Environmental Studies
Unit of study | Credit points | A: Assumed knowledge P: Prerequisites C: Corequisites N: Prohibition | Session |
Environmental Studies |
For a major in Environmental Studies, students are required to complete a minimum of 24 credit points from Senior units of study listed below, including at least 12 credit points from Senior ENVI units | |||
Please refer to the Science Faculty website for details of the major, http://sydney.edu.au/science/ | |||
Junior units of study |
Students are recommended to take GEOS1001/1901 and at least one of the following units of study: BIOL1006/1906/1996, BIOL1007/1907/1997, GEOS1002/1902, GEOS1003/1903 | |||
GEOS1001 Earth, Environment and Society |
6 | N GEOS1901 or GEOG1001 or GEOG1002 or GEOL1001 or GEOL1002 or GEOL1902 or ENSY1001 |
Semester 1 |
GEOS1901 Earth, Environment and Society Advanced |
6 | A (ATAR 90 or above) or equivalent N GEOS1001 or GEOG1001 or GEOG1002 or GEOL1001 or GEOL1002 or GEOL1902 or ENSY1001 |
Semester 1 |
BIOL1006 Life and Evolution |
6 | A HSC Biology. Students who have not completed HSC Biology (or equivalent) are strongly advised to take the Biology Bridging Course (offered in February). N BIOL1001 or BIOL1911 or BIOL1991 or BIOL1906 or BIOL1996 |
Semester 1 |
BIOL1906 Life and Evolution (Advanced) |
6 | A 85 or above in HSC Biology or equivalent. N BIOL1001 or BIOL1911 or BIOL1991 or BIOL1006 or BIOL1996 Note: Department permission required for enrolment |
Semester 1 |
BIOL1996 Life and Evolution (SSP) |
6 | A 90 or above in HSC Biology or equivalent N BIOL1001 or BIOL1911 or BIOL1991 or BIOL1006 or BIOL1906 Note: Department permission required for enrolment |
Semester 1 |
BIOL1007 From Molecules to Ecosystems |
6 | A HSC Biology. Students who have not completed HSC Biology (or equivalent) are strongly advised to take the Biology Bridging Course (offered in February). N BIOL1907 or BIOL1997 |
Semester 2 |
BIOL1907 From Molecules to Ecosystems (Advanced) |
6 | A 85 or above in HSC Biology or equivalent N BIOL1007 or BIOL1997 Note: Department permission required for enrolment |
Semester 2 |
BIOL1997 From Molecules to Ecosystems (SSP) |
6 | A 90 or above in HSC Biology or equivalent N BIOL1007 or BIOL1907 Note: Department permission required for enrolment |
Semester 2 |
GEOS1002 Introductory Geography |
6 | N GEOS1902 or GEOG1001 or GEOG1002 |
Semester 2 |
GEOS1902 Introductory Geography (Advanced) |
6 | A (ATAR 90 or above) or equivalent N GEOS1002 or GEOG1001 or GEOG1002 |
Semester 2 |
GEOS1003 Introduction to Geology |
6 | N GEOS1903 or GEOL1002 or GEOL1902 or GEOL1501 |
Semester 2 Summer Late |
GEOS1903 Introduction to Geology (Advanced) |
6 | A (ATAR 90 or above) or equivalent N GEOS1003 or GEOL1002 or GEOL1902 |
Semester 2 |
Intermediate units of study |
Students are required to take GEOS2121/2921 and recommended to take at least one of the following units of study: BIOL2009/2909, BIOL2010/2910, BIOL2022/2922, BIOL2024/2924, GEOS2111/2911, GEOS2115/2915, GEOG2321, AREC2003*, LWSC2002* | |||
* Note AREC2003 and LWSC2002 are not Table 1 units of study | |||
GEOS2121 Environmental and Resource Management |
6 | P 6 credit points of first year Geosciences units or ECOP1001 or ECOP1002 N GEOS2921 |
Semester 2 |
GEOS2921 Environmental and Resource Management (Adv) |
6 | P A mark of 75 in a 6 credit point Junior Geosciences unit of study or a mark of 75 in ECOP1001 or ECOP1002 N GEOS2121 |
Semester 2 |
BIOL2009 Intro to Terrestrial Field Ecology This unit of study is not available in 2017 |
6 | A (BIOL1002 or BIOL1902) and 12 credit points of Intermediate Biology P 12cp Junior BIOL or (6cp Junior BIOL and (MBLG1001 or MBLG1901)) N BIOL2909 or BIOL3009 or BIOL3909 Note: Department permission required for enrolment This unit cannot be combined with more than one other BIOL field unit during the degree. Departmental permission is required for entry into this unit of study. Entry into the unit is based on placement availability and selection is competitive based on academic performance in the pre-requisite units of study. Academic performance in any intermediate BIOL units of study may also be considered. The unit is only available in EVEN years (2014, 2016), but students may apply for entry into an alternative intermediate field unit in ODD years. |
Intensive July |
BIOL2909 Intro to Terrestrial Field Ecology (Adv) This unit of study is not available in 2017 |
6 | A (BIOL1002 or BIOL1902) and 12 credit points of Intermediate Biology P Distinction average in either- 12cp Junior BIOL, or (6cp Junior BIOL and (MBLG1001 or MBLG1901)) N BIOL2009 or BIOL3009 or BIOL3909 Note: Department permission required for enrolment This unit cannot be combined with more than one other BIOL field unit during the degree. Departmental permission is required for entry into this unit of study. Entry into the unit is based on placement availability and selection is competitive based on academic performance in the pre-requisite units of study. Academic performance in any intermediate BIOL units of study may also be considered. The unit is only available in EVEN years (2014, 2016), but students may apply for entry into an alternative intermediate field unit in ODD years. |
Intensive July |
BIOL2010 Intro to Tropical Wildlife Biology |
6 | P 12cp from (BIOL1XXX, MBLG1XXX) N BIOL2910, BIOL3910, BIOL3010 This unit cannot be combined with more than one other BIOL field unit during the degree. Departmental permission is required for entry into this unit of study. Entry into the unit is based on placement availability and selection is competitive based on academic performance in the pre-requisite units of study. Academic performance in any intermediate BIOL units of study may also be considered. The unit is only available in ODD years (2017, 2019), but students may apply for entry into an alternative intermediate field unit in EVEN years. |
Intensive February |
BIOL2910 Intro to Tropical Wildlife Biology (Adv) |
6 | P An average of 75 or above in 12cp from (BIOL1XXX, MBLG1XXX) N BIOL2010 or BIOL3010 or BIOL3910 This unit cannot be combined with more than one other BIOL field unit during the degree. Entry into the unit is based on placement availability and selection is competitive based on academic performance in the pre-requisite units of study. Academic performance in any intermediate BIOL units of study may also be considered. The unit is only available in ODD years (2017, 2019), but students may apply for entry into an alternative intermediate field unit in EVEN years. |
Intensive February |
BIOL2022 Biology Experimental Design and Analysis |
6 | P 12cp from (BIOL1XXX, MBLG1XXX) N BIOL2922 or BIOL3006 or BIOL3906 |
Semester 2 |
BIOL2922 Biol Experimental Design and Analysis Adv |
6 | P An average of 75 or above in 12cp from (BIOL1XXX, MBLG1XXX) N BIOL2022 or BIOL3006 or BIOL3906 |
Semester 2 |
BIOL2024 Ecology and Conservation |
6 | P 12cp from (BIOL1XXX, MBLG1XXX) N BIOL2924 |
Semester 2 |
BIOL2924 Ecology and Conservation (Advanced) |
6 | P An average of 75 or above in 12cp from (BIOL1XXX, MBLG1XXX) N BIOL2024 |
Semester 2 |
GEOS2111 Natural Hazards: a GIS Approach |
6 | P 6 credit points of Junior Geosciences units N GEOS2911 Staff will organize a non-compulsory half-day weekend field excursion to explore local Sydney hazards for interested students. |
Semester 1 |
GEOS2911 Natural Hazards: A GIS Approach (Adv) |
6 | P A mark of 75 in a 6 credit point Junior Geosciences unit of study N GEOS2111 Staff will organize a non-compulsory half-day weekend field excursion to explore local Sydney hazards for interested students. |
Semester 1 |
GEOS2115 Oceans, Coasts and Climate Change |
6 | A GEOG1001 or GEOL1001 or GEOL1002 or GEOS1003 or GEOS1903 or ENVI1002 or GEOL1902 or GEOL1501 P 24 credit points from Junior Units of Study N GEOS2915 or MARS2006 |
Semester 1 |
GEOS2915 Oceans, Coasts and Climate Change (Adv) |
6 | A GEOG1001 or GEOL1001 or GEOL1002 or GEOS1003 or GEOS1903 or ENVI1002 or GEOL1902 or GEOL1501 P Distinction average in 48 credit points from Junior units of study. N GEOS2115 or MARS2006 |
Semester 1 |
Senior units of study |
ENVI3111 Environmental Law and Ethics |
6 | P 12 credit points of Intermediate units N ENVI3911 |
Semester 1 |
ENVI3911 Environmental Law and Ethics (Advanced) |
6 | P Distinction average across 12 credit points of Intermediate units N ENVI3111 |
Semester 1 |
ENVI3112 Environmental Assessment |
6 | P (GEOS2121 or GEOS2921) and 6 credit points of Intermediate units N ENVI3912 |
Semester 2 |
ENVI3912 Environmental Assessment (Advanced) |
6 | P Distinction average in ((GEOS2121 or GEOS2921) and 6 credit points of Intermediate units) N ENVI3112 |
Semester 2 |
ENVI3114 Energy and the Environment |
6 | A Junior Physics units or Intermediate Environmental Science units P 12 credit points of Intermediate units N ENVI3001 or PHYS3600 |
Semester 2 |
BIOL3007 Ecology |
6 | P 12 credit points of Intermediate BIOL, or (6 credit points of Intermediate BIOL and (MBLG2072 or MBLG2972)) N BIOL3907 |
Semester 2 |
BIOL3907 Ecology (Advanced) |
6 | P Distinction average in either- 12cp Intermediate BIOL, or (6cp Intermediate BIOL and(MBLG2072 or MBLG2972)) N BIOL3007 |
Semester 2 |
GEOS3014 GIS in Coastal Management |
6 | P Either 12 credit points of Intermediate Geoscience units or [(GEOS2115, GEOS2915) and (BIOL2018 or BIOL2918 or BIOL2024 or BIOL2924 or BIOL2028 or BIOL2928)] N GEOS3914 or MARS3104 |
Semester 2 |
GEOS3914 GIS in Coastal Management (Advanced) |
6 | P Distinction average in either 12 credit points of Intermediate Geoscience units or [(GEOS2115 or GEOS2915) and (BIOL2018 or BIOL2918 or BIOL2024 or BIOL2924 or BIOL2028 or BIOL2928)]. N GEOS3014 or MARS3104 A distinction average in prior Geography, Geology or Marine Science units of study is normally required for admission. This requirement may be varied and students should consult the unit of study coordinator. |
Semester 2 |
GEOS3520 Urban Citizenship and Sustainability |
6 | P 24 credit points of Intermediate units of study, including 6 credit points from the following (GEOS2112 or GEOS2912 or GEOS2123 or GEOS2923 or GEOS2115 or GEOS2915 or GEOS2121 or GEOS2921 or SOILS2002 or LWSC2002) N GEOS3920 |
Semester 1 |
GEOS3920 Urban Citizenship and Sustainability (Adv) |
6 | P Distinction average in 24 credit points of Intermediate units of study including 6 credit points from one of the following units: GEOS2112, GEOS2912, GEOS2123, GEOS2923, GEOS2115, GEOS2915, GEOS2121, GEOS2921, SOIL2002, LWSC2002 N GEOS3520 |
Semester 1 |
ECOS3013 Environmental Economics |
6 | P AREC2003 or RSEC2031 or ECOS2001 or ECOS2901 |
Semester 2 |