At a glance
The purpose of this handbook
The purpose of this handbook is to provide a convenient source of reference for research and coursework postgraduate students about the requirements for postgraduate degrees, graduate diplomas and graduate certificates within the University. It does not attempt to be comprehensive in its coverage but rather, where appropriate, to provide direction to appropriate sources of information.
Regulations and policies
The University of Sydney is governed by a number of regulations. Some of the regulations that cover postgraduate study include:
- The University of Sydney (Coursework) Rule 2000 (as amended) which governs all coursework award courses in the University.
- The University of Sydney (Higher Degree by Research) Rule 2011 which governs the University’s Doctor of Philosophy degree (this rule should be read in conjunction with the Academic Board resolutions regarding the Doctor of Philosophy).
- These rules, and others such as the University of Sydney (Amendment Act) Rule 1999 (as amended), provide the framework for all courses at the University. For information regarding specific courses (other than the Doctor of Philosophy), students should refer to the faculty and Senate resolutions for each course, which are published in the relevant faculty handbooks.
- There are many policy documents, guidelines and procedures at the University of Sydney that potentially relate to postgraduate students. A compiled list of relevant policies can be found at the Graduate Studies website.
Sydney University Postgraduate Representative Association (SUPRA)
SUPRA is the student-run advocacy and representative association for all postgraduate students at the University of Sydney. It provides advice, advocacy and support services for the Sydney University postgraduate student community.
SUPRA offers a free, confidential, independent, and professional advocacy service, with Student Advice and Advocacy Officers (SAAOs) employed by the association to assist postgraduate students with academic, welfare, employment, housing, and personal issues.
SAAOs can provide support for academic appeals, Show Cause and exclusion matters, problems with research supervision, issues of tenancy and employment, assistance dealing with Centrelink, and referrals to counselling or health services, and many other academic and personal issues.
SUPRA represents all postgraduate students of the University of Sydney. SUPRA councillors sit on many University governance bodies and they speak out on behalf of students on many issues, including academic concerns and equal access for all students. SUPRA councillors have regular meetings with the Vice-Chancellor and other senior staff to raise matters of concern to postgraduate students. SUPRA uses these forums to monitor University policy and promote postgraduate interests in decision-making.
For more information about the services offered and the location of the SUPRA office, visit the SUPRA website.
Student Research Experience Questionnaires
During their studies at the University of Sydney, postgraduate students may be asked to respond to internal student satisfaction surveys. The results of these surveys are used to improve the student experience, learning and teaching, or research training more generally.Click here for more information about the Student Research Experience Questionnaires (SREQ).
MyUni - the student portal
MyUni provides access to a number of applications, such as email, timetabling, library loans and WebCT. Online self-administration functions and UniKey account management can be accessed from the MyUni student portal. All currently enrolled students can access the MyUni student portal using their UniKey.