University of Sydney Handbooks - 2022 Archive

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Learning Outcomes

Clinical Psychology

Graduates of the Master of Clinical Psychology degree will:

  1. Undertake practice that is consistent with the code of ethical practice, current relevant legal frameworks and mental health practice standards.
  2. Apply advanced knowledge of psychopathology, developmental systems, and the core principles and theoretical models that underpin current evidence-based practice, in working with socially and culturally diverse clients across the lifespan.
  3. Identify psychological disorders using a recognised international taxonomy as part of the broader clinical engagement and multi-method assessment of diverse clients across the lifespan.
  4. Integrate and interpret multi-modal psychological assessment and diagnostic data to inform case conceptualisation and evidence-based treatment planning, including appropriate referral.
  5. Conduct psychometric assessments that include formulation of hypotheses, interviews that test clinical hypotheses, the selection of appropriate assessment tools, test administration and interpretation, and the provision of oral and written recommendations.
  6. Formulate severe, chronic and/or complex conceptualisations of presenting issues to determine the most appropriate interventions and manage risk.
  7. Implement culturally responsive and empirically supported interventions over short, medium or longer-term time frames with a broad range of clients across the lifespan.
  8. Monitor clients' progress and intervention outcomes, assessing areas of improvement and making changes to treatment plan when necessary, in the context of reflecting critically on both theory and professional practice.
  9. Monitor and manage intra- and interpersonal processes in the context of an evolving case formulation, demonstrating self-reflection in professional practice, accounting for impact of own values and taking appropriate remediating action.
  10. Demonstrate respect for the skills and contribution of other professionals, working collaboratively and effectively with them, while maintaining personal autonomy and accountability, within the bounds of ethical and legal requirements.
  11. Apply professional practice policies and procedures, including record keeping, psychological report writing, and professional communication.
  12. Recognise the value and practice of effective self-care in regard to the management of case loads, stress and vicarious trauma in the role as clinician.
  13. Investigate and report on a substantive individual research question relevant to clinical psychology.