University of Sydney Handbooks - 2011 Archive

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Master of Philosophy / Doctor of Philosophy

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

Course code: PB000

Doctor of Philosophy degree resolutions

Part 1 – Preliminary

Citation and commencement
This Rule is made by the Senate of the University of Sydney pursuant to section 37(1) of the University of Sydney Act 1989 for the purposes of the University of Sydney By-law 1999.
This Rule commences on the day after it is made in accordance with Chapter 2 of the University of Sydney By-law 1999.
This Rule:
repeals and replaces Part 10, Division 4 of the University of Sydney (Amendment Act) Rule 1999 in its entirety; and
deals with matters relating to the degree of Doctor of Philosophy.

Part 2 – Admission to candidature

Heads of department
A head of department may delegate to a specified member of the academic staff his or her responsibilities under these Rules by countersigning a specific recommendation in respect of a particular candidature or by making, and forwarding to the Registrar, a written statement of delegation of those powers.
Admission to candidature
An applicant for admission as a candidate for the degree shall, except as provided in 4.2 and 4.3 below, hold or have fulfilled all the requirements for:
the degree of master, or
the degree of bachelor with first or second class honours.
A faculty may admit as a candidate for the degree an applicant holding the degree of bachelor without first or second class honours after the applicant has passed a qualifying examination at a standard equivalent to the bachelor's degree with first or second class honours, provided that a faculty may exempt an applicant from the qualifying examination if the applicant has obtained a high distinction or distinction in the highest course available in the subject or subjects relevant to the proposed course of advanced study and research.
The Academic Board has endorsed an interpretation of the qualifying examination as including completion of a period of relevant full-time or part-time advanced study and research towards a master's degree in the University of Sydney, at such a standard as would demonstrate to the satisfaction of the faculty that the candidate is suitably prepared in the particular field of study to undertake candidature for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy.
The Academic Board may, in accordance with this Rule, admit as a candidate for the degree an applicant holding qualifications which, in the opinion of the faculty concerned and of the Academic Board, are equivalent to those prescribed in 4.1 or 4.2 above and such candidate shall proceed to the degree under such conditions as the Academic Board may prescribe.
An applicant for admission to candidature shall submit to the faculty concerned:
a proposed course of advanced study and research, approved by the head of the department in which the work is to be carried out, to be undertaken by the applicant in a department of the University, and
satisfactory evidence of adequate training and ability to pursue the proposed course.
The faculty may require a candidate, as part of the evidence of the candidate's training and ability to pursue the proposed course, to pass a special examination.
A reference in this section to a department includes a reference to one or more departments, one or more schools, an interdepartmental committee and an interschool committee.
Probationary acceptance
A candidate may be accepted by a faculty on a probationary basis for a period not exceeding one year and upon completion of this probationary period, the faculty shall review the candidate's work and shall either confirm the candidate's status or terminate the candidature.
In the case of a candidate accepted on a probationary period under 5.1 above, the candidature shall be deemed to have commenced from the date of such acceptance.
Control of candidature
Each candidate shall pursue his or her course of advanced study and research wholly under the control of the University.
Where a candidate is employed by an institution other than the University, the faculty or college board may require a statement by that employer acknowledging that the candidature will be under the control of the University.
Other studies during the candidature
A candidate may be required by the head of department or the supervisor to attend lectures, seminar courses or practical work courses or to undertake courses and, if required, the assessment for such courses, subject to the approval of any other head of department concerned.
Credit for previous studies
A candidate who, at the date of admission to candidature, has completed not less than six months as a candidate for the degree of master in any faculty or board of studies of the University of Sydney, may be permitted by the faculty concerned to be credited for the whole or any part of the period of candidature completed for the degree of master as a period of candidature completed for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy, provided that the period of candidature for the degree of master for which credit is sought shall have been a course of full-time or part-time advanced study and research under a supervisor appointed by the faculty or board of studies concerned and directly related to the candidate's proposed course of advanced study and research for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy.
A candidate who, at the date of admission has completed not less than six months as a candidate for a higher degree in another university or institution may be permitted by the Academic Board, on the recommendation of the faculty concerned, to be credited for the whole or any part of the period of candidature completed as a period completed for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy of the University of Sydney, provided that:
at the date of admission to candidature for the higher degree of the other university or institution concerned the candidate shall have fulfilled the requirements of admission to candidature set out in section 3 above;
the period of candidature for the higher degree of the other university or institution concerned for which credit is sought shall have been a course of full-time or part-time advanced study and research under a supervisor appointed by the other university or institution concerned and directly related to the candidate's proposed course of advanced study and research in the University of Sydney;
the candidate shall have abandoned candidature for the higher degree of the other university or institution concerned for which credit is sought;
the amount of credit which may be so granted shall not exceed one year; and
no candidate who has been granted credit shall present a thesis for examination for the degree earlier than the end of the second year after acceptance.
The Faculty of Medicine may grant credit not exceeding one year to a candidate for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in that Faculty who has submitted documented evidence of having previously completed supervised study towards the degree of Doctor of Medicine of the University of Sydney.

Part 3 – Supervision

Appointment and qualifications of supervisors and associate supervisors
The faculty or college board, on the recommendation of the head of department concerned, shall appoint a suitably qualified supervisor and associate supervisors for each candidate to take primary responsibility for the conduct of the candidature and to be responsible for the progress of the candidature to the head of department and the faculty or college board concerned in accordance with policy established by the Academic Board.

Part 4 – Candidature

Subject to the annual approval of the supervisor, head of department and faculty or college board, the candidate shall pursue the course of advanced study and research either:
within the University including its research stations and teaching hospitals;
on fieldwork either in the field or in libraries, museums or other repositories;
within industrial laboratories or research institutions or other institutions considered by the faculty or college board concerned to provide adequate facilities for that candidature; or
within a professional working environment;
and shall attend at the University for such consultation with the supervisor and shall participate in such departmental and faculty or college seminars as shall annually be specified.
A candidate pursuing candidature outside Australia must also complete a minimum of two semesters of candidature within the University [but not necessarily immediately before submission, not necessarily as a continuous two-semester period] before submission of the thesis.
The corresponding period for candidates for whom the minimum length of candidature is four semesters is a minimum of one semester.
When recommending the detailed annual conditions for each candidate's particular course of advanced study and research the supervisor and head of department must indicate whether they are satisfied that the proposed supervision arrangements will be satisfactory.
At the end of each year each candidate shall provide evidence of progress and attend a progress review interview to the satisfaction of the supervisor and head of department concerned and any Departmental or Faculty Postgraduate Review Committee.
On the basis of evidence provided and the interview, the head of department shall recommend the conditions of candidature to apply for the following year and may require the candidate to provide further evidence of progress at the end of one semester or such other period as the head of department considers appropriate.
If a candidate fails to submit evidence of progress or if the head of department concerned considers that the evidence submitted does not indicate satisfactory progress, the faculty or college board may, on the head's recommendation, call upon that candidate to show cause why that candidature should not be terminated by reason of unsatisfactory progress towards completion of the degree and where, in the opinion of the faculty or college board, the candidate does not show good cause the faculty or college board may terminate that candidature or may impose conditions on the continuation of that candidature.

Part 5 – Submission of thesis

The thesis
On completing the course of advanced study and research, a candidate shall present a thesis embodying the results of the work undertaken, which shall be a substantially original contribution to the subject concerned.
The candidate shall state, generally in the preface and specifically in notes, the sources from which the information is derived, the animal and human ethical approvals obtained, the extent to which the work of others has been made use of, and the portion of the work the candidate claims as original.
A candidate may also submit in support of the candidature any publication of which the candidate is the sole or joint author. In such a case the candidate must produce evidence to identify satisfactorily the sections of the work for which the candidate is responsible.
Except where the candidature has been governed by an approved cotutelle agreement, a candidate may not present as the thesis any work which has been presented for a degree or diploma at this or another university, but the candidate will not be precluded from incorporating such in the thesis, provided that, in presenting the thesis, the candidate indicates the part of the work which has been so incorporated.
Theses shall be written in English, except that:
in the case of a candidature governed by an approved cotutelle agreement, the thesis may be written in English or in another language; and
in the Faculty of Arts, in the case of language departments, theses may be written either in English or in their target language as determined by the department, unless a department has specified by means of a Faculty resolution that it will consider applications to submit the thesis in a language other than:
English; or
a target language of the department.
Such applications should be made in writing; and approved by the head of department concerned and the Dean of the Faculty, before the commencement of candidature.
In considering applications a head of department shall take into account arrangements for supervision and examination.
A candidate shall submit to the Registrar four copies of the thesis in a form prescribed by resolution of the Academic Board and four copies of a summary of about 300 words in length.
The thesis shall be accompanied by a certificate from the supervisor stating whether, in the supervisor's opinion, the form of presentation of the thesis is satisfactory.
Earliest date for submission
Except as provided below, a candidate may not submit a thesis for examination earlier than the end of the sixth semester of candidature.
A faculty or college board may permit a candidate holding any of the following qualifications of the University of Sydney or from such other institution as the faculty or college board may approve, to submit a thesis for examination not earlier than the end of the fourth semester of candidature:
a degree of master completed primarily by research;
both the degrees of Bachelor of Dental Surgery with honours and Bachelor of Science (Dental) with honours;
both the degrees of Bachelor of Medicine with honours and Bachelor of Science (Medical) with honours; or
both the degrees of Bachelor of Veterinary Science with honours and Bachelor of Science (Veterinary) with honours.
Notwithstanding 13.1 and 13.2 above, a faculty may, on the recommendation of the head of department and supervisor concerned, permit a candidate to submit a thesis for examination up to one semester earlier than prescribed if, in the opinion of the faculty, evidence has been produced that the candidate has made exceptional progress in his or her candidature.
Notwithstanding 13.1, 13.2 and 13.3 above, the Chair of the Academic Board may, on the recommendation of the dean of the faculty in which the candidate is enrolled, permit a candidate to submit a thesis for examination earlier than prescribed if, in the opinion of the Chair of the Academic Board, evidence has been produced that the candidate has made exceptional progress in his or her candidature.
The Chair of the Academic Board may take advice from the Chair of the Graduate Studies Committee and shall report any applications under this provision and the action taken to the next meeting of the Academic Board.
Latest date for submission
Except as provided in 14.1 to 14.3 below, a candidate shall submit the thesis for examination not later than the end of the eighth semester of candidature.
A candidate whose candidature has been part-time throughout shall submit the thesis for examination not later than the end of the 16th semester of candidature.
The time limits set out in 14.1 to 14.2 above, apply to candidates who commence candidature after 31 December 2000. Candidates who commenced candidature prior to this date may choose to proceed in accordance with the Rules in force at the time when they commenced candidature.
The relevant dean may permit a candidate to submit the thesis for examination after a period of time greater than the maximum periods specified.
The procedures for examination shall be prescribed by the Academic Board.

Master of Philosophy degree resolutions

Master of Philosophy

1 Course Codes


Course title


Master of Philosophy

2 Admission

Except as provided in Part 9, section 47 of the University of Sydney (Amendment Act) Rule 1999, the Faculty of Pharmacy may, admit to candidature for the degree of Master of Philosophy:
an applicant who holds the degree of bachelor with first or second class honours, or
an applicant who holds the degree of bachelor of the University of Sydney or other approved institution without first or second class honours after the applicant has passed a qualifying examination at a standard equivalent to the bachelor's degree with first or second class honours, provided that a faculty may exempt an applicant from the qualifying examination if the applicant has obtained at least a credit in the highest course available in the subject or subjects relevant to the proposed course of advanced study and research.
The qualifying exam may include completion of a period of relevant full-time or part-time advanced study and/or research towards a postgraduate award course in the University of Sydney, at such a standard as would demonstrate to the satisfaction of the faculty that the candidate is suitably prepared in the particular field of study to undertake candidature for the degree of Master of Philosophy.
The faculty may admit as a candidate for the degree an applicant holding qualifications which, in the opinion of the faculty concerned, are equivalent to those prescribed in 2(1) above and such candidate shall proceed to the degree under such conditions as the Faculty may prescribe.
The faculty may require a candidate, as part of the evidence of the candidate's training and ability to pursue the proposed course, to pass a special examination or assessment.
An applicant, for admission to candidature, shall submit to the Faculty a research proposal as part of the application. This proposal will detail a course of advanced study and research, in which the work is to be carried out to be undertaken by the applicant in a discipline of the Faculty of Pharmacy.
Admission to candidature will be conditional upon the appointment of an appropriate supervisor and associate supervisor as stipulated in the Academic Board Policy entitled "Postgraduate Research Higher Degree Training Supervision at the University of Sydney".

3 Method of Progression

A candidate for the Master of Philosophy shall proceed by completing a 6 credit point unit of study on research methods and by research and thesis.
A full-time candidate shall not keep the normal academic year but shall pursue candidature for the degree continuously throughout the year except for a period of 4 weeks recreation leave and shall dedicate a minimum of 35 hours per week to their candidature.
A candidate who does not comply with section 3(2) should be enrolled as a part-time candidate.

4 Requirements

A Master of Philosophy candidate proceeding by research shall:
complete a 6 credit point unit of study on research methods during the probationary period;
complete such other assessments or units of study, if any, as may be prescribed by the head of the discipline concerned;
carry out supervised research on a topic approved by the Faculty on the recommendation of the Dean;
write a thesis embodying the results of this research; and
lodge with the Registrar three copies of this thesis, typewritten and bound.
The candidate shall state in the thesis:
the sources from which the information was derived;
the extent to which the work of others has been used; and
the portion of the work claimed as original.
The candidate may include in the thesis published papers of which the candidate is sole or joint author, provided that:
the papers are based on work undertaken during the candidature for the degree;
the papers are identified as published work;
the papers are compatible with the overall coherence and organisation of the text of the thesis; and
the candidate provides evidence to identify satisfactorily the sections of work for which the candidate is responsible, such as assigned, written statements from all authors attesting to the contribution of the candidate.
Any other papers of which the candidate is sole or joint author may be lodged in support of the thesis.
The thesis contains original contributions to the knowledge of the subject concerned;
the thesis affords evidence of originality by the exercising of independent critical ability;
the thesis is a satisfactory literary presentation; and
material in the thesis is suitable for publication.
The thesis shall be accompanied by a statement from the supervisor stating whether, in the supervisor's opinion, the form of presentation of the thesis is satisfactory.
A candidate may not present as the thesis a work which has been presented for a degree in this or another university, but will not be precluded from incorporating such in the thesis provided that in presenting the thesis the candidate indicates the part of the work which has been so incorporated.
Satisfy the requirements of all other relevant By-Laws, Rules and Resolutions of the University.

5 Probation

A candidate will normally be accepted by the Faculty on a probationary basis for a period not exceeding twelve months.
The provision to waive probationary acceptance would only be exercised in exceptional circumstances. All requests to waive probation will need to be approved by the Chair of the Board of Postgraduate Studies.
A Probation Review Report must be completed by the candidate's supervisor in consultation with the Postgraduate Coordinator and submitted to the Faculty at least four weeks before the end of probation.
The Faculty will write to the candidate to advise of the outcome of the probation review, either confirming the candidate's status, extending the probationary period or terminating the candidature.
In the case of a candidate accepted on a probationary basis under section 5(1), the candidature shall be deemed to have commenced from the date of such acceptance.

6 Enrolment

A student must be enrolled in each semester in which he or she is actively pursuing the requirements for the award course.
The candidature of a student who has not re-enrolled and who has not obtained approval from the Faculty for a suspension of candidature for the relevant semester will be deemed to have lapsed.

7 Restrictions on enrolment

Admission to candidature may be limited by a quota. In determining the quota the Faculty will take into account:
availability of resources;
availability of adequate and appropriate supervision.
In considering an application for admission the Dean will take into account the quota.
Entry will be based on applicants who are most meritorious in terms of Section (2) above.

8 Discontinuation of enrolment

A candidate who wishes to discontinue enrolment from the Master of Philosophy must notify the Faculty in writing and will be presumed to have discontinued enrolment from the date of that notification, unless evidence is produced showing:
that the discontinuation occurred at an earlier date; and
that there was good reason the notification could not be made at the earlier time.

9 Suspension of candidature

A candidate who wishes to suspend their candidature must apply, in writing, to the Faculty.
The application must be received by the Faculty prior to the commencement of the relevant semester.
A candidate may only apply for a period of suspension for one semester at any one time. Should a candidate wish to suspend their candidature for more than one semester another application must be made to the Faculty for each subsequent semester, prior to the commencement of the relevant semester.
Late applications may be considered at the Faculty's discretion.
Where the candidate has previously had two semesters of suspension the application will be considered by the Board of Postgraduate Studies for the Faculty.

10 Re-enrolment after an absence

A student must enrol in the semester following a period of approved suspension.
A student whose candidature has lapsed must apply for re-admission in accordance with procedures determined by the Faculty.

11 Satisfactory progress

At the end of each year each candidate shall complete an Annual Progress Report providing evidence of progress to the satisfaction of the supervisor, Dean, any postgraduate review committee and the Board of Postgraduate Studies.
On the basis of evidence provided, the Dean or the Chair of the Board of Postgraduate Studies shall recommend the conditions of candidature to apply for the following year and may require the candidate to provide further evidence of progress at the end of one semester or such other period as the Dean or the Chair of the Board of Postgraduate Studies considers appropriate.
If a candidate fails to submit evidence of progress or if the Dean considers that the evidence submitted does not indicate satisfactory progress, the Board of Postgraduate Studies may, on the Dean's recommendation, call upon that candidate to show cause why that candidature should not be terminated by reason of unsatisfactory progress towards completion of the degree and where, in the opinion of the Board of Postgraduate Studies, the candidate does not show good cause, the Board of Postgraduate Studies may terminate that candidature or may impose conditions on the continuation of that candidature.

12 Credit

A candidate who, before admission to candidature, has spent time in advanced study in the University of Sydney, or in another university, or in another institution whose courses are deemed by the Faculty to be equivalent, may be deemed by the Faculty to have spent such time after admission to candidature.

13 Time limits

Except with the permission of the Faculty on the recommendation of the Dean, a full-time research candidate shall complete the requirements for the degree not earlier than the end of the second semester of candidature and not later than the end of the fourth semester of candidature.
Except with the permission of the Faculty on the recommendation of the Dean, a part-time research candidate shall complete the requirements for either degree not earlier than the end of the fourth semester of candidature and not later than the end of the eighth semester of candidature.

14 Location

Subject to approval of the supervisor, Dean and Board of Postgraduate Studies, the candidate may request a period of time away to pursue the course of advanced study and research within industrial laboratories or research institutions or other institutions considered by the Board of Postgraduate Studies on the recommendation of the Dean to provide adequate facilities and appropriate supervision for that candidature.
A candidate pursuing candidature outside Australia must also complete a minimum of one semester of candidature within the University before submission [but not necessarily immediately before submission] of the thesis.

15 Examination of thesis

The examination of a thesis for the degree of Master of Philosophy shall follow closely the examination process as stipulated by the Resolutions of the Academic Board for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (with any reference to the PhD Award Subcommittee being substituted by the Board of Postgraduate Studies) except for the following variations:
The Dean shall recommend the appointment of two examiners of the thesis of whom at least one shall be an external to the Faculty, not being a member of staff or a clinical academic title holder of the Faculty. Approval of the examiners is the responsibility of the Board of Postgraduate Studies.
The supervisor and Dean shall take all possible steps to ensure that examiners are appointed within four weeks of the submission of the thesis and where this does not occur, shall report the circumstances to the Board of Postgraduate Studies.

Presentation of theses

The following information is presented for the guidance of candidates. It should be regarded as a summary only. Candidates should also consult the Postgraduate Studies Handbook for the most current and detailed advice. See:

Formal requirements for Doctor of Philosophy
  • Four copies of the candidate€™s thesis should be submitted for examination for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy. These may be bound in either a temporary or a permanent form.
  • Theses submitted in temporary binding should be strong enough to withstand ordinary handling and postage.
  • The degree shall not be awarded until the candidate has submitted a permanently bound copy of the thesis (containing any corrections or amendments that may be required), printed on acid-free or permanent paper.
  • The thesis shall be accompanied by a certificate from the supervisor stating whether in the supervisor€™s opinion the form of presentation of the thesis is satisfactory.
  • Thesis in permanent form shall normally be on International Standard A4 size paper sewn and bound in boards covered with book cloth or buckram or other binding fabric.
  • The title of the thesis, the candidate€™s initials and surname, the title of the degree, the year of submission and the name of the University of Sydney should appear in lettering on the front cover or on the title page. The lettering on the spine, reading from top to bottom, should conform as far as possible to the above except that the name of the University of Sydney may be omitted and the thesis title abbreviated.
  • Supporting material should be bound in the back of the thesis as an appendix or in a separate sheet of covers.
Formal requirements for Master of Philosophy
  • Similar formal requirements to those above exist for the presentation of masters theses.
  • Three copies must be submitted.