University of Sydney Handbooks - 2022 Archive

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Labour Law and Relations

Unit outlines will be available through Find a unit outline two weeks before the first day of teaching for 1000-level and 5000-level units, or one week before the first day of teaching for all other units.

Not all units of study listed are offered in a given year. Please refer to the latest Sydney Law School lecture timetable.

Students are advised that given the current pandemic context, it may be necessary, at very short notice, to change unit of study details, including mode of delivery and assessment. Students should check unit of study details provided in the unit outline at the start of each unit of study and continue to check for any changes throughout the semester.

Master of Labour Law and Relations

Exemption from core units of study should not be assumed to be automatic. Formal approval must be obtained from the University of Sydney Law School prior to enrolment
Students must complete 48 credit points, comprising:
(i) 12 credit points of compulsory core units of study and a minimum of 24 credit points of core units of study, for students with a law background; or
(ii) 18 credit points of compulsory core units of study and a minimum of 18 credit points of core units of study, for students without a law background; and
(iii) for all students, a minimum of 24 credit points from the Sydney Law School.

Compulsory Core

Students without a law degree from a common law jurisdiction must undertake LAWS6252 prior to or concurrent to enrolling in other law units.
LAWS6071 Labour Law

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Ms Kate Peterson Session: Semester 1a Classes: Intro Class: Feb 22 (6-8) then Mar 4, 5 and 25, 26 (9-5). For the latest information, please visit Your Studies in the Law Student Portal Prohibitions: LAWS3446 or LAWS5146 Assumed knowledge: MLLR students must either have a law degree or completed or be concurrently enrolled in LAWS6252 Legal Reasoning and the Common Law System (core) as well as this unit before undertaking the labour law elective units Assessment: 1500wd assignment (20%) and assignment (80%) Mode of delivery: Block mode
Note: The unit is compulsory for students enrolled in the MLLR. However, the requirement to take this unit may be waived upon application to the Program Director if the student can demonstrate proficiency in the unit objectives gained through completing a recent undergraduate law unit in labour law or work experience. Credit will not be granted for WORK6116 Employment and the Law and completion of this unit will not be sufficient to obtain an exemption from this MLLR compulsory unit. Academic Profile The unit is also available on a Continuing Professional Development basis
The purpose of this unit is to introduce students to the principles of labour law. It is designed specifically for MLLR students who do not have a law degree or for any students with a law degree who have not recently undertaken an undergraduate labour law course. The goal of the unit is to equip students with the fundamental principles of labour law that they will need to undertake more advanced labour law units within the MLLR and LLM Degrees. It provides an introduction to the contract of employment and the relevant principles governing the employment relationship, including termination of employment. It then introduces students to the workplace relations framework including collective bargaining and industrial conflict; the modern role of awards and statutory regulation of wages and conditions.
A Stewart, A Forsyth, M Irving, R Johnstone and S McCrystal, Creighton and Stewart's Labour Law, 6th ed, Federation Press, Sydney, 2016
LAWS6252 Legal Reasoning and the Common Law System

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Assoc Prof Amelia Simpson Session: Intensive April,Intensive September,Semester 1a,Semester 2a Classes: Group A (S1a): Feb 21, 22 and 24, 25 (9-5), Group B (S1CIAP): Mar 14, 15 and 21, 22 (12-4.30) and Mar 29 and 31 (4.30-8.30), Group C (S2a): Aug 1, 2 and 4, 5 (9-5) and Group D (S2CISE): Aug 22, 23 and 29, 30 (12-4.30) and Sep 1 and 8 (4.30-8.30). For the latest information, please visit Your Studies in the Law Student Portal Prohibitions: LAWS6881 Assessment: 1200wd 48hr take-home test (20%), 1200wd essay (20%) and 3600wd assignment (60%) Mode of delivery: Block mode
Note: Students must either have completed or be concurrently enrolled in this unit prior to commencing other law units of study. Law graduates from a non-common law jurisdiction are strongly recommended to undertake this unit. This unit is not available to students who have acquired a law degree from Australia or another common law jurisdiction. Academic Profile The unit is also available on a Continuing Professional Development basis
This is a compulsory unit for all postgraduate students who do not hold a law degree or equivalent from a common law jurisdiction entering the: Master of Administrative Law and Policy; Master of Business Law; Master of Environmental Law; Master of Environmental Science and Law; Master of Health Law; Master of Labour Law and Relations as well as Graduate Diplomas offered in these programs. The unit has been designed to equip students with the necessary legal skills and legal knowledge to competently apply themselves in their chosen area of law. Instruction will cover the legislative process; the judiciary and specialist tribunals; precedent; court hierarchies; legal reasoning; constitutional law; administrative law; contracts; and torts. Some elements of the unit will be tailored in accordance with the requirements of the particular specialist programs.
WORK6012 Industrial Relations Policy

Credit points: 6 Session: Intensive November Classes: Refer to the unit of study outline Assessment: Refer to the unit of study outline Mode of delivery: Block mode
Note: Refer to the unit of study outline
The aim of this unit is to provide an understanding of the policy debates in employment relations with an emphasis on laws, institutions and social processes. It combines theoretical and historical understandings of employment relations in Australia with a detailed examination of the current policies and strategies of the key employment relations players and the role of the state. Topics covered include: the regulatory framework, state and federal governments policies, union policy, employer policy, the practices of Australia's industrial tribunals and responses to current challenges, such as the quest for improved productivity and greater flexibility. Overarching themes include individualisation and decentralisation of employment relations policy in Australia and whether there are more suitable alternatives.


LAWS6013 Advanced Employment Law

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Prof Joellen Riley Munton Session: Semester 2b Classes: Aug 20, Sep 17, and Oct 7, 21 (9-5). For the latest information, please visit Your Studies in the Law Student Portal Assumed knowledge: LAWS6252 or a law degree and LAWS6071 Assessment: Options: (i) class participation (20%) and 6000wd essay (80%) or (ii) class participation (20%) and 2 x 3000wd problem assignments (40% each) or (iii) class participation (20%) and 3000wd problem assignment (40%) and 3000wd essay (40%) Mode of delivery: Block mode
Note: Academic Profile: The unit is also available on a Continuing Professional Development basis
This unit of study is designed especially for candidates in the MLLR program. The unit examines the regulation of the individual employment relationship. The unit builds on the introduction to this topic in the foundation LAWS6071 Labour Law unit, by examining in closer detail the formation, construction and interpretation of employment contracts (including incorporation of policies and other documents, and exercise of contractual discretions); duties of employers and employees in contract; termination of employment contracts; and post-employment obligations (including restraints of trade). Students will examine decisions of courts and tribunals in detail.
LAWS6022 International and Comparative Labour Law

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Prof Emanuele Menegatti Session: Semester 1 Classes: Classes will start on Mon 28 Feb (Week 2) for 10 weeks (6.30-9pm). The class schedule will be made available in the unit outline and Canvas to enrolled students approximately 4 weeks prior to the first class. For the latest information, please visit Your Studies in the Law Student Portal Assessment: class participation (10%), 1000wd assignment (20%) and 6000wd essay (70%) Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) evening
Note: Academic Profile: The unit is also available on a Continuing Professional Development basis
This unit will examine the growing use of individual labour and equality rights to protect working people, with the overall aim of assessing the capacity of this type of regulation to enhance justice, both in the workplace and more widely. It will use experience in the UK of a highly individualized workplace rights and enforcement system to identify strengths and weaknesses in this kind of workplace protection. This will involve consideration of EU and European Convention on Human Rights standards, while some comparative readings will also be set and students will be encouraged themselves to bring a comparative dimension to the issues and assignments. Jumping off from the UK experience, the unit will evaluate various strategies for enhancing the protective capacity of individual workplace rights. These include: (1) conceiving of such rights as fundamental human or constitutional rights; (2) imposing positive duties on employers and others to promote and secure observance of individual labour and equality rights; (3) institutional innovation to secure workplace protections, for example via equality and human rights commissions, labour inspectorates, ombudspeople, tax and criminal prosecution authorities; (4) involving third parties in the realization of individual labour standards, for example, NGOs, trade unions, parliamentary and other public inquiries, consumers, campaigners and the press; (5) focussing on employer activities that moderate individual labour and equality standards, like human resources practices, corporate social responsibility regimes and general managerial strategizing. Threaded through the unit will be consideration of different methodological approaches to legal research, with the twin goals of increasing what students take from the materials covered and of improving their legal research and analytical skills, including for use in the final essay. Prof Barmes draws on her extensive previous research in this area and her varied background, for example, in legal practice, conducting research for the Law Commission of England and Wales, as co-editor of the Recent Cases section of the Industrial Law Journal and as co-Director of the QMUL School of Law Centre for Research on Law, Equality and Diversity (LEAD).
LAWS6039 Discrimination in the Workplace

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Assoc Prof Belinda Smith Session: Semester 2b Classes: Intro Class: Aug 30 (6-8) then Sep 9, 10, 23, 24 (9-5). For the latest information, please visit Your Studies in the Law Student Portal Assessment: class participation (pass/fail), problem questions (35%) and 4000wd assignment (65%) Mode of delivery: Block mode
Note: MLLR students may enrol in this unit before completing LAWS6071 Labour Law, but must have either completed or be concurrently enrolled in LAWS6252 Legal Reasoning and the Common Law System. Academic Profile The unit is also available on a Continuing Professional Development basis
In this unit we examine the nature of discrimination in the workplace and the legal response to it in Australia. We start by considering the theoretical perspectives on equality that underpin our legislation and ideas about effective regulation. We then examine how anti-discrimination law is applied in respect of a number of different grounds of discrimination - such as sex, race, disability, and family responsibilities - reviewing recent cases and current issues. We will also discuss enforcement mechanisms and processes under anti-discrimination legislation and what, if any, effect the legislation has had on workplace processes and culture. While NSW law will be considered, the focus will be on federal legislation, looking at anti-discrimination laws, anti-discrimination provisions in the Fair Work Act 2009 (Cth), and the Workplace Gender Equality Act 2012 (Cth).
LAWS6096 Work Health and Safety: Law and Policy

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Prof Richard Johnstone Session: Semester 2a Classes: Aug 12, 13 and 26, 27 (9-5). For latest information, please visit Your Studies in the Law Student Portal Assumed knowledge: LAWS6252 or a law degree and LAWS6071 (MLLR students) Assessment: 4000wd assignment (50%) and 4000wd essay (50%) Mode of delivery: Block mode
Note: Academic Profile: The unit is also available on a Continuing Professional Development basis
This unit of study is on work health and safety law and practice. Its main focus is on the role of law in preventing disease, injury and death at work, principally by focusing on the Work Health and Safety Act 2011 (NSW), the relevant case law, and the enforcement of the Act. The Work Health and Safety Act 2011 will be placed in its broader context, including the extent of injury and disease at work, the principles of work health and safety management, changing work arrangements, the history of work health and safety regulation and broader principles of regulatory theory. Regulatory provisions governing health and safety in the mining, transport and clothing, textile and footwear industries will also briefly be examined.
LAWS6122 Workplace Bargaining

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Ms Nadia Stojanova Session: Semester 2 Classes: The first class will commence on Mon 8 Aug, 6-8.30pm, for 10 weeks. The class schedule will be made available in the unit outline and Canvas to enrolled students approximately 4 weeks prior to the first class. For the latest information, please visit Your Studies in the Law Student Portal Assumed knowledge: LAWS6252 and LAWS6071 Assessment: Option 1: 1500wd legal bulletin (20%) and 6500wd research essay or law reform proposal (80%) or Option 2: 8000wd research essay or law reform proposal (100%) Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) evening
Note: Academic Profile: The unit is also available on a Continuing Professional Development basis
The unit will explore the workplace bargaining model under the Fair Work Act 2009 (Cth) within the context of models of collective bargaining used in overseas jurisdictions and Australia's international obligations. The unit will look at the history of collective bargaining in Australia before examining the legislative framework of agreement making, including the legal rules applicable to making and approving enterprise agreements. The unit will examine the rules that pertain to the process of negotiating an agreement, including the circumstances when an employer can be required to engage in collective bargaining and the good faith requirements that apply during bargaining. The unit will also consider the rules that regulate industrial conflict including protected industrial action, unprotected industrial action and dispute resolution, before considering the difficulties of engaging in collective negotiations outside of the formal legislative framework.
McCrystal, Creighton and Forsyth (eds) Collective Bargaining under the Fair Work Act, Federation Press, 2018
LAWS6130 Dispute Resolution in Australia

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Prof Tania Sourdin Session: Intensive June Classes: May 16, 17 and 20, 21 (9-5). For the latest information, please visit Your Studies in the Law Student Portal Assessment: class participation and presentation (Pass/Fail), 3000wd problem question (50%) and 4000wd essay (50%) Mode of delivery: Block mode
Note: Department permission required for enrolment
Note: This unit has a restricted class size. Priority will be given to students who are currently completing a Sydney Law School master's degree or graduate diploma. Academic Profile
The unit is designed to give students a broad understanding of the theory, policy and practice of ADR. It will enable students to understand various alternative dispute resolution processes, their advantages and limitations; understand the application of ADR in particular areas of practice: understand key theoretical debates about mediation; be able to advise others about ADR processes; be better participants in ADR processes; be better able to evaluate the possible applications of various dispute resolution methods. The use of ADR in employment and health care disputes will be considered.
LAWS6195 Immigration and Labour Law

This unit of study is not available in 2022

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Prof Mary Crock Session: Intensive November Classes: Oct 8, 9 and 22, 23 (8-9) Assumed knowledge: LAWS6252 or a law degree and LAWS6071 (MLLR students only) Assessment: class participation (25%) and 6000wd essay (75%) Mode of delivery: Block mode
Note: Academic Profile The unit is also available on a Continuing Professional Development basis
Immigration and Labour Law is a specialist unit designed to provide candidates with an opportunity to explore in depth a particular facet of immigration law that concerning the admission and treatment of noncitizens on grounds of employment or special skills. The unit is designed to be interdisciplinary in its focus offering insights for both candidates with particular interests in migration law and those with expertise or interests in employment law It examines the economic basis of the skilled component of Australia¿s immigration program exploring the different theories and practical strategies adopted over the years in the selection of skilled migrants. It also looks in some detail at the various components of the skilled migration business skills and temporary skills transfer sub-programs. The unit involves the study of the laws and policies relevant to both the employment of foreign workers in Australia and the employment of Australian workers overseas. The unit covers substantive aspects of migration and labour law in Australia as well as law and policies relevant to the settlement and ongoing employment of foreign workers Included for special study in this regard are the matters of the recognition of overseas qualifications and the taxation superannuation and investment laws applicable to foreign workers. The unit of study is designed to foster the following skills: Skills of statutory interpretation and problem-solving through the study and use in practical situations of the Migration Act 1958 and its associated Regulations Skills of legal analysis and evaluation gained through the examination and synthesis of relevant legislation of court decisions and of rulings by the Migration Review Tribunal and Oral and writing skills through class participation simulation exercises and the preparation of a major research paper.
LAWS6305 Workplace Investigations

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Ms Kate Peterson Session: Semester 1b Classes: Intro Class: Mar 29 (6-8) then Apr 8, 9 and 29, 30 (9-5). For the latest information, please visit Your Studies in the Law Student Portal Assumed knowledge: LAWS6252 or a law degree and LAWS6071 Labour Law (MLLR students) Assessment: class participation (Pass/Fail), assignment (30%) and assignment (70%) Mode of delivery: Block mode
Note: Department permission required for enrolment
Note: Due to mandatory in-class activities, this unit has a restricted class size and students are expected to attend all scheduled sessions. To avoid disappointments, please complete your enrolment as soon as possible. Places will be allocated to eligible Sydney Law School master's and graduate diploma students on a first come first served basis by applying for departmental permission in Sydney Student. This unit is not available to non-degree or other faculty students. Academic Profile:
Lawyers and HR/IR practitioners are increasingly required to deal with complaints of sexual harassment, bullying and discrimination, and address suspected misconduct such as Code of Conduct breaches, fraud/theft, and safety and other breaches. In order to take, and if necessary defend, disciplinary and other action, a proper factual and legal foundation must be established, through a workplace investigation. We also specifically consider how concepts of procedural fairness and natural justice impact a workplace investigation. The unit explores the various stages of a workplace investigation, including: (1) establishing the scope of the investigation and particularizing the alleged complaint or misconduct; (2) conducting interviews and gathering other information; (3) managing participants, including stand down/suspension; (4) evaluating information and making findings applying the relevant standard of proof and legal test(s); and (5) implementing investigation findings.
LAWS6344 Work, Care and Gender

This unit of study is not available in 2022

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Assoc Prof Belinda Smith Session: Session 1 Early Census Classes: Intro Class: Feb 22 (6-8) then Mar 5, 6 and 19, 20 (9-5) Assumed knowledge: LAWS6252 or a law degree Assessment: class participation (non-weighted), assignment (35%) and 5500wd essay (65%) Mode of delivery: Block mode
Note: Academic Profile The unit is also available on a Continuing Professional Development basis
In this unit, we examine laws that regulate work-family balance looking at employer duties to provide family-friendly working conditions and employee rights to have caring responsibilities accommodated in the workplace. We look at gender norms about work and care and how law reflects reinforces and sometimes challenges these. The focus is on workplace laws Fair Work Act 2009 Cth anti-discrimination legislation in respect of discrimination on the basis of sex and caring responsibilities and the Workplace Gender Equality Act 2012 Cth. We will however also touch on a range of other laws that regulate work and care including laws governing paid parental leave social security and tax laws including childcare subsidies and family assistance. Comparisons will be made with alternative legal regimes for work and care in other countries such as the United States United Kingdom New Zealand and Sweden.
LAWS6816 Labour Law in the Global Economy

This unit of study is not available in 2022

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Jill Murray Session: Intensive September Classes: Intro Class: Jul 27 (6-8) then Aug 13, 14 and 27, 28 (9-5) Assumed knowledge: LAWS6252 or a law degree and LAWS6071 Assessment: class participation (10%), class discussion facilitation (15%) and 6000wd essay (75%) Mode of delivery: Block mode
Note: Academic Profile The unit is also available on a Continuing Professional Development basis
This unit will explore the notion of the global economy, highlighting its impacts on norms, assumptions and ideas we have about the purpose and operation of labour law. Students will be introduced to the architecture of international labour law by an examination of leading organisations such as the International Labour Organisation, the United Nations, the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development and others. We will also examine the ways in which the global trading system does (or does not) engage with labour matters, including consideration of bi-lateral and multi-lateral trade agreements. Less traditional regulatory modes such as corporate self-regulation, ethical consumerism, supply chain regulation will also be analysed. The purpose and effectiveness of these institutions and processes will be evaluated through a consideration of a number of thematic issues, including freedom of association and the protection of trade union rights, forced labour including so-called modern slavery, working time issues including working during the pandemic, and informal or non-standard work in the gig economy. We will compare some of the relevant Australian laws with those of other countries in these thematic areas.
LAWS6937 Employment Law Advocacy

This unit of study is not available in 2022

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Mr David Chin, Ms Elizabeth Raper Session: Intensive May Classes: Intro Class: Apr 12 (6-8) then Apr 30, May 1 and May 21, 22 (9-5) Assumed knowledge: Available to law graduates only. Students who have previously completed LAWS6013 Advanced Employment Law may also enrol with permission of the Program Coordinator. Assessment: class participation (40%), short tests (20%), problem question and drafting exercise (40%) Mode of delivery: Block mode
Note: Students who have previously completed LAWS6013 Advanced Employment Law may also enrol with permission of the Program Coordinator. Academic Profile The unit is also available on a Continuing Professional Development basis
This unit examines key aspects of employment law principles and practice and their application in employment litigation and advocacy. This unit of study is designed especially for students in the Master of Laws (LLM) and Master of Labour Law and Relations (MLLR) degree programs who have completed an LLB or JD degree and focuses specifically on the principles of employment law within a litigation context.
WORK6018 International Industrial Relations

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 1 Classes: Refer to the unit of study outline Assessment: Refer to the unit of study outline Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) evening
Note: Refer to the unit of study outline
This unit provides students with insights into the debate about the effect of globalisation on employment relations by using comparative analysis to identify the range of factors that account for similarities and difference in national patterns of industrial relations. The unit focuses on providing an understanding of the nature of industrial relations patterns in developed and developing market economies and invites students to compare a range of developments across these countries.


LAWS6147 Independent Research Project

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Supervised by an appointed Sydney Law School academic staff member Session: Semester 1,Semester 2 Assessment: one 8000 to 10,000wd research project (100%) due on 15 June (Semester 1) or 15 November (Semester 2) of the semester in which a student is enrolled in the research project Mode of delivery: Supervision
Note: Department permission required for enrolment
Note: Applications close on 30 November (Semester 1) and 30 May (Semester 2). Applications should only be lodged after the completion of at least 24 credit points. Late applications may be accepted from those with incomplete results. For further information, please visit the Law Student Portal or E:
The goal of this unit of study is to provide students with an opportunity to pursue advanced research in an area of their choosing, under the limited supervision of a School member. The unit is only available to eligible students in special circumstances, and with the approval of the relevant Program Director.
LAWS6161 International Human Rights

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Em Prof Andrew Byrnes Session: Intensive September Classes: Aug 15, 24 and Sep 5, 12. For latest information, please visit Your Studies in the Law Student Portal Prohibitions: GOVT6117 Assessment: Option 1: class participation (pass/fail), 2000wd assignment (30%), 2 page essay abstract (non-graded) and 6000wd essay (70%) or Option 2: class participation (pass/fail), essay abstract (non-graded) and 8000wd capstone essay (100%) Mode of delivery: Block mode
Note: Available to MLLR students who commenced after Jan 2015. Academic Profile: The unit is also available on a Continuing Professional Development basis
This unit introduces students to the principles and practice of international human rights law - a field of public international law and policy of ever-expanding dimensions. It will introduce students to some key concepts, debates, documents and institutions in this field, while encouraging critical examination of these from a variety of angles. In summary, this unit considers the question: what happens when we regard a situation or predicament as one involving a breach of international human rights law - what possibilities and problems does this entail? Addressing this question, students in this unit will examine: (a) forums where international human rights law is being produced (international tribunals, domestic courts, multilateral bodies - including United Nations organs - regional agencies, non-governmental organisations, academic institutions, and the media); (b) settings where international human rights law is being deployed (in Australia and elsewhere); and (c) particular identities/subjects that international human rights law aspires to shape, regulate or secure. By the end of this unit, students should be able to formulate written and oral arguments by reference to key international human rights law instruments and principles; give strategic advice as to available avenues of recourse in international human rights law; and advance an informed critique of particular dimensions of international human rights law scholarship and practice, by reference to contemporary literature in this field.
LAWS6182 Independent Research Project A

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Supervised by an appointed Sydney Law School academic member Session: Semester 1,Semester 2 Assessment: one 15,000 to 20,000wd research project (100%) due on 15 June (Semester 1) or 15 November (Semester 2) of the final semester in which a student is enrolled in the research project Mode of delivery: Supervision
Note: Department permission required for enrolment
Note: Applications close on 30 November (Semester 1) and 30 May (Semester 2). Applications should only be lodged after the completion of at least 24 credit points. Late applications may be accepted from those with incomplete results. Students must complete both LAWS6182 and LAWS6183 within one or over two semesters. For further information, please visit the Law Student Portal or E:
The goal of this unit of study is to provide students with an opportunity to pursue advanced research in an area of their choosing, under the limited supervision of a School member. The unit is only available to eligible students in special circumstances, and with the approval of the relevant Program Director.
LAWS6183 Independent Research Project B

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Supervised by an appointed Sydney Law School academic staff member Session: Semester 1,Semester 2 Assumed knowledge: LAWS6182 Assessment: one 15,000 to 20,000wd research project (100%) due on 15 June (Semester 1) or 15 November (Semester 2) of the final semester in which a student is enrolled in the research project Mode of delivery: Supervision
Note: Department permission required for enrolment
Note: Applications close on 30 November (Semester 1) and 30 May (Semester 2). Applications should only be lodged after the completion of at least 24 credit points. Late applications may be accepted from those with incomplete results. Students must complete both LAWS6182 and LAWS6183 within one or over two semesters. For further information, please visit the Law Student Portal or E:
Please refer to LAWS6182 Independent Research Project A.
LAWS6330 Fundamentals of Regulation

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Belinda Reeve Session: Semester 2b Classes: Sep 8, 9 and Oct 6, 7 (9-4). For the latest information, please visit Your Studies in the Law Student Portal Assessment: compulsory online participation (10%), with students choosing from a combination of the following options to make up the remaining 90% of their grade: short response question (20%), class presentation (20%), problem question (40%), 5000wd essay (70%) and 7000wd essay (90%) Mode of delivery: Block mode
Note: Available to MLLR students who commenced after Jan 2015. Academic Profile: The unit is also available on a Continuing Professional Development basis
This unit acts as a general introduction to key theories, concepts, and debates within the field of regulatory studies, as well as to the main tools and instruments of regulation. Focusing on social regulation, it uses practical examples to analyze the implementation and enforcement of regulatory regimes in various areas, including public health, workplace health and safety, and environmental protection. It explores corporate responses to regulation, as well as the roles, practices, and accountability of regulatory agencies, and of other actors involved in the administration, and enforcement of regulation. The unit will be of interest to lawyers and other professionals engaged in regulatory compliance and enforcement, as well as to students with an interest in regulatory theory and practice more broadly. It also aims to provide a gateway for further study in more specialized areas of regulation. Please note that this unit does not focus on a specific area of regulation and does not cover financial services regulation or economic regulation more generally. While available to students in the Master of Health Law program, it does not focus on healthcare regulation.
Robert Baldwin, Martin Cave and Martin Lodge, Understanding Regulation: Theory, Strategy and Practice (Oxford University Press, 2nd ed, 2012)
LAWS6810 Fundamentals of Corporate Law

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Olivia Dixon Session: Semester 2a Classes: Aug 11, 12 and 18, 19 (9-4). For the latest information, please visit Your Studies in the Law Student Portal Prohibitions: LAWS2014 or LAWS5014 or Students who have undertaken the equivalent of Corporations Law in Australia within the last 5 years Assessment: class participation (10%), class presentation (10%), 2500wd short essay question (25%) and take-home exam (55%) Mode of delivery: Block mode
Note: Available to MLLR students who commenced after Jan 2015. Academic Profile: The unit is also available on a Continuing Professional Development basis
This unit is designed for those wishing to pursue postgraduate study involving aspects of corporate law, but who lack the required previous exposure to the subject. As our postgraduate units in corporate law (other than this unit and LAWS6319 Fundamentals of the Board and Directors Duties) are generally specialised and taught at an advanced level, those wishing to enrol in such units but who have not studied corporate law in a law school environment should undertake this unit. The unit focuses on the fundamental principles of law applying to public and proprietary companies. It starts with a brief history of the development of the corporate form and the evolution of Australian corporate law, before examining a range of core topics, such as the nature of corporate personality, the incorporation process, corporate constitution and governance rules, and shareholder rights and remedies. The unit will also include a brief introduction to directors duties, however, students who lack previous exposure to corporate law and wish to examine this topic in greater detail are advised also to enrol in the unit, LAWS6319 Fundamentals of the Board and Directors Duties. It is recommended that students wishing to undertake further study in the area of shareholder rights enrol in LAWS6957 Shareholders Remedies.
Redmond, Corporations and Financial Markets Law (7th ed, Thomson LBC, 2017) (“Redmond”) and Corporations Act 2001 (Cth)
LAWS6821 Mediation - Skills and Theory

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Prof Tania Sourdin (Coordinator), Ms Alysoun Boyle Session: Intensive November Classes: Oct 28, 29 and Nov 4, 5 (9-5). For the latest information, please visit Your Studies in the Law Student Portal Prohibitions: LAWS6935 Assessment: class and role play participation evidenced by reflective journal (formative assessment) (30%) and 5000wd essay (70%) Mode of delivery: Block mode
Note: Department permission required for enrolment
Note: This unit has a restricted class size. Priority will be given to students who are currently completing a Sydney Law School masters degree or graduate diploma. Students enrolling in this unit need to commit themselves to attending all classes. The skills learning takes place in class and skills are built incrementally from the beginning to the end of the unit. Students cannot catch up on elements they have missed by doing reading outside class - they must participate in all scheduled sessions. If students have a problem with attendance, they should postpone enrolling or withdraw well in advance of the first class so their place can be offered to the next student. To satisfy professional accreditation requirements, this unit cannot be delivered remotely (online). The offering of the unit will be subject to the university response to COVID which relies on the public health advice at the time of classes. Academic Profile:
This unit will teach you the fundamental skills and theory of mediation. The skills component of the unit is extensive and is the reason for the limited enrolment. The unit is designed to enable interested students to progress to accreditation as mediators (additional external study with coaching and assessment will be required) and the content of the unit is designed to meet the content requirements of the National Mediator Accreditation System. In particular the content of the subject is designed to explore the competency areas required for accreditation and the knowledge, skills and ethical understanding competency framework set out in the National Mediator Accreditation Standards. However, mediation is not simply a procedural template that can be learned and applied to every dispute with benefit. It raises interesting and complex issues of theory and ethics, which will be integrated with the skills components of the unit. Issues of culture, power, mediator neutrality and ethical dilemmas for the mediator will be considered.
Tania Sourdin, Alternative Dispute Resolution (5th ed) 2016 Thomson Reuters
LAWS6991 Fundamentals of Contract Law

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Assoc Prof Yane Svetiev Session: Semester 1b Classes: Apr 1, 2 and May 6, 7 (9-5). For the latest information, please visit Your Studies in the Law Student Portal Corequisites: LAWS6252 Prohibitions: LAWS1002 or LAWS1015 or LAWS2008 or LAWS5002 Assessment: 2000wd assignment (30%) and 6000wd final assignment (70%) Mode of delivery: Block mode
Note: This unit is only available to non-law graduates who have not undertaken any previous study in contract law. Students must either have completed or be concurrently enrolled in LAWS6252 Legal Reasoning and the Common Law System before undertaking this unit. Students who have previously completed a law degree or studies in contract law from a common law jurisdiction must not enrol in this unit but are encouraged to enrol in LAWS6328 Contract Management. MLLR students who commenced after Jan 2015 may enrol in this elective unit of study. Academic Profile: The unit is also available on a Continuing Professional Development basis
Learn how contracts operate as risk management tools by examining the legal principles arising in the formation, construction and discharge of contracts. This unit will provide students with an understanding of remedies available for breach of contract and factors that may vitiate a contract. The unit prepares students for a range of units* across law specialist areas in commercial law, corporate, securities and finance law and international business law where a basic understanding of contractual law principles is valuable. Unit content includes: contract as a risk management device; formation of contracts: agreement, consideration, intention to create legal relations, certainty, privity, formalities; construction principles: contractual parties, contractual terms (express and implied), classifying terms, principles of interpretation; estoppel; vitiating factors: misrepresentation, misleading and deceptive conduct, unconscionable conduct, mistake, duress; discharge: performance, breach, termination and frustration; remedies: key statutory and common law remedies. * excluding the following advanced contract law units available to law graduates only: LAWS6809 Breach of Contract, LAWS6872 Contract Negotiation, LAWS6851 Construction Law, LAWS6915 Current Issues in Defamation Law, LAWS6954 Financial Risk Allocation in Equity, LAWS6903 Interpreting Commercial Contracts, LAWS6969 Principles of Patent Law, LAWS6919 Problems in Contract Formation and units as listed in the University of Sydney Law School Handbook.
J W Carter,Carter’s Guide to Australian Contract Law, (3rd edition 2015, Lexis Nexis Butterworths)
Students may enrol in this unit of study before completing LAWS6071 Labour Law.

Electives from the Discipline of Work and Organisational Studies, Business School

WORK6017 Human Resource Strategies

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 1,Semester 2 Classes: Refer to the unit of study outline Prerequisites: WORK5002 or WORK5003 Assessment: Refer to the unit of study outline Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) evening
Note: Refer to the unit of study outline
This unit examines the theoretical foundations of strategic human resource management and then critically analyses the empirical evidence related to a range of HR strategies deployed in contemporary workplaces, both in Australia and internationally. In doing so, the unit explores the issues underpinning emerging HR strategies, their implementation and the outcomes experienced within the organisation and the wider environment. The HR strategies studied involve those that focus on managing a contemporary workforce and may include human resources strategies associated with: the management of front line workers, teams, non-standard forms of employment, job quality and work-life balance, and gender and diversity at work, for example.
WORK6130 Leadership in Organisations

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 1a Classes: Refer to the unit of study outline Prohibitions: ECOF5807 or ECOF6090 Assessment: Refer to the unit of study outline Mode of delivery: Block mode
Note: Refer to the unit of study outline
This unit is designed to encourage students to consider the role and significance of leadership in various organisational contexts. The unit introduces the major streams of leadership theory and traces the development of our understanding about leadership. The unit explores how these theories allow us to understand leadership in practice and in what ways leadership is linked to different aspects of organisational effectiveness. It then examines the 'good, the bad, and the ugly' sides of leadership, e.g. positive forms (transformational, charismatic) and negative forms (narcissistic and Machiavellian). The unit explores leading for diversity and diversity in leadership (e.g. based on gender, culture and ethnicity) and the role of leaders in constituting ethical and socially responsible organisations. The critical role of leaders in effecting organisational change is explored and the leadership of top management teams and leadership succession is examined. The unit also examines leadership development programs and instruments and students have an opportunity to reflect on factors that might influence their own leadership style.
WORK5003 Management and Organisations

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 1 Classes: Refer to the unit of study outline Assessment: Refer to the unit of study outline Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) evening
Note: Refer to the unit of study outline
This unit aims to introduce students to the nature and context of management. It explores the functions and processes of management and encourages students to critically reflect on management theory and practice. It can be taken as a standalone unit for students enrolled in various specialist masters programs and also prepares students for further study in strategic management, organisational analysis and strategy and human resource management.
WORK6118 Managing Communication in Organisations

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 2 Classes: Refer to the unit of study outline Prohibitions: ECOF6030 or ECOF6040 Assessment: Refer to the unit of study outline Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) evening
Note: Refer to the unit of study outline
In this unit, students learn theories of communication and how they apply within organisations, at an organisational, team and individual level. In the unit, we review the concept of communication through different theoretical and philosophical lenses so that students gain an understanding of how different perspectives provide different insights into communication within organisations. The unit also examines communication processes and how communication occurs between individuals and within groups. There is also a focus on communication challenges such as technology, diversity and globalisation. The unit incorporates practical exercises and case studies to enable students to evaluate their own communication practices and to apply the knowledge and understanding they gain from the unit to their own organisations and careers.
WORK6001 Organisational Analysis and Behaviour

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 2 Classes: Refer to the unit of study outline Assessment: Refer to the unit of study outline Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) evening
Note: Refer to the unit of study outline
This unit introduces students to the behaviour of people when acting as members of an organisation. The aim of the unit is to provide an understanding of the processes and structures that influence organisational behaviour, by drawing on ideas from psychology, sociology, management and anthropology. Topics covered include: personality and the self; learning and socialisation; motivation and commitment; group behaviour and dynamics; organisational design and boundaries; organisational culture, change and leadership.
WORK6026 Organisational Change and Development

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 1 Classes: Refer to the unit of study outline Assessment: Refer to the unit of study outline Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) evening
Note: Refer to the unit of study outline
This unit seeks to develop diagnostic and prescriptive skills in relation to the management of organisational change while also encouraging the adoption of a critical perspective of the field. Part 1 (Organisational Change and the Nature of Organisations) introduces the fields of organisational change, explains its relevance to organisation performance and strategy and examines key change management models. Part 2 (Diagnosis and Intervention) examines the utility of key organisational change models and techniques and identifies factors that may impact on the effectiveness of the change management process. Part 3 (Key Areas of Intervention) analyses the application of organisational change practices and initiatives to a number of specific organisational issues.
WORK5002 Foundations of HRM and IR

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 1,Semester 2 Classes: Refer to the unit of study outline Assessment: Refer to the unit of study outline Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) evening
Note: Refer to the unit of study outline
The unit provides an integrated overview of the social, legal, psychological, ethical and strategic dimensions of human resource management (HRM) and industrial relations (IR). The learning content develops broad and deep knowledge in a select number of topical HR and IR issues and links these to a real-world context. As such the unit provides students with the essential preparatory knowledge and skills to build an intellectual foundation for the suite of subsequent core and elective units in HRM and IR available in the program.
WORK6030 Performance and Rewards

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 1 Classes: Refer to the unit of study outline Assessment: Refer to the unit of study outline Mode of delivery: Block mode
Note: Refer to the unit of study outline
This unit examines the processes and practices associated with contemporary performance and reward management. Results-based, behaviourally-based and competency-based methods of performance management are examined, along with processes of performance review, planning and developing. Coverage of reward management issues includes: job- and person-based approaches to building base pay structures; methods for rewarding individual performance; work group incentives such as gainsharing, goal-sharing and team pay; methods of rewarding employees for organisational performance, including employee share ownership; and performance-related rewards for executives. The unit also examines approaches to developing strategically integrated performance and reward management systems.
WORK6002 Strategic Management

This unit of study is not available in 2022

Credit points: 6 Classes: Semester 1a: Intensive - TBA; Semester 2: 1 x 3hr seminar/tutorial per week Assessment: seminar-based assessment (20%), case study assessment (40%), final exam (40%) Mode of delivery: Block mode
The aim of this unit is to introduce the concept of strategy and explain its role in the management of organisations. The unit thus traces the development of strategic management as a field and examines different approaches to strategic management. WORK6002 introduces students to the classical strategy process of strategic analysis, strategy formulation and strategy implementation. This involves learning about and working with a range of strategy models and tools that can be used in the strategic management of organisations. In particular, a range of case studies is used to explore the practical application of these tools. The unit also critically examines traditional views of strategy by introducing a range of current debates in the strategy field.

Electives from the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences

ECOP6101 Political Economy: A Primer

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Please refer to the unit of study outline for individual sessions Session: Semester 1,Semester 2 Classes: 1x2hr seminar/week Assessment: 4x4x500wd seminar papers (40%), 1x4000wd essay (45%), seminar participation (15%). Please refer to the unit of study outline for individual sessions Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) day
The unit introduces the core concepts of political economy through the lens of the principal schools of economic thought - Classical Political Economy, Marxian Economics, Neoclassical Economics, Institutional Economics, Keynesian Economics and Contemporary Political Economy. You will consider each school’s historical origins, their methodological approaches, analytical tools, policy prescriptions and insights. You will learn about the foundations for the application of political economic reasoning to advance understanding of contemporary issues like the climate crisis, precarious employment, energy impoverishment, the contemporary university business model, and global pandemics.