University of Sydney Handbooks - 2022 Archive

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Global Logistics

The Global Logistics specialisation focuses on operations and the logistics function in organisations that source, produce, distribute, and market nationally and internationally. Organisations need a globally focussed and up to date knowledge of the logistics task to maintain their competitive edge, exploit technological change, meet increased customer expectations, address sustainability issues, and be resilient when facing disruptions. This specialisation will provide students with a solid grounding in the concepts, techniques and principles that underpin global logistics management. Graduates build skills in the development of global distribution strategy, sourcing and supplier management, the management of disruption, aviation, maritime and city logistics, and analytical methods.

Requirements for a Global Logistics specialisation

To achieve a specialisation in Global Logistics within the Master of Commerce or Master of Commerce (Extension), students must complete 30 credit points in units of study comprising:

  • 6 credit points of Table A - Foundational units of study;
  • 12 credit points of Table A – Global Logistics core units of study; and
  • 12 credit points of Table A – Global Logistics selective units of study.

Students completing this specialisation to meet the requirements for the Master of Commerce or as their compulsory specialisation for the Master of Commerce (Extension) would complete a 6 credit point capstone unit from Table A – Capstone units of study for their degree in the same subject area as their specialisation.

Students completing this specialisation as their optional second specialisation for the Master of Commerce (Extension) are not required to complete a capstone unit of study.

Sample pathways

(i) Master of Commerce

A sample pathway for the Global Logistics specialisation spread over the three semesters of the Master of Commerce degree (Full-time study) is listed below.

Session Units of study
1st Semester Foundational: ITLS5250 Foundation in Global Logistics Specialisation core: ITLS6201 Global Distribution Strategy
2nd Semester Specialisation core: ITLS6202 Sustainable Logistics and Procurement Specialisation selective
3rd Semester Specialisation selective
(ii) Master of Commerce (Extension)

A sample pathway for the Global Logistics specialisation spread over 2 years of the Master of Commerce (Extension) degree (Full-time study) is listed below.

Session Units of study
1st Semester Foundational: ITLS5250 Foundation in Global Logistics
2nd Semester Specialisation core: ITLS6201 Global Distribution Strategy
3rd Semester Specialisation core: ITLS6202 Sustainable Logistics and Procurement
Specialisation selective
4th Semester Specialisation selective

Please Note. This sample progression is meant as an example only. Depending on unit prerequisites, students may be able to complete these units in a different sequence to that displayed in the table above.

For details of the units of study required for the specialisation please refer to the Global Logistics section under Commerce Subject Areas in this handbook.

Learning Outcomes

  Learning Outcomes - Global Logistics specialisation
1 Analyse real global logistics problems and develop innovative strategies to address these focussing on issues of suppliers, organisations, customers and other relevant stakeholders.
2 Explain advanced principles, theories and applications in global logistics management and their applications in various industry contexts.
3 Communicate persuasively and professionally to global logistics stakeholders to lead change and influence others.
4 Integrate multi-disciplinary perspectives within diverse teams to effectively respond to complex issues in managing global logistics operations.
5 Identify current trends in global logistics and assess their implications for managers, organisations, employees and other stakeholders.
6 Communicate in written and oral formats, with individual autonomy, accountability and awareness of others.
7 Apply and evaluate concepts of business ethics and social responsibility in global logistics activities.

Further information

For further information regarding study in logistics and supply chain management in the Commerce coursework programs, please contact the Institute of Transport and Logistics Studies.