Bachelor of Applied Science (Exercise and Sport Science) – BPASESSC2000
Bachelor of Applied Science (Exercise and Sport Science) Pass
View semester session codes here.
Course BPASESSC-02: Pass course; full-time, 3 years
Year 1
Semester 1
BIOS1167 Foundations of Biomedical Science
Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Diana Oakes Session: Semester 1 Classes: 3 x 1hr lectures/week, 4 x 2hr practical/semester Prohibitions: BIOS1126 or BIOS1130 or BIOS1156 or BIOS1161 or HSBM1001 Assessment: Online quizzes (5%), Mid-semester examination (30%), End-semester examinations (65%) Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) day
This is an entry level unit of study designed to give students an overview of the biological and biochemical processes that are fundamental to life. Knowledge gained in this unit will enable students to understand the key principles of health and disease and the scientific basis for many of the professional practices they will undertake in their careers. Topics are not covered in the detail that is applicable to general chemistry or biochemistry units of study. Students who achieve a pass have a basic working knowledge of the following topics: structure and function of cells, homeostasis, the basic chemistry of life, the biochemistry of human cell function (including protein synthesis, metabolic processes and diseases), and the genetics of health and disease. Students who achieve higher grades are better able to integrate various aspects of the unit and to apply their knowledge to the relevance of these fundamental principles to health care practices.
BIOS1168 Functional Musculoskeletal Anatomy A
Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Cliffton Chan, Dr Bronwen Ackermann Session: Semester 1,Semester 2 Classes: 2hr lectures, 2hr practical:tutorial/week Prohibitions: BIOS1136 or BIOS1159 or BIOS5090 Assessment: Mid semester practical exam (30%), end semester practical exam (30%), end semester exam (40%) Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) day
Note: Semester 1 Unit Coordinator is A/Prof Leslie Nicholson, Semester 2 unit coordinator is Dr Bronwen Ackermann
This unit of study introduces the basic concepts in musculoskeletal anatomy prior to a more detailed study of the gross anatomical structure of the upper limb as it relates to functional activities. Students will also study the histological structure of musculoskeletal tissues and surface anatomy of the upper limb. Material will be presented in lectures, practical sessions and online. Students will also be expected to undertake some independent learning activities. This unit includes laboratory classes in which human cadavers are studied; attendance at such classes is strongly encouraged.
EXSS1032 Fundamentals of Exercise Science
Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Kate Edwards Session: Semester 1 Classes: 2-hr lectures/week, 2hr practical/week Assessment: Practical skills assessment (20%), excel tutorial and practical class-based worksheets (20%) and end semester exam (60%) Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) day
The aim of this unit is to provide students with an understanding of the fundamental principles of exercise science and an introduction to their application to physical activity, sport, fitness and health. A focus of Fundamentals of Exercise Science is the practical application of testing procedures to the measurement of physiological function. In this unit issues related to work (and its measurement), energy supply, physiological capacity and muscular fitness are covered, with emphasis on the integration of these concepts, the use of scientific rigour and evidence-based practice. Practical classes will cover various fundamental skills for exercise scientists including standard health screening procedures and the principles and practice aerobic and muscular fitness testing. Worksheets will include data presentation and analysis skills using excel software. The exercise prescription component of the unit introduces students to the concepts of programming for cardio-respiratory/aerobic and muscular fitness for healthy individuals. A major emphasis of the unit is the acquisition of laboratory based testing/assessment skills, and data handling and presentation skills
Recommended: Powers and Howley. Exercise Physiology: Australia and New Zealand (2014). McGraw-Hill Education, Australia
HSBH1003 Health, Behaviour and Society
Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Mairwen Jones Session: Semester 1 Classes: 1x2-hr lecture/week, 1x1-hr tutorial/week Prohibitions: BACH1130 or BACH1132 or BACH1133 or BACH1134 or BACH1161 Assessment: Assignment (25%), group class presentation (25%), 1.5 hr end of semester exam (50%) Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) day
This unit is an introduction to areas of psychology and sociology relevant to health and wellbeing. The unit provides sociological tools (covering both theory and method) useful for understanding and practicing in health and wellbeing. It is also an introduction to the principles and applications of psychology as they pertain to these areas. The unit aims to develop a 'sociological imagination', a quality of mind that will be used to prompt students to question common-sense assumptions regarding health and wellbeing. Students will also gain familiarity with the major paradigms and methodological approaches of contemporary psychology and will develop the applications of psychological theory to specific health issues in their major area of study.
Germov, J (2014), BACH1161 Introductory Behavioural Health Sciences + HSBH1003 Health, Behaviour & Society, Melbourne: Oxford University Press.
Semester 2
BIOS1169 Functional Musculoskeletal Anatomy B
Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Ms Jan Douglas-Morris Session: Semester 1,Semester 2 Classes: 2hr lectures, 2hr practical-tutorial/week Prerequisites: BIOS1168 Prohibitions: BIOS1139 or BIOS1144 or BIOS1160 Assessment: Online mastery test (5%), mid-semester practical exam (30%), end-semester practical exam (25%), end-semester theory exam (40%) Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) day
This unit of study examines the detailed gross, radiological and surface anatomy of the lower limb, trunk and neck. Included are the anatomical analyses of functional activities which involve the lower limb, back and neck. Material will be presented in lectures, practical and tutorial sessions and online. Students will also be expected to undertake some independent learning activities. This unit includes laboratory classes in which human cadavers are studied; attendance at such classes is strongly encouraged.
BIOS1170 Body Systems: Structure and Function
Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Jaimie Polson Session: Semester 1,Semester 2 Classes: 3hr lectures, 2hr practical/week Prohibitions: BIOS1127 or BIOS1133 or BIOS2098 or BIOS2099 or BMED2403 or PHSI2005 or PHSI2006 Assessment: Mid semester exam (40%), end semester exam (60%) Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) day
This unit will present the gross anatomy, functional histology, physiology and pathophysiology of the cardiovascular, respiratory and renal systems. Specific diseases of these systems that are commonly encountered in health care practice will be described. The unit will also cover the characteristics of the body's fluids and the concept of acid-base balance within the body. This unit includes laboratory classes at which human cadaveric material is studied; attendance at such classes is strongly encouraged. Students who achieve a pass will have a basic working knowledge of professionally relevant aspects of anatomy and physiology. Students who achieve higher grades will be better able to integrate various aspects of the unit, and to apply their knowledge to solve problems or explain higher level phenomena.
EXSS1029 Muscle Mechanics and Training
Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Mr Tom Gwinn Session: Semester 2 Classes: 2hr lecture/week, 2hr practical/week Assessment: Mid semester exam (30%), practical exam (10%), end semester exam (60%) Practical field work: Includes participation in high resistance training. Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) day
The determinants of maximal active muscle force and power production are examined in terms of the crossbridge cycle, sarcomere arrangement, myosin isoforms and the extent of muscle activation. Evidence for neural adaptations to high resistance training is examined and the practical significance of these adaptations is discussed. The responses of skeletal muscle to high-resistance training are discussed in terms of i) the control of protein synthesis, ii) sarcomere remodelling and myofibril assembly, and iii) whole muscle hypertrophy and fibre type shifts. An evidence-based approach is used to examine the dose-response relationship between high-resistance variables (load, number of sets, training, frequency, rest interval) and hypertrophy. Muscle structural and functional adaptations to disuse (bed rest, non-weight bearing, immobilization) are examined, as well as the effects of re-ambulation and re-training. The determinants of muscle range of motion and passive stiffness are discussed. The response of muscle to long term stretching (e.g. bone elongation) is examined. This is contrasted to the relative lack of muscle structural adaptation to short-term static stretch interventions.
No textbook required, students are recommended to obtain unit of study manual
EXSS1018 Biomechanics of Human Movement
Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr René Ferdinands Session: Semester 2 Classes: 2-hr lecture /week, 4x2-hr practical/semester, 4x1-hr tutorials/semester, online weekly quizzes for feedback Assumed knowledge: HSC Mathematics Assessment: 2-hr mid-semester exam (40%), and 2-hr end-semester exam (60%) Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) day
This unit aims to develop an appreciation of how mechanical principles can be applied to understand the underlying causes of human movement. Topics include: kinematics, vectors, Newton`s laws of motion, work, energy, power, and momentum; for both translational and rotational motion; and the influence of fluids on motion. Emphasis is placed on developing mathematical skills and analytical problem solving techniques. The laboratory classes complement the lectures; providing opportunities to validate mechanical principles in a quantitative manner.
Hamill J and Knutzen KM (2014) Biomechanical Basis of Human Movement 4th. Ed., Baltimore: Wolters Kluwer.
Year 2
Semester 1
BIOS1171 Neuroscience
Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Jin Huang, Dr Alan Freeman Session: Semester 1,Semester 2 Classes: 3hr lectures, 2hrs practical/week, with a small online component Prohibitions: BIOS1137 or BIOS2103 Assessment: Mid-semester exam (40%), end-semester exam (60%) Practical field work: 2hrs/week Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) day
Note: Semester 1 coordinator is Dr Jin Huang, Semester 2 coordinator is Dr Alan Freeman
This unit of study includes fundamental concepts of nervous system organisation and function. Anatomy of the brain and spinal cord is studied using models to understand the cortical and subcortical pathways as well as integrating centres that control movements and posture. The physiology component introduces students to mechanisms of signal generation and transmission, basic mechanisms of spinal reflexes, the function of the somatosensory and autonomic nervous system and motor pathways. Case studies aimed at identifying simple neural problems associated with sensory and motor systems are specifically designed for students following professional preparation degrees. This unit includes a few laboratory classes in which human cadavers are studied; attendance at such classes is strongly encouraged.
EXSS2018 Biomechanical Analysis of Movement
Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: A/Prof Peter Sinclair Session: Semester 1 Classes: 2-hr lecture/week, 1-2-hrs tutorial or practical/week Prerequisites: EXSS1018 Assessment: movement analysis assignment (25%), mid semester exam (30%), end of semester exam (45%) Practical field work: Problem solving and data analysis from laboratory work Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) day
The main emphasis of this unit is in developing practical expertise in techniques for the biomechanical analysis of human movement. Students will learn how to conduct kinematic and kinetic analyses, using video, force platforms and electromyography. Other components of this unit are aimed at further development of mathematical and problem-solving skills for the analysis of movement. Topics include static and dynamic equilibrium, calculation of centre of mass, determination of joint torques using inverse dynamics, electromyography, tissue mechanics and gait analysis.
EXSS2028 Exercise Physiology and Biochemistry
Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Kieron Rooney Session: Semester 1 Classes: 3x1-hr lectures/week for 13 weeks, 1x2-hr tutorial on 4 occasions Prohibitions: EXSS2017 or EXSS2019 Assumed knowledge: BIOS1167 and EXSS1032 Assessment: quizzes (13%), 1.5h mid semester exam (46%), 2 hr end semester exam (41%) , 1x2hr Practical Skills Barrier task (0% Pass/Fail) Practical field work: 1x2-hr class on 3 occasions Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) day
This unit discusses the acute responses to exercise with a specific emphasis on the roles of the respiratory and cardiovascular systems in oxygen transport and the significance of sub-maximal and maximal oxygen consumption in the limitations to performance. The concepts of acid-base balance during exercise and of lactate and ventilatory thresholds will be examined. Furthermore, this unit develops an understanding of the specific metabolic response to exercise at the peripheral cellular level and the biochemical strategies that maintain energy balance during exercise and a return to homeostasis in recovery. Students will put theory into practice with laboratory tasks that encourage skill acquisition in the collection of real-time physiological data of the respiratory and cardiovascular response to exercise.
Brooks, GA; Fahey, TD; Baldwin KM/Exercise physiology: human bioenergetics and its applications/Fourth Edition/2005/0-07-255642-0/. Tiidus P, Russell Tupling A., Houston, ME. Biochemistry Primer for Exercise Science
HSBH1007 Health Science and Research
Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Grace Spencer Session: Semester 1,Semester 2 Classes: 1x2hr lectures/week, 1x1hr tutorial/week Prohibitions: HSBH2007 Assessment: Individual written report (30%), group written report (20%), 90 min end of semester exam (50%) Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) day
This unit introduces students to key research paradigms in health, and to the major approaches to designing and evaluating basic and applied research in health. Students are exposed to the types of research which inform our understanding of normal and abnormal functions of the human body and of treatment and preventative health care. Students will be engaged in the generation of new knowledge through evidence-based practice and evidence-based innovation. Current issues in health science research will be identified, with emphasis on the role of technology and e-health.
Saks, M. & Allsop, J. (eds.) (2013). Researching Health: qualitative, quantitative and mixed methods. London: sage.
Semester 2
EXSS2021 Nutrition, Health and Performance
Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Helen O'Connor Session: Semester 2 Classes: 1x2-hr lecture / week Prerequisites: EXSS2028 Assessment: mid-semester examination (20%), presentation (20%), end of semester exam (60%) Practical field work: 1x2-hr practical / fortnight Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) day
This unit provides students with an understanding of the principles of nutrition to optimise physical performance in sport, recreation and occupation. In addition key aspects of public health nutrition including dietary management of obesity, diabetes and cardiovascular disease are also a focus. This unit defines the importance of macro and micro nutrients in the maintenance of health, and the specific roles of carbohydrate, protein and lipids in energy metabolism during exercise. In addition, the interaction between dietary intake and physical activity and its effects on energy-balance, cardiovascular health and other lifestyle diseases are considered.
EXSS2022 Exercise Physiology-Training Adaptations
Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: A/Prof Chin-Moi Chow Session: Semester 2 Classes: 3-hr lecture/week for 13 weeks, 2-hr practical-tutorial/week for 4 weeks Prerequisites: EXSS2028 Assessment: debate session (10%), quizzes (5x1%), 1.5-hr mid semester exam (35%), end semester exam (50%) Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) day
This unit is concerned with the physiological adaptations associated with training. This unit will focus on cardiorespiratory and metabolic adaptations to endurance, high resistance and interval/sprint training, and benefits/interference effects of concurrent training. The implications of training will be discussed with respect to mechanisms behind muscle damage and fatigue, improved fatigue resistance resulting from changes in the structural and functional capacities of organ systems under normal conditions as well as altered environmental conditions such as altitude and temperature. The physical and physiological mechanisms that determine exercise and work performance in the heat, and how these can be modified, will also be examined. Appropriate recovery, in particular sleep needs in athletes, will also be discussed. This unit will build on fundamental topics of EXSS2028 Exercise Physiology and Biochemistry.
Brooks, GA, Fahey, TD, and Baldwin, KM, Exercise Physiology - Human Bioenergetics and its application (4th Ed), McGraw-Hill (2005) Thompson WR; American College of Sports Medicine; Gordon NF; Pescatello LS/ACSM's Guidelines for Exercise Testing and Prescription/Eigth/2009/ -- Brooks GA, Fahey TD, White TP and Baldwin KM/Exercise Physiology - Human Bioenergetics and Its Applications/4th/2005/0072556420/
EXSS2026 Growth, Development and Ageing
Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Nathan Johnson Session: Semester 2 Classes: 1x2-hr lectures/week for 13 weeks, 1x1-hr tutorial/week for 6 weeks Assessment: Mid semester exam (35%) and end semester exam (65%) Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) day
This unit of study aims to provide the student with an appreciation of certain critical phases of both ends of the lifespan. Issues around physiologic changes, motor skill development, physical performance, the role of exercise for disease prevention and treatment, and the role of nutrition, will be examined and related to stages of childhood and adolescent growth and ageing. The relationships between growth, development, gender and physical activity in its broader sense will also be explored. The biological changes and consequences of ageing on physiologic and psychological health, disease and exercise capacity will be investigated. The student will also be able to gain some understanding of exercise prescription for pregnant women, children, adolescents and older adults.
EXSS3023 Exercise Testing and Prescription
Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Ché Fornusek Session: Semester 2 Classes: 2x1-hr lecture/week for 13 weeks, 3x 1-hr tutorial, 5x2-hr practical Assumed knowledge: EXSS2027 or EXSS2028 Assessment: brochure/report (20%), practical exam with report (30%), end semester exam (50%) Practical field work: During practical session, students will have to use different techniques and protocols to evaluate aerobic fitness and muscle function. This will also involve adequate collection and interpretation of data.
Tutorials will be used to introduce students to exercise programming. Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) day
This unit is designed to provide a comprehensive and critical examination of exercise testing and programming in low-risk populations. The scientific evidence for exercise dosages for aerobic exercise and resistance training required for health and fitness outcomes will be critically reviewed. Other aspects of exercise programming such as flexibility, warm up and instructional technique will also be covered in this unit. Through the use of lectures and case studies, students will learn how to integrate both the physiological components and logistical aspects of exercise performance, to devise individualised exercise test batteries and prescriptions. During practical sessions, students will have to use different techniques and protocols to evaluate aerobic fitness and muscle function. Student will have to demonstrate excellent data collection skills and ability to interpret results and communicate them to a lay audience.
Year 3
Semester 1
EXSS2025 Motor Control and Learning
Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Prof Ross Sanders (sem 1) and Dr Stephen Cobley (sem 2) Session: Semester 1,Semester 2 Classes: 2-hr lecture/week; Practical field work 1x2-hr class/week (Weeks 1-7, 9) Assumed knowledge: BIOS1171 Assessment: tutorial presentation (15%), mid semester exam (10%), group presentation of training project skill (pass/fail), written group project report (30%), end semester exam (45%) Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) day
This unit provides students with a broad overview of motor control and learning with the aim of stimulating students to think about the mechanisms of normal human movement. Both a behavioural and a neurophysiological approach are taken to understand the acquisition and execution of skilled motor actions. The behavioural approach is directed at the structures and processes underlying movement without considering their physical basis, while the neurophysiological approach is directed at the neuromuscular machinery and the functional neural connections that govern movement.
The unit consists of a motor control strand and a motor learning strand. The motor control strand examines the information processing and energetic capacities of the learner that underpin motor performance; that is, characteristics of the perceptual-motor system such as memory, attention, reaction time, speed-accuracy trade-off, force control, economy of energy, coordination, and automaticity. The motor learning strand examines features of the learning environment that can be manipulated to promote motor learning such as individual differences (e.g., motivation), methods of instruction, practice conditions, and the structuring of feedback. Implications for, and applications to, teaching motor skills, coaching and rehabilitation are drawn. The unit includes a group project in which a motor skill is trained, thereby enabling students to apply the principles of motor control and learning.
The unit consists of a motor control strand and a motor learning strand. The motor control strand examines the information processing and energetic capacities of the learner that underpin motor performance; that is, characteristics of the perceptual-motor system such as memory, attention, reaction time, speed-accuracy trade-off, force control, economy of energy, coordination, and automaticity. The motor learning strand examines features of the learning environment that can be manipulated to promote motor learning such as individual differences (e.g., motivation), methods of instruction, practice conditions, and the structuring of feedback. Implications for, and applications to, teaching motor skills, coaching and rehabilitation are drawn. The unit includes a group project in which a motor skill is trained, thereby enabling students to apply the principles of motor control and learning.
EXSS3024 Exercise, Health and Disease
Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Daniel Hackett Session: Semester 1 Classes: 2-hr lecture/week, 2-hr tutorial for 9 weeks, 2-hr practical for 1 week Assumed knowledge: EXSS3023 and (EXSS2022 or EXSS2027) Assessment: mid semester exam (25%), oral presentation (25%), end semester exam (50%) Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) day
The aim of this unit is to investigate the application of exercise science for the promotion and maintenance of health via the prevention of chronic disease and the management of people suffering from chronic disease. Students will explore a range of topics including the pathophysiology of numerous chronic diseases, risk factor assessment, clinical exercise testing, ECG interpretation, and exercise prescription. Emphasis will be placed on the use of scientific evidence to guide exercise prescription for individuals with chronic diseases. The chronic disease conditions covered include obesity, metabolic syndrome, diabetes, cardiovascular, and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.
EXSS3049 Sport and Exercise Psychology
Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Stephen Cobley Session: Semester 1 Classes: 2 x 2-hr lecture /week for Weeks 1-4; 1 x 2-hr lecture/week for Weeks 5-9; 2-hr tutorial /week Prerequisites: BACH1161 or HSBH1003 Assessment: mid semester exam (25%), facilitating behaviour change assignment (45%), knowledge dissemination assignment (30%) Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) day
This unit provides an introduction to the key psychological factors and explanatory frameworks relating to engagement, participation and adherence in exercise and sport. A broad array of topics is covered in the unit including: motivation, behavioural modification, addiction, anxiety, psychological skills training, sport performance, burnout & injury. Special consideration is given to facilitating exercise adherence, youth sport participation, the development of athletic performance, and how exercise and physical activity influences psychological function and well-being. Practical applications are made in relation to exercise practitioners, including health promotion professions, exercise physiologists, as well as teachers and coaches across age and skill level.
Cox, R. H. (2007). Sport psychology: Concepts & applications. (7th ed). New York, NY: McGraw Hill.
EXSS3045 Professional Practice
Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Ms Amanda Semaan Session: Semester 1,Semester 2 Classes: 3x 1-hr placement preparation tutorials held for students in Semester 2 of the year that precedes EXSS3045 and 1-hr tutorial in the semester of enrolment in the unit of study. Prerequisites: EXSS3023 Assessment: Attendance on placement, competency in professional and practical skills and submission of paperwork (Pass/Fail) Practical field work: supervised experience in professional settings Mode of delivery: Professional practice
The aim of this unit is to engage students in practical experiences relevant to exercise science. These experiences should reinforce theoretical knowledge and practical skills acquired through university studies. Students complete at least 140 hours of supervised practicum in relevant areas such as design, delivery and evaluation of exercise interventions as well as exercise science projects in a community health area. Students participate in an on-campus placement which allows them to build their skill and confidence prior to undertaking an allocated placement at a site which is usually located off-campus.
Semester 2
Choose four electives from the list below. The offering of any one of these elective units of study will depend on sufficient student demand and staff availability. Subject to approval of the relevant head of academic unit, elective units of study may be taken from within or outside the Faculty.
Exercise and Sport Science Electives
Availability of electives may vary from year to year. Subject to approval of relevant head of academic unit, elective units of study may be taken from within or outside the Faculty. Please choose four electives for Semester 2.
Semester 2
BIOS3065 Anatomical Analysis of Exercise
Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Assoc Prof Karen Ginn Session: Semester 2 Classes: 2hr lecture, 2hr practical, tutorial/week Prerequisites: BIOS1168 and BIOS1169 Assessment: Quizzes (3x10%), mid-semester exam (35%), end semester exam (35%) Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) day
This unit of study will extend the student's knowledge of functional musculoskeletal anatomy by applying functional anatomy principles to the analysis of exercises. Relevant research and advanced knowledge of functional musculoskeletal anatomical concepts will be used to explore exercises designed to: strengthen and lengthen specific muscles; improve muscle coordination; develop dynamic stability; and prevent the development of muscle imbalances that may contribute to musculoskeletal injury. The application of musculoskeletal anatomy principles to increase exercise difficulty and variety will also be explored. This unit will include laboratory classes in which human cadavers are studied; attendance at such classes is strongly encouraged.
EXSS3027 Exercise and Rehabilitation
Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Alycia Fong Yan Session: Semester 2 Classes: 1x2-hr lecture/week, 2-hr practical for 10 weeks Prerequisites: EXSS3024 Assumed knowledge: (EXSS2028 and EXSS2022) or EXSS2027 Assessment: practical exam 1 (25%), practical exam 2 (25%), end semester exam (50%) Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) day
The aim of this unit is to investigate the strategic application of the principles of exercise prescription to target specific prevention and rehabilitation goals. The unit explores the pathophysiological basis of exercise limitations across a range of musculoskeletal injuries including the ankle, knee and shoulder, chronic lower back pain, osteoarthritis, osteoporosis, and joint replacement.. The underlying aim of the unit focuses on the application of exercise to rehabilitate functional capacity for patients who suffer from such conditions. The principles of exercise prescription include examining scientific evidence for the safety and efficacy of numerous exercise modalities to help establish core stability; re-establish neuromuscular control; restore full range of motion; restore or increase muscular strength, endurance, and power; and maintain cardio-respiratory fitness.
EXSS3040 Physiological Testing and Training
Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Ollie Jay Session: Semester 2 Classes: 1x2-hr lecture/week, 1x2-hr practical for 8 weeks Prerequisites: EXSS2022 Assessment: Mid-semester exam (20%) practical activity report (30%), end semester exam (50%) Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) day
This unit of study provides students with both theoretical knowledge and practical skills (laboratory and field-based) for the physiological assessment and training of elite athletes. The application of current tests and measurements in sports science together with training theory and practice will be critically reviewed. Special attention will be given to the role of speed, strength and endurance in sports performance. Fundamental questions concerning the nature of the training stimulus, training thresholds, plasticity of muscle, dose-response relationships, detraining and overtraining will be investigated. Teaching and learning strategies include lectures, case studies, practical test and measurement skills. On completion of this unit of study students will demonstrate competency within the sports testing environment and a capacity to provide well researched consultancy advice on sports training theory and practice.
EXSS3041 Management, Marketing and the Law
Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Mr Dieter Wilhelmi Session: Semester 2 Classes: 2-hr lecture/week, 1-hr tutorial/week Assessment: assignment (35%), end semester exam (65%) Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) day
This unit presents management, marketing and legal issues that impact on Australian businesses. The management component provides an overview to the key elements in operating a small business within the sport, health or fitness industry. Management concepts that will be covered include business planning, total quality management, operations management, negotiation and leadership. The marketing component introduces marketing strategies such as market planning, market research and market segmentation. All businesses must demonstrate legal compliance. This unit highlights those areas of the law that have particular relevance to businesses operating within the health and fitness industry. Workplace contracts, insurance, sponsorship, consumer protection, liability and legislative obligations (harassment and discrimination) will be discussed. Students will develop an understanding of the various business legal structures and will be able to select an appropriate structure for a business of their choice.
HSBH3012 FHS Abroad
Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Elizabeth Dylke Session: Semester 1,Semester 2 Classes: Full-day briefing session, half-day debriefing session. Prerequisites: Successful completion of all 1st year units in an undergraduate FHS degree Assessment: Pre-departure research (30%), field diary (20%), report (40%) and presentation (10%). Practical field work: 4-6 weeks working with a community-based organisation in a developing country. Mode of delivery: Field experience
Note: Department permission required for enrolment
Note: Students interested in participating must obtain permission from their course director before enrolling in FHS Abroad. Some degrees require participants have a minimum credit average.
Cultural practices, disease patterns and healthcare systems are vastly different in different countries around the globe. This unit provides students with the opportunity to gain international experience in a health services setting in a developing country. Students will participate in a 4-6 week health or care placement with a community-based organisation in South or Southeast Asia. Countries where students can be placed include Vietnam, Cambodia, India and the Philippines. As part of the unit, you will be expected to participate in local development programs, live within the community that you are visiting, and document and reflect on key health and development issues facing local populations. The unit will require you to demonstrate cultural sensitivity and an ability to adapt to new environments, a capacity for critical reflection and awareness of complex global health and development issues.
HSBH3024 Designing a Research Project
Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Sophie Lewis Session: Semester 2 Classes: 1 x 2hr workshop, and 1hr online and practical activities per week Prerequisites: (HSBH1006 AND (HSBH1007 OR HSBH2007) AND HSBH1008 AND HSBH1009) OR ((BACH1161 OR HSBH1003) AND HSBH1007) Assessment: ethics assignment 1500 words (30%), oral presentation (20%), research proposal 2000 words (50%) Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) day
This unit is designed to assist students understand the principles of writing a research proposal, applicable for either project planning or evaluation within health or for further research (e.g., Honours). Students will be introduced to the key components of preparing and writing up a proposal: purpose of the research and question(s) to be addressed; reviewing existing literature on the topic; deciding on a research methodology and methods used to collect data; proposing an approach for data analysis; identifying ethical issues and working through the process of applying for ethics approval; providing a clear plan and timeline for each stage of the research. At the completion of this unit, students will have undertaken an ethics application, planned, orally presented and written up a research proposal. This unit of study is recommended for students who wish to undertake Honours after completion of the pass degree.
EXSS3037 Exercise Pharmacology and Immunology
Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Rhonda Orr Session: Semester 2 Classes: 2-hr lecture/week, 5 tutorials/semester Prerequisites: BIOS1170 and EXSS2028 Assessment: Mid semester exam (30%), Drug Information Brochure (20%) and end semester exam (50%) Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) day
This unit of study will introduce the student to the principles of pharmacology and immunology as well as the effect and influence of exercise on the respective fields. Students will gain an understanding of the pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic action of drugs in the body. Students will be able to describe the site and mechanism of action of selected drug groups, to identify the therapeutic use of the drug and its adverse effects, to examine the effect of the exercise and disease on drug action, and the effect of the drug on the exercise response. Special emphasis will be given to drugs used for therapeutic medication, for recreational purposes and for performance enhancement in sport. The nature of immunity, the immune response, pathological disorders of the immune system and its response to exercise and ageing will be examined.
EXSS3044 Biomechanics of Sports Techniques
Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Edouard Rene Ferdinands Session: Semester 2 Classes: 2x1-hr lectures/week, 2x1hr tutorial or practical/week Prerequisites: EXSS1018 Assessment: 1.5-hr mid semester exam (20%), practicals (20%), 2hr end semester exam (60%) Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) day
The prime focus of this unit is the application of biomechanical principles to the analysis, understanding, assessment, feedback and improvement of techniques to enhance sport performance. Students will be introduced to the biomechanical analysis of various popular sports such as cricket, golf, soccer, weight lifting, tennis, throwing, etc. A significant portion of the lecture material will be based on published research studies. Many of the case studies introduce a component of practical assessment competency. Skills include the development of a qualitative analysis framework in which to use biomechanical principles to analyse sporting techniques. This unit is designed for students who enjoy sport, providing them with an essential working knowledge of sports biomechanics, of importance to all who may work in the sports science industry.
Bachelor of Applied Science (Exercise and Sport Science) Honours
View semester session codes here.
Course BHASESSH-01: Honours program; full-time, 4 years
Years 1 to 3
As per Pass course
Year 4
Semester 1
BHSC4005 Honours Thesis A
Credit points: 24 Session: Semester 1,Semester 2 Classes: Average seminars/tutorials per week over the 13-week semester: 6 hrs. Wk 1-8: 6-12 hrs. Wk 9-13: 0-3 hrs. Supervisory meetings: normally 1-hr/week (variable) Assessment: Research methods assessments (42%); Presentation of the research proposal (20%); Literature review 3000wds (38%) Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) day
Note: This unit constitutes 40% of the final Honours grade.
Honours students undertake a supervised research project in a health discipline area within the Faculty. Each student will contribute to designing and/or implementing an approved research project and submit a thesis describing the project and its implications. In completing the research thesis, the student will work closely with academic staff, normally 2 co-supervisors, who will supervise their research activities. Students will meet regularly with their supervisors; attend seminars and workshops that contribute to the research process and their thesis. Students will attend classes on research methods and statistics, ethics, library skills, writing a literature review, and presentation skills. Additionally students should expect to engage with their supervisor(s) on a regular basis for iIndividual academic/research supervision.
A list of required and recommended textbooks will be available at the beginning of semester.
Semester 2
BHSC4006 Honours Thesis B
Credit points: 24 Session: Semester 1,Semester 2 Classes: Seminars and tutorials: 24-hrs, irregularly throughout the semester. Supervisory meetings: normally 1-hr/week (varies) Prerequisites: BHSC4005 Assessment: Journal manuscript and detailed methods chapter (5000 words) (80%); Oral presentation (20 mins) (20%) Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) day
Note: This unit constitutes 60% of the final Honours mark.
Honours students undertake a supervised research project in a health discipline area within the Faculty. Each student will contribute to designing and/or implementing an approved research project and submit a thesis describing the project and its implications. In completing the research thesis, the student will work closely with academic staff, normally 2 co-supervisors, who will supervise their research activities. Students will meet regularly with their supervisors; attend seminars and workshops that contribute to the research process and their thesis. During this semester the student will work closely with their supervisor to carry out, analyse and synthesise their results. Each student will submit a thesis describing the project and its implications comprised of their literature review, their research proposal, their journal manuscript and associated methods chapter, their final oral slides and their response to the questions. Students will meet regularly with their supervisors; attend seminars and workshops that contribute to the research process and their thesis.
A list of recommended or required texts will be provided at the beginning of semester