Vice-Chancellor's message
Charles Perkins, the first Indigenous person to receive a University degree, graduated from the University of Sydney. Since then the number of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people that have graduated from this University has grown considerably. Many of these people have stepped into important roles helping Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities and families, working in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Community organisations, in government and in other areas of Australian life. Many have become role models for their families and communities.
The University of Sydney is a world-class higher education and research community that offers our students a supportive, encouraging quality experience. We are committed to being a University that provides students with a chance to be part of great ideas, honest and respectful discussion, and an opportunity to develop their knowledge and skills.
The Koori Centre has been part of our history and effort for more than 20 years. It has provided a strong Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander voice in the University, contributing not only to the success of the many Aboriginal students that pass through their doors and through the University more broadly but to the way this University has approached Indigenous education and research issues. They continue to be an important part of our current effort and a big contributor to our future plans.
The University of Sydney has recently committed to a new effort that will energise our thinking and strengthen our contribution. Our commitment will partner us more strongly with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander issues and peoples. Our effort will secure quality education and purposeful research that promotes engaged learning and teaching, informed and sensible debate, and builds a safe and responsive space for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people at this University, and ultimately benefit Australian society. It will help grow the next generation of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander leaders and thinkers in Australia.
Come join us.
Dr Michael Spence
Vice-Chancellor and Principal
Welcome from the Director
Firstly, I would like to acknowledge the traditional owners of Country, the Cadigal peoples of the Eora nation, upon whose land the University of Sydney now stands. This land was a learning place in its own right, with education connected to all facets of life.
In the spirit of this tradition, the Koori Centre is committed to encouraging and supporting Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students in gaining access to, and participating in programs across the whole of the University. Student support for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students includes: administration of the Cadigal Special Entry Scheme; an Academic Skills Program; and the Indigenous Tutorial Assistance Scheme. The administration staff provide the support mechanisms which enable students to successfully complete their undergraduate and postgraduate studies.
The Koori Centre also teaches a range of mainstream units of study through the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences. Our teaching staff are highly regarded as academics with specialised knowledge in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander education and affairs. In addition to their close relationships with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities, they are actively sought by local, state and federal committees for contributions to important policy development and practice. Their involvement and commitment plays a significant role in providing opportunities for students to learn about new issues and developments while undertaking their degree in their chosen profession.
You are very welcome to visit the Koori Centre to view our facilities and chat with staff about the programs we offer.
Janet Mooney
Director, Koori Centre