University of Sydney Handbooks - 2022 Archive

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Progression guides

For the units of study that are available to students enrolled in the Bachelor of Commerce and Bachelor of Laws refer to the Table A and Law sections in the Subject areas part in this handbook and Tables S, O, and D in the Interdisciplinary Studies Handbook.

Note: The information listed in these examples is based on the unit of study offerings for the current year and is intended as a guide only. Students are usually able to complete the Commerce units of study for their course in different sequences to that which is listed (including enrolling in units in summer or winter intensive sessions when available). Students are advised to plan their course based upon their individual needs.

(1) Bachelor of Commerce and Bachelor of Laws

The following table illustrates a degree progression example for a student enrolled in the Bachelor of Commerce and Bachelor of Laws on a full-time basis undertaking a total of 24 credit points per semester.

This example shows a major with a two 1000-level + two 2000-level + four 3000-level structure. Students who wish to complete a major with a two 1000-level + three 2000-level + three 3000-level structure then would replace one of the degree electives in Year 2 with a 2000-level unit for the major and one of the 3000-level units for the major in Year 3 with a degree elective.

Note: In this table, core units of study for the Bachelor of Commerce (BCom) are indicated in bold type and compulsory Law units of study are in italics.

For details of the Commerce core units of study, refer to Table A. For deatils of the Law core units of study, refer to Law (Combined) in Table A. For details of available Table A majors, refer to Table A Subject Areas. For details of the shared pool's subject areas, refer to Table S. For details of OLE units refer to Table O.






 Year 1

Semester 1

BUSS1000 Future of Business

BUSS1030 Accounting, Business and Society

 1000-level (Table A) for major OR Table A, Table S or Table O elective *

LAWS1006 Foundations of Law


Semester 2

BUSS1020 Quantitative Business Analysis

Open Learning Environment (OLE) unit/s (Table O)^

1000-level (Table A) for major OR Table A, Table S or Table O elective *

LAWS1012 Torts

LAWS1024 Legal Research +


 Year 2

Semester 1

BUSS2000 Leading and Influencing in Business

2000-level (Table A) for major

LAWS1015 Contracts

LAWS1014 Civil and Criminal Procedure


Semester 2

Open Learning Environment (OLE) unit/s (Table O)^

2000-level (Table A) for major

Table A, Table S or Table O elective

LAWS1016 Criminal Law


Year 3

Semester 1

3000-level (Table A) for major

3000-level (Table A) for major

Table A, Table S or Table O elective

LAWS1023 Public International Law 


Semester 2

3000-level (Table A) for major

3000-level (Table A) for major (capstone)**

LAWS1017 Torts and Contracts II

LAWS1021 Public Law



Year 4** Semester 1 Bachelor of Laws - 2000-level core units of study ++


Semester 2 Bachelor of Laws - 2000-level core units of study ++


Year 5** Semester 1

Bachelor of Laws - 2000-level core units of study ++

Bachelor of Laws - Part 1 and Part 2 3000-level electives ++



Semester 2 Bachelor of Laws - Part 1 and Part 2 3000-level electives ++


Note. BUSS1000, BUSS1020 and BUSS1030 must be completed in a student’s first year of study. Depending on the major chosen BUSS1020 and BUSS1030 can be completed in either semester in any order (i.e. BUSS1020 in Semester 1 and BUSS1030 in Semester 2 or vice versa) or both in Semester 1.

* Students completing a Commerce major where the degree core units BUSS1020 or BUSS1030 are the core for the major could replace this unit with a Table A or Table S elective rather than a 1000-level unit for the major.

^ OLE units can be worth either 6 or 2 credit points. Students are required to complete 12 credit points in these units. If a student chooses to complete three 2 credit point units then their progression would appear different to the sequence indicated in this example.

+ This unit is a zero credit point unit.

** Capstone unit for major – completed in the final semester of study for that major. This unit of study must be completed at the University of Sydney Business School.

++ To complete years four and five, students graduate from the Bachelor of Commerce and transfer into the single Bachelor of Laws degree, administered by the Sydney Law School.

(2) Bachelor of Commerce (Dalyell Stream) and Bachelor of Laws

The following table illustrates a degree progression example for a student enrolled in the Bachelor of Commerce (Dalyell Stream) and Bachelor of Laws on a full-time basis undertaking a total of 24 credit points per semester.

Note: In this table, core units of study for the Bachelor of Commerce (BCom) are indicated in bold type and compulsory Law units of study are in italics. Dalyell units are indicated with 'bold italic'.

For details of the Commerce core units of study, refer to Table A. For details of the Law core units of study, refer to Law (Combined) in Table A. For details of available Table A majors, refer to Table A Subject Areas. For details of the shared pool's subject areas, refer to Table S. For details of OLE units refer to Table O. For details of Dalyell Stream units, refer to Table D.





 Year 1

Semester 1

BUSS1000 Future of Business

BUSS1030 Accounting, Business and Society

 1000-level (Table A) for major OR Table A, Table S, Table O, or Table D elective *

LAWS1006 Foundations of Law


Semester 2

BUSS1020 Quantitative Business Analysis

Open Learning Environment unit/s (Table O)^

1000-level (Table A) for major OR Table A, Table S, Table O, or Table D elective *

LAWS1012 Torts

LAWS1024 Legal Research +


 Year 2

Semester 1

BUSS2000 Leading and Influencing in Business

2000-level (Table A) for major

LAWS1015 Contracts

LAWS1014 Civil and Criminal Procedure


Semester 2

Table A, Table S, Table O, or Table D elective

2000-level (Table A) for major

Dalyell unit (Table D)

LAWS1016 Criminal Law


Year 3

Semester 1

3000-level (Table A) for major

3000-level (Table A) for major

Dalyell unit (Table D)

LAWS1023 Public International Law 


Semester 2

3000-level (Table A) for major

3000-level (Table A) for major (capstone)**

LAWS1017 Torts and Contracts II

LAWS1021 Public Law



Year 4** Semester 1 Bachelor of Laws - 2000-level core units of study ++


Semester 2 Bachelor of Laws - 2000-level core units of study ++


Year 5** Semester 1

Bachelor of Laws - 2000-level core units of study ++

Bachelor of Laws - Part 1 and Part 2 3000-level electives ++



Semester 2 Bachelor of Laws - Part 1 and Part 2 3000-level electives **


Note. BUSS1000, BUSS1020 and BUSS1030 must be completed in a student’s first year of study. Depending on the major chosen BUSS1020 and BUSS1030 can be completed in either semester in any order (i.e. BUSS1020 in Semester 1 and BUSS1030 in Semester 2 or vice versa) or both in Semester 1.

* Students completing a Commerce major where the degree core units BUSS1020 or BUSS1030 are the core for the major could replace this unit with a Table A or Table S elective rather than a 1000-level unit for the major.

^ OLE units can be worth either 6 or 2 credit points. Students are required to complete 12 credit points in these units. If a student chooses to complete three 2 credit point units then their progression would appear different to the sequence indicated in this example.

+ This unit is a zero credit point unit.

** Capstone unit for major – completed in the final semester of study for that major. This unit of study must be completed at the University of Sydney Business School.

++ To complete years four and five, students graduate from the Bachelor of Commerce and transfer into the single Bachelor of Laws degree, administered by the Sydney Law School.

Progression into the Bachelor of Laws single degree

By the end of the third year in the combined degree program, full-time students should have completed the requirements for their Bachelor of Commerce degree (144 credit points) and will be eligible to graduate with this degree.

Students then transfer to the single Bachelor of Laws degree in their fourth year and complete the remaining requirements for this degree under the supervision of the Sydney Law School. An additional two years of study are required at the Law School - 'Year 4' and 'Year 5' where the remaining compulsory and elective units of study for the Bachelor of Laws are completed. Further information on the final years of this program is available in the Sydney Law School Handbook.