Graduate Diploma in Computing
Graduate Diploma in Computing
These resolutions must be read in conjunction with applicable University By-laws, Rules and policies including (but not limited to) the University of Sydney (Coursework) Rule 2014 (the 'Coursework Rule'), the Coursework Policy 2014, the Resolutions of the Faculty, the University of Sydney (Student Appeals against Academic Decisions) Rule 2006 (as amended) and the Academic Board policies on Academic Dishonesty and Plagiarism. Up to date versions of all such documents are available from the Policy Register:
Course resolutions
1 Course codes
Code |
Course title |
Graduate Diploma in Computing |
2 Attendance pattern
3 Admission to candidature
Available places will be offered to qualified applicants based on merit, according to the following admissions criteria.
a bachelor's degree or higher award in any discipline from the University of Sydney, or qualifications deemed by the School of Information Technologies to be equivalent, with at least a credit average, and including units of study with a mathematical foundation demonstrating significant numeracy skills; or
a bachelor's degree or higher award in any discipline from the University of Sydney, or qualifications deemed by the School of Information Technologies to be equivalent, with at least a credit average. Applicants must also provide evidence of prior learning which is considered to demonstrate the knowledge and aptitude required to undertake this course; or
Applicants to have qualifications and/or experience which are sufficient, in the view of the Dean or a suitable nominee with Information Technology expertise, to successfully undertake the award.
4 Requirements for award
The units of study that may be taken for the course are set out in Table of units: Graduate Diploma in Computing.
To qualify for the award of the Graduate Diploma in Computing, a candidate must complete 60 credit points including:
a minimum of 36 credit points of Information Technology or Information Technology Management Specialist units of study.
candidates will be required to apply any reduction in the volume of learning to the Foundation units of study only.
the candidate will then be required to complete the required volume of learning based on the course requirements.
5 Recognition for prior learning
The following Coursework Rules (for conferred qualifications) replace the Faculty Coursework Rules for "Credit for previous study" within the "Resolutions of the Faculty (of Engineering and Information Technologies)" for the Graduate Diploma in Computing:
Candidates for the Graduate Diploma in Computing may be eligible for a reduction in the volume of learning of up to 12 credit points for an equivalent conferred volume of learning after an entry assessment is made for prior learning and/or work experience that is deemed by the School of Information Technologies to be relevant.
6 Suspension of candidature
7 Cross-institutional study
Cross-institutional study is not available in this course except where the University of Sydney has a formal cooperation agreement with another university.
8 Credit for previous study
The credit transfer provisions of the Coursework Rule apply except that where the study has been undertaken at postgraduate level and no award has been conferred, credit to a maximum of 50% of the prescribed credit points may be transferred, provided:
the study has been undertaken at the University of Sydney, or at an external institution recognised by the University of Sydney, within the previous three years; and
the units are equivalent to units of study offered under the degree being taken, subject to approval of the Academic Director.
9 Satisfactory progress
The Dean may require any student who has failed a cumulative total of 18 credit points or more at any stage of enrolment in the Graduate Diploma in Computing to show good cause why he or she should be allowed to re-enrol.
10 Time limit
A candidate for the Graduate Diploma in Computing shall complete the requirements for the award in a minimum enrolment of two semesters and a maximum enrolment of ten semesters.