Annual Progress Review
Your progress in the degree is reviewed each year. You are required to complete an Annual Progress Report and attend an interview. In your first year you are also required to make a presentation on your work in-progress as a part of your Annual Progress Review interview.
Your annual progress report assists in the interview conducted by a review panel. You are provided with an opportunity within the review session to comment in confidence on your supervision and, if you are a first year candidate, to revise your initial research proposal.
The composition of the review panel is normally two members of academic staff who are not your supervisors and the Graduate School Director or nominee. Provided your progress in the degree is satisfactory, you are permitted to proceed. If your work is considered unsatisfactory by the panel, the review panel may recommend that you be set a specific program of work to be submitted for assessment by a nominated deadline. If this work is not satisfactory, you are required to show cause and your enrolment may be terminated.
If your progress is considered unsatisfactory at any time during the year, you may be subject to the review process as described above.