to implementing pharmacist cognitive services such as clinical interventions and/or medication management review will also be explored. Students will become familiar with drug information software and a number of computerised drug information databases. Role-plays will be used to develop students' communication skills for interaction between pharmacists and their clients (patients, doctors, other health professionals).
This unit of study is parallel to the practical components including laboratory classes and experiential placements.
PHAR3822 Neurology

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 2a Prerequisites: All first and second year units of study. Corequisites: PHAR3811, PHAR3812, PHAR3813, PHAR3814, PHAR3821, PHAR3823, PHAR3824
This unit of study will cover the therapeutics of neurological disorders including the pharmaceutical sciences that underpin such drug therapies. This unit will also include the epidemiology, pathophysiology and clinical features of neurological disorders. Through the use of case-based learning, students will participate in the interpretation, application and dissemination of pharmaceutical and pharmacotherapeutic concepts and knowledge. On completion of this unit of study students will be able to apply an understanding of the pharmaceutical sciences to optimising the drug and non-drug therapy of patients with neurological disorders. Interprofessional communication and the application of specialist knowledge to implementing pharmacist cognitive services such as clinical interventions and/or medication management review will also be explored. Students will become familiar with drug information software and a number of computerised drug information databases. Role-plays will be used to develop students' communication skills for interaction between pharmacists and their clients (patients, doctors, other health professionals).
This unit of study is parallel to the practical components including laboratory classes and experiential placements.
PHAR3823 Musculoskeletal, Dermatological & Senses

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 2b Prerequisites: All first and second year units of study. Corequisites: PHAR3811, PHAR3812, PHAR3813, PHAR3814, PHAR3821, PHAR3822, PHAR3824
This unit of study will cover the therapeutics of musculoskeletal, dermatological and special senses including the pharmaceutical sciences that underpin such drug therapies. This unit will also include the epidemiology, pathophysiology and clinical features of musculoskeletal, dermatological and special senses disorders. Through the use of case-based learning, students will participate in the interpretation, application and dissemination of pharmaceutical and pharmacotherapeutic concepts and knowledge. On completion of this unit of study students will be able to apply an understanding of the pharmaceutical sciences to optimising the drug and non-drug therapy of patients with musculoskeletal, dermatological and special senses disorders. Interprofessional communication and the application of specialist knowledge to implementing pharmacist cognitive services such as clinical interventions and/or medication management review will also be explored. Students will become familiar with drug information software and a number of computerised drug information databases. Role-plays will be used to develop students' communication skills for interaction between pharmacists and their clients (patients, doctors, other health professionals).
This unit of study is parallel to the practical components including laboratory classes and experiential placements.
PHAR3824 Oncology and Immunology

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 2b Prerequisites: All first and second year units of study. Corequisites: PHAR3811, PHAR3812, PHAR3813, PHAR3814, PHAR3821, PHAR3822, PHAR3823
This unit of study will cover the therapeutics of oncology and immunology including the pharmaceutical sciences that underpin such drug therapies. This unit will also include the epidemiology, pathophysiology and clinical features of oncology and immunology disorders. Through the use of case-based learning, students will participate in the interpretation, application and dissemination of pharmaceutical and pharmacotherapeutic concepts and knowledge. On completion of this unit of study students will be able to apply an understanding of the pharmaceutical sciences to optimising the drug and non-drug therapy of patients with oncology and immunology disorders. Interprofessional communication and the application of specialist knowledge to implementing pharmacist cognitive services such as clinical interventions and/or medication management review will also be explored. Students will become familiar with drug information software and a number of computerised drug information databases. Role-plays will be used to develop students' communication skills for interaction between pharmacists and their clients (patients, doctors, other health professionals).
This unit of study is parallel to the practical components including laboratory classes and experiential placements.

Fourth Year

PHAR4811 Pharmacotherapeutics

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 1 Prerequisites: All third year units of study. Corequisites: PHAR4812, PHAR4813, PHAR4814
This unit of study will focus on developing learners' understanding of the use of medicines and related appropriate health measures in special patient populations (e.g. paediatrics). This unit of study will draw upon concepts in clinical pharmacy, pharmacokinetics and clinical practice.
Through a series of workshops, learners will undertake activities including case-study analysis, role-plays, problem solving and case presentations. These activities will help learners explore information sources for drug use and integrate knowledge of clinical indices, laboratory data, medication use history and demographic information to optimise drug therapy in response to the needs of individual patients. Learners will gain 'hands-on' practice in the provision of patient-specific medicine use education and explore key issues concerning the maintenance of vigilance for medicines use specific to certain population groups.
PHAR4812 Integrated Dispensing Practice

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 1 Prerequisites: All third year units of study. Corequisites: PHAR4811, PHAR4813, PHAR4814
Integrated Dispensing Practice links together the skills and knowledge that students have developed in Dispensing and Pharmacy Practice in second and third years, and will be developing in fourth year. The emphasis is on clinical practice and develops the theme that dispensing is not a single event but a process which draws on skills and knowledge from a variety of areas of pharmacy practice, including communication with the patient and prescriber. This is achieved using a simulated practice environment in which students learn to integrate the skills they have developed in dose form preparation with their clinical skills, forensic and administrative requirements (including the use of computer-based dispensing programs), as well as the professional aspects of pharmacy in delivering a patient-centred care.
PHAR4813 Novel Therapeutics

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 1 Prerequisites: All third year units of study Corequisites: PHAR4811, PHAR4812
This unit of study aims to expose students to emerging therapeutic and diagnostic biotechnologies. This unit expands on second and third year pharmaceutical science units of study by exploring novel and developing biotechnologies, such as gene therapy, vaccines, DNA arrays, cell therapies, novel diagnostic methods, new drug targets and drugs/therapies as well as clinical development processes. Sources of information for new biotechnology developments will be explored and practical exercises in interpreting and translating this information to patients and other health professionals will be provided. This unit of study will foster necessary skills to prepare pharmacists for their evolving roles associated with the choice, application and monitoring of new biotherapies. The exercises are designed to support the development of generic collaborative skills necessary for project work, such as planning and project management, conflict resolution and written and oral communication skills.
PHAR4814 Pharmacy Management I

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 1 Prerequisites: All third year units of study Corequisites: PHAR4811, PHAR4812, PHAR4813
This unit of study focuses on the business skills necessary to manage either a community or hospital pharmacy. It focuses on three specific essential topics; accounting and financial management, human resource management and marketing. Material in each topic is managerially relevant and applied to the pharmacy context.
PHAR4821 Professional Practice

Credit points: 12 Session: Semester 2 Prerequisites: PHAR4811 Corequisites: PHAR4822, PHAR4823
This unit of study should consolidate previous units from year one to semester 1 of year four of the curriculum, through the presentation and solving of clinical and ethical problems. It continues a focus on knowledge consolidation, therapeutics, application of knowledge, and disease state management within a self-directed learning environment (problem based learning). The unit consists of lectures, hands-on workshop sessions, on-line learning and problem-based tutorial classes.
PHAR4822 Clinical Placement

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 2 Prerequisites: PHAR4811 Corequisites: PHAR4821, PHAR4823
This unit of study is entirely comprised of clinical and experiential placements. These placements will be undertaken in settings of professional practice - in community pharmacies, hospital pharmacies and clinics and other professional organisation sites. The placements may include rural as well as metropolitan sites, and involve the public and private health sector. Students will complete portfolio tasks, relevant to the practice setting. These include practice skills development, including oral and written communication skills. A reflective diary will be included in the portfolio and assessment. This unit of study provides the opportunity for students to apply and consolidate their knowledge within the context of their practice placement setting.
PHAR4823 Pharmacy Services and Public Health

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 2 Prerequisites: PHAR4811, PHAR4812, PHAR4813, PHAR4814 Corequisites: PHAR4821, PHAR4822
This unit of study will focus on developing students' understanding the public health system, the role of pharmacy within the public-health context, health policy and regulation affecting the functioning of pharmacy and the use of pharmaceuticals in Australia. We will develop students' skills in how to identify, access and interpret relevant policy, regulatory and public-health literature and information sources. Topics which underpin the understanding of public health including, pharmaco-epidemiology and pharmacoeconomics, will also be addressed.
Through workshops and assignments, students will be given the opportunity to integrate their learning by exploring case studies. Students will apply their knowledge to address population health care problems with a special emphasis on achieving the quality, safety and judicious use of medicines in health care.

Fourth Year Honours

PHAR4811 Pharmacotherapeutics

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 1 Prerequisites: All third year units of study. Corequisites: PHAR4812, PHAR4813, PHAR4814
This unit of study will focus on developing learners' understanding of the use of medicines and related appropriate health measures in special patient populations (e.g. paediatrics). This unit of study will draw upon concepts in clinical pharmacy, pharmacokinetics and clinical practice.
Through a series of workshops, learners will undertake activities including case-study analysis, role-plays, problem solving and case presentations. These activities will help learners explore information sources for drug use and integrate knowledge of clinical indices, laboratory data, medication use history and demographic information to optimise drug therapy in response to the needs of individual patients. Learners will gain 'hands-on' practice in the provision of patient-specific medicine use education and explore key issues concerning the maintenance of vigilance for medicines use specific to certain population groups.
PHAR4812 Integrated Dispensing Practice

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 1 Prerequisites: All third year units of study. Corequisites: PHAR4811, PHAR4813, PHAR4814
Integrated Dispensing Practice links together the skills and knowledge that students have developed in Dispensing and Pharmacy Practice in second and third years, and will be developing in fourth year. The emphasis is on clinical practice and develops the theme that dispensing is not a single event but a process which draws on skills and knowledge from a variety of areas of pharmacy practice, including communication with the patient and prescriber. This is achieved using a simulated practice environment in which students learn to integrate the skills they have developed in dose form preparation with their clinical skills, forensic and administrative requirements (including the use of computer-based dispensing programs), as well as the professional aspects of pharmacy in delivering a patient-centred care.
PHAR4813 Novel Therapeutics

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 1 Prerequisites: All third year units of study Corequisites: PHAR4811, PHAR4812
This unit of study aims to expose students to emerging therapeutic and diagnostic biotechnologies. This unit expands on second and third year pharmaceutical science units of study by exploring novel and developing biotechnologies, such as gene therapy, vaccines, DNA arrays, cell therapies, novel diagnostic methods, new drug targets and drugs/therapies as well as clinical development processes. Sources of information for new biotechnology developments will be explored and practical exercises in interpreting and translating this information to patients and other health professionals will be provided. This unit of study will foster necessary skills to prepare pharmacists for their evolving roles associated with the choice, application and monitoring of new biotherapies. The exercises are designed to support the development of generic collaborative skills necessary for project work, such as planning and project management, conflict resolution and written and oral communication skills.
PHAR4815 Research Methods

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 1 Prerequisites: All third year units of study. Corequisites: PHAR4811, PHAR4812, PHAR4813
Note: Department permission required for enrolment
Research Methods is a component of the Honours elective, and is designed to extend students' knowledge and skills in research methods and problem solving, as well as oral and written scientific communication. The workshop and seminar series in the unit will equip students with the advanced research skills needed for their research projects. Research projects will be commenced in Semester 1 and completed in Semester 2 under the direct supervision of an academic staff member.
PHAR4830 Honours

Credit points: 24 Session: Semester 2 Prerequisites: PHAR4811, PHAR4812, PHAR4813, PHAR4815
Note: Department permission required for enrolment
This unit of study is designed to extend the Pharmacy undergraduate's knowledge and skills in research practice and problem solving, and written and oral scientific communication acquired in PHAR4815. Honours provides an important basis for those who may wish to branch into specialised areas and will be particularly useful for those seeking employment in industry, government, hospital laboratories, research institutions and also for those considering continuation to postgraduate studies.
The workshop/tutorial/seminar component of the course will assist in the development of advanced research skills and will complement the research project. A final research presentation and report describing research results and conclusions is to be conducted at the end of the semester.

Fourth Year Rural Major

PHAR4811 Pharmacotherapeutics

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 1 Prerequisites: All third year units of study. Corequisites: PHAR4812, PHAR4813, PHAR4814
This unit of study will focus on developing learners' understanding of the use of medicines and related appropriate health measures in special patient populations (e.g. paediatrics). This unit of study will draw upon concepts in clinical pharmacy, pharmacokinetics and clinical practice.
Through a series of workshops, learners will undertake activities including case-study analysis, role-plays, problem solving and case presentations. These activities will help learners explore information sources for drug use and integrate knowledge of clinical indices, laboratory data, medication use history and demographic information to optimise drug therapy in response to the needs of individual patients. Learners will gain 'hands-on' practice in the provision of patient-specific medicine use education and explore key issues concerning the maintenance of vigilance for medicines use specific to certain population groups.
PHAR4812 Integrated Dispensing Practice

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 1 Prerequisites: All third year units of study. Corequisites: PHAR4811, PHAR4813, PHAR4814
Integrated Dispensing Practice links together the skills and knowledge that students have developed in Dispensing and Pharmacy Practice in second and third years, and will be developing in fourth year. The emphasis is on clinical practice and develops the theme that dispensing is not a single event but a process which draws on skills and knowledge from a variety of areas of pharmacy practice, including communication with the patient and prescriber. This is achieved using a simulated practice environment in which students learn to integrate the skills they have developed in dose form preparation with their clinical skills, forensic and administrative requirements (including the use of computer-based dispensing programs), as well as the professional aspects of pharmacy in delivering a patient-centred care.
PHAR4813 Novel Therapeutics

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 1 Prerequisites: All third year units of study Corequisites: PHAR4811, PHAR4812
This unit of study aims to expose students to emerging therapeutic and diagnostic biotechnologies. This unit expands on second and third year pharmaceutical science units of study by exploring novel and developing biotechnologies, such as gene therapy, vaccines, DNA arrays, cell therapies, novel diagnostic methods, new drug targets and drugs/therapies as well as clinical development processes. Sources of information for new biotechnology developments will be explored and practical exercises in interpreting and translating this information to patients and other health professionals will be provided. This unit of study will foster necessary skills to prepare pharmacists for their evolving roles associated with the choice, application and monitoring of new biotherapies. The exercises are designed to support the development of generic collaborative skills necessary for project work, such as planning and project management, conflict resolution and written and oral communication skills.
PHAR4814 Pharmacy Management I

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 1 Prerequisites: All third year units of study Corequisites: PHAR4811, PHAR4812, PHAR4813
This unit of study focuses on the business skills necessary to manage either a community or hospital pharmacy. It focuses on three specific essential topics; accounting and financial management, human resource management and marketing. Material in each topic is managerially relevant and applied to the pharmacy context.
PHAR4824 Aboriginal and Rural Health

Credit points: 12 Session: Semester 2 Prerequisites: PHAR4811, PHAR4812, PHAR4813, PHAR4814 Corequisites: PHAR4825, PHAR4826
Note: Department permission required for enrolment
This unit of study introduces students to health issues in rural and remote communities which may result from the social, environmental and political underpinnings of these communities. Students will be made aware of diseases which are more prevalent in rural than metropolitan settings. Issues relating to cultural diversity and indigenous health in rural and remote areas will be explored and different modes of communication and service delivery will be investigated.
PHAR4825 Rural Clinical Placement

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 2 Prerequisites: PHAR4811, PHAR4812, PHAR4813, PHAR4814 Corequisites: PHAR4824, PHAR4826
Note: Department permission required for enrolment
Rural Clinical Practice is an experiential unit of study. Students complete extended placements in a variety of rural and remote settings. Clinical Practice allows students to integrate their knowledge and skill base within a variety of professional placements. Students gain an awareness of how patients, pharmacists and other health professionals interact to ensure Quality Use of Medicines as well as an understanding of the role of the pharmacist within the healthcare team.
PHAR4826 Rural Pharmacy Services & Public Health

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 2 Prerequisites: PHAR4811, PHAR4812, PHAR4813, PHAR4814 Corequisites: PHAR4824, PHAR4825
Note: Department permission required for enrolment
This unit of study will focus on developing students' understanding of the Public Health System, the role of pharmacy within the public-health context, health policy and regulation affecting the functioning of pharmacy and the use of pharmaceuticals in Australia. The unit will focus on Pharmacy services and public health in rural and remote Australia. We will develop students' skills in how to identify, access and interpret relevant policy, regulatory and public-health literature and information sources. Topics which underpin understanding of public health including, pharmaco-epidemiology and pharmacoeconomics will also be addressed. Through workshops and assignments, students will be given the opportunity to integrate their learning by exploring case studies. Students will apply their knowledge to address population health care problems with a special emphasis on achieving the quality, safe and judicious use of medicines in health care in rural and remote Australia.

Fourth Year International Major

PHAR4811 Pharmacotherapeutics

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 1 Prerequisites: All third year units of study. Corequisites: PHAR4812, PHAR4813, PHAR4814
This unit of study will focus on developing learners' understanding of the use of medicines and related appropriate health measures in special patient populations (e.g. paediatrics). This unit of study will draw upon concepts in clinical pharmacy, pharmacokinetics and clinical practice.
Through a series of workshops, learners will undertake activities including case-study analysis, role-plays, problem solving and case presentations. These activities will help learners explore information sources for drug use and integrate knowledge of clinical indices, laboratory data, medication use history and demographic information to optimise drug therapy in response to the needs of individual patients. Learners will gain 'hands-on' practice in the provision of patient-specific medicine use education and explore key issues concerning the maintenance of vigilance for medicines use specific to certain population groups.
PHAR4812 Integrated Dispensing Practice

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 1 Prerequisites: All third year units of study. Corequisites: PHAR4811, PHAR4813, PHAR4814
Integrated Dispensing Practice links together the skills and knowledge that students have developed in Dispensing and Pharmacy Practice in second and third years, and will be developing in fourth year. The emphasis is on clinical practice and develops the theme that dispensing is not a single event but a process which draws on skills and knowledge from a variety of areas of pharmacy practice, including communication with the patient and prescriber. This is achieved using a simulated practice environment in which students learn to integrate the skills they have developed in dose form preparation with their clinical skills, forensic and administrative requirements (including the use of computer-based dispensing programs), as well as the professional aspects of pharmacy in delivering a patient-centred care.
PHAR4813 Novel Therapeutics

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 1 Prerequisites: All third year units of study Corequisites: PHAR4811, PHAR4812
This unit of study aims to expose students to emerging therapeutic and diagnostic biotechnologies. This unit expands on second and third year pharmaceutical science units of study by exploring novel and developing biotechnologies, such as gene therapy, vaccines, DNA arrays, cell therapies, novel diagnostic methods, new drug targets and drugs/therapies as well as clinical development processes. Sources of information for new biotechnology developments will be explored and practical exercises in interpreting and translating this information to patients and other health professionals will be provided. This unit of study will foster necessary skills to prepare pharmacists for their evolving roles associated with the choice, application and monitoring of new biotherapies. The exercises are designed to support the development of generic collaborative skills necessary for project work, such as planning and project management, conflict resolution and written and oral communication skills.
PHAR4814 Pharmacy Management I

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 1 Prerequisites: All third year units of study Corequisites: PHAR4811, PHAR4812, PHAR4813
This unit of study focuses on the business skills necessary to manage either a community or hospital pharmacy. It focuses on three specific essential topics; accounting and financial management, human resource management and marketing. Material in each topic is managerially relevant and applied to the pharmacy context.
PHAR4832 Pharmacy International Exchange

Credit points: 24 Session: Semester 2 Prerequisites: PHAR4811, PHAR4812, PHAR4813, PHAR4814
Note: Department permission required for enrolment
This unit of study will provide students with the opportunity to experience other healthcare systems through performing coursework at international universities. The students will attend all classes in prescribed units of study offered by the host institution. These units of study will be agreed by the Faculty and the host institution and will be selected for level, content, and exposure of our students to the different healthcare system and roles of a pharmacist in the host country. The overall assessment and workload will be agreed between the two institutions and will be commensurate with 24 credit points.

Fourth Year Industrial Major

PHAR4811 Pharmacotherapeutics

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 1 Prerequisites: All third year units of study. Corequisites: PHAR4812, PHAR4813, PHAR4814
This unit of study will focus on developing learners' understanding of the use of medicines and related appropriate health measures in special patient populations (e.g. paediatrics). This unit of study will draw upon concepts in clinical pharmacy, pharmacokinetics and clinical practice.
Through a series of workshops, learners will undertake activities including case-study analysis, role-plays, problem solving and case presentations. These activities will help learners explore information sources for drug use and integrate knowledge of clinical indices, laboratory data, medication use history and demographic information to optimise drug therapy in response to the needs of individual patients. Learners will gain 'hands-on' practice in the provision of patient-specific medicine use education and explore key issues concerning the maintenance of vigilance for medicines use specific to certain population groups.
PHAR4812 Integrated Dispensing Practice

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 1 Prerequisites: All third year units of study. Corequisites: PHAR4811, PHAR4813, PHAR4814
Integrated Dispensing Practice links together the skills and knowledge that students have developed in Dispensing and Pharmacy Practice in second and third years, and will be developing in fourth year. The emphasis is on clinical practice and develops the theme that dispensing is not a single event but a process which draws on skills and knowledge from a variety of areas of pharmacy practice, including communication with the patient and prescriber. This is achieved using a simulated practice environment in which students learn to integrate the skills they have developed in dose form preparation with their clinical skills, forensic and administrative requirements (including the use of computer-based dispensing programs), as well as the professional aspects of pharmacy in delivering a patient-centred care.
PHAR4813 Novel Therapeutics

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 1 Prerequisites: All third year units of study Corequisites: PHAR4811, PHAR4812
This unit of study aims to expose students to emerging therapeutic and diagnostic biotechnologies. This unit expands on second and third year pharmaceutical science units of study by exploring novel and developing biotechnologies, such as gene therapy, vaccines, DNA arrays, cell therapies, novel diagnostic methods, new drug targets and drugs/therapies as well as clinical development processes. Sources of information for new biotechnology developments will be explored and practical exercises in interpreting and translating this information to patients and other health professionals will be provided. This unit of study will foster necessary skills to prepare pharmacists for their evolving roles associated with the choice, application and monitoring of new biotherapies. The exercises are designed to support the development of generic collaborative skills necessary for project work, such as planning and project management, conflict resolution and written and oral communication skills.
PHAR4814 Pharmacy Management I

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 1 Prerequisites: All third year units of study Corequisites: PHAR4811, PHAR4812, PHAR4813
This unit of study focuses on the business skills necessary to manage either a community or hospital pharmacy. It focuses on three specific essential topics; accounting and financial management, human resource management and marketing. Material in each topic is managerially relevant and applied to the pharmacy context.
PHAR4831 Pharmacy Industrial Placement

Credit points: 24 Session: Semester 2 Prerequisites: PHAR4811, PHAR4812, PHAR4813, PHAR4814
Note: Department permission required for enrolment
This unit of study will provide students with the opportunity to experience the practice of pharmacy in one of a range of industrial/organisational settings. Students will contribute to the activities of the host organisation, e.g. helping to develop and prepare consumer-relevant information sheets on managing medicines. The overall workload will be agreed and will be commensurate with 24 credit points.