University of Sydney Handbooks - 2022 Archive

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Learning Outcomes

Graduate Diploma of Psychology

Graduates of the Graduate Diploma in Psychology Degree will:

  1. Develop a systematic and coherent body of knowledge in the discipline of psychology
  2. Analyse, consolidate and synthesise knowledge and identify and provide solutions to complex problems in the discipline, using a scientific approach.
  3. Apply knowledge and skills of psychology within the framework of understanding the values and ethics in psychology, in a manner that is reflexive, culturally appropriate and sensitive to the diversity of individuals.
  4. Interpret and communicate advanced disciplinary knowledge in psychology in written, visual and verbal modes of communication effectively.
  5. Utilise strong interpersonal skills to work cooperatively and effectively in teams, in pursuit of a common goal.
  6. Identify, evaluate and theorise about new developments in psychology through autonomous and self-directed scholarly inquiry.