Postgraduate study

Postgraduate advanced learning program – introduction

Sydney Nursing School offers postgraduate advanced learning coursework programs in a number of specialty practice areas for registered nurses, and at various articulating levels. The specialty and practice areas include:

  • Advanced Nursing Practice and Clinical Nursing
  • Cancer and Haematology Nursing
  • Clinical Trials Practice
  • Emergency Nursing
  • Intensive Care Nursing
  • Mental Health Nursing
  • Nurse Practitioner
  • Primary Health Care Nursing.

The focus of the postgraduate advanced learning courses is on the development of practice knowledge and clinical judgement skills within the context of specialty clinical practice.

Students might commence their study in a graduate certificate course and progress to graduate diploma and master's level within the chosen specialty areas. Depending upon qualifications, students may also enrol directly into a master's degree.

Subject to meeting entry requirements, it may be possible to credit units of study already undertaken for a graduate certificate or graduate diploma, towards a master's degree. This can be done immediately upon completion – if students wish to continue their studies at that point – or at a later date upon return to study.

Taking account of the employment demands on registered nurses, the nursing units of study are offered with minimal on-campus requirements, usually up to four days attendance per unit of study. Please refer to the unit of study tables and listings for further information.

With the exception of Clinical Trials Practice, all students are required to be registered nurses in either Australia or their country of residence. The level of entry (graduate certificate, graduate diploma or master's degree) is dependent upon current qualifications. If uncertain as to which course to take or the entry level best suited, students should contact the faculty.

For further information please refer to the relevant specialty chapters contained in this handbook.