Health Policy

Graduate Certificate in Health Policy

Graduate Diploma in Health Policy

Master of Health Policy


  Graduate Certificate in Health Policy Graduate Diploma in Health Policy Master of Health Policy
Course code GCHEAPOL1000 GNHEAPOL1000 MAHEAPOL1000
CRICOS code N/A 053868J 053869G
Degree Abbreviation GradCertHPol GradDipHPol MHPol
Credit points required to complete  24 36 48
Time to complete full-time not available 1 year 1 year
Time to complete part-time  1 - 3 years 1.5 - 4 years 1.5 - 6 years


The Graduate Program in Health Policy provides students with a comprehensive and practical understanding of health systems and the policy making process. It offers a critical perspective on how health systems operate and the forces that shape the health policy environment. Graduates will have a comprehensive and practical understanding of policymaking, including economic evaluation; health financing and budgets; power, politics and agenda setting; and the critical use of evidence.

This course is designed for those already engaged in or planning careers in public policy who wish to extend their knowledge, capacity and value to work in health services, policymaking, leadership or health policy research. It is also for health practioners who are interested in learning more about how health priorities are set and wish to gain a broader understanding of health systems.

The master's program includes intensive training in policy analysis and critical appraisal techniques. These are applied to practical tasks of policy development and writing.

Classes are online or in intensive mode, including weekend workshops and web-based learning.

Course outcomes

By the end of the course students will understand the forces shaping the health policy environment, work with professional confidence across the health sector, and be familiar with the workings of high-level national and international health policy networks.

Students learn how to develop and implement health policy through the application of knowledge to health policy issues and analysis of current health policy trends.

Further enquiries

Dr Carmen Huckel Schneider
Phone: +61 2 9036 7147