Research degrees
Research degrees
Research degrees offered by the Faculty of Science are listed in this section in the following order:
- Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
- Doctor of Clinical Psychology/ Master of Science (DCP/MSc)
- Master of Science (MSc)
Valuable resources for intending and current research students are the:
- Postgraduate Studies Handbook
- Thesis Guide published by SUPRA (Sydney University Postgraduate Representative Association).
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
The University of Sydney (Higher Degree by Research) Rule 2011 and the Academic Board Postgraduate Degree of Doctor of Philosophy resolutions govern research in the faculty of Science.
Degree Code: LB000
The degree of Doctor of Philosophy is a research degree awarded for a thesis considered to be a substantially original contribution to the subject concerned. Some coursework may be required (mainly in the form of seminars) but in no case is it a major component.
Applicants should normally hold a Master's degree or a Bachelor's degree with first or second class Honours from the University of Sydney, or an equivalent qualification from another university or institution. The Master's degree may be a research Master's or a coursework Master's which contains a project or thesis component equivalent to half a semester's load.
With permission from the Dean, additional training (coursework) may be undertaken either prior to commencement of candidature or during the first semester of candidature. This coursework may be general research preparation or discipline-specific.
The degree may be taken on either a full-time or part-time basis. In the case of full-time candidates, the minimum period of candidature can, with the permission of the faculty, be 4 semesters for candidates holding an MSc degree or equivalent, or shall be 6 semesters in the case of candidates holding a bachelors degree with first class or second class honours; the maximum period of candidature is normally 8 semesters.
Part-time candidature may be approved for applicants who can demonstrate that they are engaged in an occupation or other activity, which leaves them substantially free to pursue their candidature for the degree. Normally the minimum period of candidature will be determined on the recommendation of the faculty but in any case will be not less than three years; the maximum period of part-time candidature is normally eight years.