Environmental Law

Unit outlines will be available through Find a unit outline two weeks before the first day of teaching for 1000-level and 5000-level units, or one week before the first day of teaching for all other units.

Not all units of study listed are offered in a given year. Please refer to the latest Sydney Law School lecture timetable.

Students are advised that given the current pandemic context, it may be necessary, at very short notice, to change unit of study details, including mode of delivery and assessment. Students should check unit of study details provided in the unit outline at the start of each unit of study and continue to check for any changes throughout the semester.

Unit of study Credit points A: Assumed knowledge P: Prerequisites C: Corequisites N: Prohibition Session

Environmental Law

Exemption from core units of study should not be assumed to be automatic. Formal approval must be obtained from the University of Sydney Law School prior to enrolment.
Master of Environmental Law
For the award of the Master of Environmental Law, students must complete 48 credit points, comprising:
(i) for students without a law background, 12 credit points of core units of study and 36 credit points of elective units of study; or
(ii) for students with a law background who have not completed any tertiary study in environmental law, 6 credit points of core units of study and 42 credit points of elective units of study; or
(iii) for students with an environmental law background, 48 credit points of elective units of study.
Graduate Diploma in Environmental Law
For the award of the Graduate Diploma in Environmental Law, students must complete 24 credit points, comprising:
(i) for students without a law background, 12 credit points of core units of study and 12 credit points of elective units of study; or
(ii) for students with a law background who have not completed any tertiary study in environmental law, 6 credit points of core units of study and 18 credit points of elective units of study; or
(iii) for students with an environmental law background, 24 credit point of electives units of study.


Students must either have completed or be concurrently enrolled in the core unit(s) of study prior to undertaking the elective units of study
Students without a law degree from a common law jurisdiction must undertake LAWS6252 prior or concurrent to enrolling in other law units.
Environmental Law and Policy
6    A LAWS6252 or law degree from a common law jurisdiction
N LAWS3430 or LAWS5130

Students who do not hold a law degree from a common law jurisdiction must either have completed or be concurrently enrolled in LAWS6252 Legal Reasoning and the Common Law System before undertaking the environmental law units. Academic Profile https://sydney.edu.au/law/about/our-visitors.html. The unit is also available on a Continuing Professional Development basis https://sydney.edu.au/law/study-law/continuing-professional-development.html
Intensive June
Legal Reasoning and the Common Law System
6    N LAWS6881

Students must either have completed or be concurrently enrolled in this unit prior to commencing other law units of study. Law graduates from a non-common law jurisdiction are strongly recommended to undertake this unit. This unit is not available to students who have acquired a law degree from Australia or another common law jurisdiction. Academic Profile https://sydney.edu.au/law/about/our-visitors.html. The unit is also available on a Continuing Professional Development basis https://sydney.edu.au/law/study-law/continuing-professional-development.html
Intensive April
Intensive September
Semester 1a
Semester 2a


Environmental Litigation

Academic Profile: https://sydney.edu.au/law/about/our-visitors.html. The unit is also available on a Continuing Professional Development basis https://sydney.edu.au/law/study-law/continuing-professional-development.html
Semester 2a
Law of the Sea

Academic Profile https://sydney.edu.au/law/about/people/list.php. The unit is also available on a Continuing Professional Development basis https://sydney.edu.au/law/study-law/continuing-professional-development.html
Semester 2b
International Environmental Law

Academic Profile https://sydney.edu.au/law/about/people/list.php. The unit is also available on a Continuing Professional Development basis https://sydney.edu.au/law/study-law/continuing-professional-development.html
Intensive April
Pollution, Corporate Liability and Govern

This unit of study is not available in 2022


Academic Profile https://sydney.edu.au/law/about/our-people.html. The unit is also available on a Continuing Professional Development basis https://sydney.edu.au/law/study-law/continuing-professional-development.html
Intensive June
Judicial Review-P'ciple, Pol and Procedure

Academic Profile: https://sydney.edu.au/law/about/people/list.php. The unit is also available on a Continuing Professional Development basis https://sydney.edu.au/law/study-law/continuing-professional-development.html
Intensive September
Asia Pacific Environmental Law

This unit of study is not available in 2022


Academic Profile https://sydney.edu.au/law/about/our-visitors.html. The unit is also available on a Continuing Professional Development basis https://sydney.edu.au/law/study-law/continuing-professional-development.html
Intensive October
Biodiversity Law and Heritage Law

Students enrolled in the MIL and GradDipIL may apply to enrol in this unit, please contact law.postgraduate@sydney.edu.au. Academic Profile: https://sydney.edu.au/law/about/people/list.php. The unit is also available on a Continuing Professional Development basis https://sydney.edu.au/law/study-law/continuing-professional-development.html
Semester 1b
Public Policy
6    N LAWS6139 or LAWS6042 or LAWS6113 or LAWS6984 or LAWS3447 or LAWS5147

Core unit for MALP students. Academic Profile: https://sydney.edu.au/law/about/people/list.php. The unit is also available on a Continuing Professional Development basis https://sydney.edu.au/law/study-law/continuing-professional-development.html
Semester 2b
Coastal and Marine Law

This unit of study is not available in 2022


Academic Profile https://sydney.edu.au/law/about/people/list.php. The unit is also available on a Continuing Professional Development basis https://sydney.edu.au/law/study-law/continuing-professional-development.html
Intensive June
Climate Justice and Disaster Law

Academic Profile: https://sydney.edu.au/law/about/people/list.php. The unit is also available on a Continuing Professional Development basis https://sydney.edu.au/law/study-law/continuing-professional-development.html
Semester 2b
International Law and Technology

Academic Profile: https://sydney.edu.au/law/about/our-visitors.html. The unit is also available on a Continuing Professional Development basis https://sydney.edu.au/law/study-law/continuing-professional-development.html
Intensive May
Environ Planning and Impact Assessment Law
6    A students who do not hold an undergraduate law degree must have completed LAWS6252 Legal Reasoning and the Common Law System before enrolling in this unit and LAWS6044 Environmental Law and Policy (Environmental Law students only)
N LAWS6043 or LAWS6045 or LAWS3430 or LAWS5130

Academic Profile: https://sydney.edu.au/law/about/our-visitors.html. The unit is also available on a Continuing Professional Development basis https://sydney.edu.au/law/study-law/continuing-professional-development.html
Semester 1a
Energy and Water Security Law

Academic Profile: https://sydney.edu.au/law/about/people/list.php. The unit is also available on a Continuing Professional Development basis https://sydney.edu.au/law/study-law/continuing-professional-development.html
Intensive September
International Dispute Resolution
6    N LAWS6202

Academic Profile: https://sydney.edu.au/law/about/our-visitors.html. The unit is also available on a Continuing Professional Development basis https://sydney.edu.au/law/study-law/continuing-professional-development.html
Intensive June
Comparative Climate Law

Academic Profile: https://sydney.edu.au/law/about/people/list.php. The unit is also available on a Continuing Professional Development basis https://sydney.edu.au/law/study-law/continuing-professional-development.html
Intensive November
Courts, Justice and Development
6    N LAWS3478 or LAWS5178

Note: Department permission required for enrolment
Academic Profile: https://sydney.edu.au/law/about/our-visitors.html
Intensive June
Dispute Resolution in Asia

This unit of study is not available in 2022

Note: Department permission required for enrolment
Academic Profile https://sydney.edu.au/law/about/people/list.php. The unit is also available on a Continuing Professional Development basis https://sydney.edu.au/law/study-law/continuing-professional-development.html
Session 1 Early Census
Global Energy and Resources Law

Academic Profile https://sydney.edu.au/law/about/people/list.php. The unit is also available on a Continuing Professional Development basis https://sydney.edu.au/law/study-law/continuing-professional-development.html
Intensive September
Morals and the Analysis of Legal Doctrine
6    N JURS6023 or JURS6022

Academic Profile: https://sydney.edu.au/law/about/our-visitors.html. The unit is also available on a Continuing Professional Development basis https://sydney.edu.au/law/study-law/continuing-professional-development.html
Semester 2
Language and the Law
6      Semester 1
Master of Environmental Law
The following units are only available to students undertaking the Master of Environmental Law
Independent Research Project
Note: Department permission required for enrolment
Applications close on 30 November (Semester 1) and 30 May (Semester 2). Applications should only be lodged after the completion of at least 24 credit points. Late applications may be accepted from those with incomplete results. For further information, please visit the Law Student Portal https://canvas.sydney.edu.au/courses/4533/pages/postgraduate-coursework-research-projects or E: law.postgraduate@sydney.edu.au
Semester 1
Semester 2
Independent Research Project A
Note: Department permission required for enrolment
Applications close on 30 November (Semester 1) and 30 May (Semester 2). Applications should only be lodged after the completion of at least 24 credit points. Late applications may be accepted from those with incomplete results. Students must complete both LAWS6182 and LAWS6183 within one or over two semesters. For further information, please visit the Law Student Portal https://canvas.sydney.edu.au/courses/4533/pages/postgraduate-coursework-research-projects or E: law.postgraduate@sydney.edu.au
Semester 1
Semester 2
Independent Research Project B
6    A LAWS6182

Note: Department permission required for enrolment
Applications close on 30 November (Semester 1) and 30 May (Semester 2). Applications should only be lodged after the completion of at least 24 credit points. Late applications may be accepted from those with incomplete results. Students must complete both LAWS6182 and LAWS6183 within one or over two semesters. For further information, please visit the Law Student Portal https://canvas.sydney.edu.au/courses/4533/pages/postgraduate-coursework-research-projects or E: law.postgraduate@sydney.edu.au
Semester 1
Semester 2