University of Sydney Handbooks - 2022 Archive

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Master of Health Technology Innovation


Graduate Diploma in Health Technology Innovation

Master of Health Technology Innovation

These resolutions must be read in conjunction with applicable University By-laws, Rules and policies including (but not limited to) the University of Sydney (Coursework) Rule 2014 (the 'Coursework Rule'), the Coursework Policy 2021 (the 'Coursework Policy'), the Learning and Teaching Policy 2019, the Resolutions of the Faculty, University of Sydney (Student Academic Appeals) Rule 2021, the Academic Honesty in Coursework Policy 2015 and the Academic Honesty Procedures 2016. Current versions of all policies are available from the Policy Register:

Course Resolutions

1 Course codes


Course title


Graduate Diploma in Health Technology Innovation


Master of Health Technology Innovation

2 Attendance pattern

The attendance pattern for these courses is full time or part time according to the candidate's choice.

3 Master's type

The Master's degree in these resolutions is a professional Master's course, as defined by the Coursework Policy.

4 Embedded courses in this sequence

The embedded courses in this sequence are:
the Graduate Diploma in Health Technology Innovation
the Master of Health Technology Innovation
Providing candidates satisfy the admission requirements for each stage, a candidate may progress to the award of any of the courses in this sequence. Only the highest award completed will be conferred.

5 Cross-faculty management

The Faculty of Engineering is the administering faculty for the course. Candidates in this degree program will be under the general supervision of Faculty of Engineering.
The Director of Education Program Development, Charles Perkins Centre, exercises authority in any matter concerned with the cross-faculty course not otherwise dealt with in these resolutions, in consultation with the Deans of the participating faculties.

6 Admission to candidature

Available places will be offered to qualified applicants based on merit, according to the following admissions criteria.
Admission to the Master of Health Technology Innovation requires:
a minimum of a bachelor’s degree from the University of Sydney or qualifications deemed by the faculty to be equivalent, with a minimum credit average; or
completion of the requirements of the embedded graduate diploma, with a minimum credit average.
Admission to the Graduate Diploma in Health Technology Innovation requires:
A minimum of a bachelor's degree from the University of Sydney, or qualifications deemed by the faculty to be equivalent, with a minimum credit average.
In exceptional circumstances the Dean may admit applicants without these qualifications who, in the opinion of the Faculty, have qualifications and evidence of experience and achievement sufficient to successfully undertake the award.

7 Requirements for award

The units of study that may be taken for the course/s are set out in the table of units of study for the Master of Health Technology Innovation.
To qualify for the award of the Graduate Diploma in Health Technology Innovation a candidate must complete 60 credit points including:
a minimum of 12 credit points of the Core units of study; and
a minimum of 12 credit points of the Specialist units of study; and
a maximum of 12 credit points of the Foundation units of study. Candidates will be required to select units which complement their prior background and qualifications (subject to assessment by the Program Director).
To qualify for the award of the Master of Health Technology Innovation a candidate must complete 96 credit points including:
24 credit points of the Core units of study; and
a minimum of 24 credit points of the Specialist units of study; and
a minimum of 12 credit points of the Project units of study; and
a maximum of 24 credit points of the Foundation units of study. Candidates will be required to select units which complement their prior background and qualifications (subject to assessment by the Program Director).
If a reduction in the volume of learning is given then the candidate is able to apply for an exemption for some course requirements, if evidence can be provided of prior learning (subject to assessment by the Program Director):
Candidates will be required to apply any reduced volume of learning awarded to the Foundation or Specialist units of study based on their prior background and qualifications.
The candidate will then be required to complete the required volume of learning based on the remaining course requirements.

8 Progression Rules

A candidate for the Master of Health Technology Innovation must complete 24 credit points from Core, Specialist or Foundation units of study before taking any Health Technology Innovation Capstone Project units. Candidates who do not achieve a Credit average may have their eligibility for the Capstone Project subject to review by the Program Director.
With permission from the Dean or nominee, a candidate for the Master of Health Technology Innovation who completed 24 credit points from Core, Specialist or Foundation units of study with at least Distinction average marks may take Health Technology Innovation Dissertation Project units.
Admission to the Project units of study is subject to availability of supervision and to the approval of the Program Director.

9 Suspension of candidature

A student may suspend candidature in the course for a period of up to one year, as provided in the Coursework Policy.

10 Cross-institutional study

Cross-institutional study is not available in these courses except where the University of Sydney has a formal cooperation agreement with another university.

11 Course transfer

A candidate for the master’s degree may elect to discontinue study and graduate with a shorter award from this embedded sequence, with the approval of the relevant delegated authority, and provided the requirements of the shorter award have been met.

12 Credit for previous study (for non-completed qualifications only)

The following Coursework Rules (for non-completed qualifications) replace the provisions for "Credit for previous study" within the "Resolutions of the Faculty (of Engineering)" for the Master of Health Technology Innovation:
where postgraduate study has been undertaken at the University of Sydney in one of the embedded courses of the Master of Health Technology Innovation and no award has been completed, credit may be transferred in full if the units of study are recognised as part of the Master of Health Technology Innovation (subject to credit limits in the table of units of study: Master of Health Technology Innovation), provided the study has been undertaken within the previous three years and subject to approval of the relevant delegated authority. In addition, a credit transfer for the purposes of a course upgrade will require either:
fulfilment of the admission requirements for the “Admission to Candidature” for the Master of Health Technology Innovation including at least a credit average from the prior qualification used for admission; or
completion of a minimum of 24 credit points of the currently enrolled course with at least a credit average;
where study has been undertaken at postgraduate level and no award has been completed, credit to a maximum of 50% of the prescribed credit points may be transferred to the Master of Health Technology Innovation, provided:
the study has been undertaken at the University of Sydney, or at an external institution recognised by the University of Sydney; and
the units of study have been completed at credit level or above; and
the units are equivalent to Core or Specialist units of study offered under the degree being taken, subject to approval of the relevant delegated authority.
Credit will not be granted for recognised prior learning older than 10 years at the time of first enrolment.

13 Recognition of Prior Learning (for completed qualifications only)

The following Coursework Rules (for completed qualifications) replace the provisions for “Credit for previous study” within the “Resolutions of the Faculty (of Engineering)” for the Master of Health Technology Innovation and the Graduate Diploma in Health Technology Innovation:
where study has been undertaken and an award has been completed, candidates who are offered direct admission to the Master of Health Technology Innovation may be eligible for a reduction in the volume of learning of up to 48 credit points provided that study for the completed award has been undertaken at an external institution recognised by the University of Sydney. Any recognition of prior learning is subject to the following guidelines and requires the approval of the relevant delegated authority:
the maximum permissible reduction in the volume of learning is 48 credit points for a Graduate Diploma (at level 8 of the Australian Qualifications Framework) including relevant studies in both health and technology fields.
the maximum permissible reduction in the volume of learning is 48 credit points for a Bachelor's degree with Honours (at level 8 of the Australian Qualifications Framework) including relevant studies in both health and technology fields.
the maximum permissible reduction in the volume of learning is 48 credit points for a Master's degree (at level 9 of the Australian Qualifications Framework) including relevant study in either a health or technology field.
the maximum permissible reduction in the volume of learning is 24 credit points for a Bachelor's degree (at level 7 of the Australian Qualifications Framework) including relevant studies in both health and technology fields.
the maximum permissible reduction in the volume of learning is 24 credit points for a Graduate Diploma (at level 8 of the Australian Qualifications Framework) including relevant studies in either a health or technology field.
the maximum permissible reduction in the volume of learning is 24 credit points for a Bachelor's degree with Honours (at level 8 of the Australian Qualifications Framework) including relevant studies in either a health or technology field.
the maximum permissible reduction in the volume of learning is 12 credit points for a Graduate Certificate (at level 8 of the Australian Qualifications Framework) including relevant studies in either a health or technology field.
the maximum permissible reduction in the volume of learning is 12 credit points for a Bachelor's degree (at level 7 of the Australian Qualifications Framework) including relevant studies in either a health or technology field.
Where study has been undertaken and an award has been completed, candidates who are offered direct admission to the Graduate Diploma in Health Technology Innovation may be eligible for a reduction in the volume of learning of up to 12 credit points, provided that study for the completed award has been undertaken at an institution recognised by the University of Sydney. Any recognition for prior learning is subject to the following guidelines and requires the approval of the relevant delegated authority:
the maximum permissible reduction in the volume of learning is 12 credit points for a Bachelor's degree (at level 7 of the Australian Qualifications Framework) including relevant studies in both health and technology fields.
the maximum permissible reduction in the volume of learning is 12 credit points for a Graduate Diploma (at level 8 of the Australian Qualifications Framework) including relevant studies in either a health or technology field.
the maximum permissible reduction in the volume of learning is 12 credit points for a Bachelor's degree with Honours (at level 8 of the Australian Qualifications Framework) including relevant studies in either a health or technology field.

14 Satisfactory progress

Progression is subject to the Coursework Rule. A candidate for the Master of Health Technology Innovation who has failed to meet these progression rules will be transferred to the Graduate Diploma in Health Technology Innovation, depending on the credit points successfully completed.

15 Transitional provisions

These resolutions apply to students who commenced their candidature after 1 January, 2022 and students who commenced their candidature prior to 1 January 2022 who elect to proceed under these resolutions.
Candidates who commenced prior to 1 January 2022 may complete the requirements in accordance with the resolutions in force at the time of their commencement.