University of Sydney Handbooks - 2011 Archive

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Master of Veterinary Clinical Studies (MVetClinStud)

Persons holding the degree of Bachelor of Veterinary Science may apply for admission to candidature for the degree of Master of Veterinary Clinical Studies. Graduates in veterinary science from other universities may also, with the approval of the faculty and the Academic Board, be admitted as candidates. Candidates shall be registrable by the New South Wales Veterinary Practitioners Board, unless exempted by the faculty.

A candidate for this degree shall, for at least two years, engage in full-time supervised advanced veterinary clinical study and research and submit a thesis embodying the results of an original investigation.


Master of Veterinary Clinical Studies

1 Course codes


Course title


Master of Veterinary Clinical Studies

2 Subject areas

The degree of Master of Veterinary Clinical Studies may be taken in various subject areas of Veterinary Clinical Studies including Veterinary Anaesthetics, Veterinary Laboratory Medicine, Veterinary Medicine, Veterinary Radiology and Veterinary Surgery and their component specialist areas, and in such other subject areas as may be approved by the Faculty.

3 Admission and probation

Except as provided in section 3(2), an applicant for admission to candidature for the degree shall be a Bachelor of Veterinary Science of the University of Sydney, unless exempted by the Faculty be registrable by the Board of Veterinary Surgeons of New South Wales; and apply in writing to the Registrar for such admission to candidature and for the approval of the Faculty.
On the recommendation of the Faculty, the Academic Board may, in accordance with Part 9, section 47 of the University of Sydney (Amendment Act) Rule 1999 (as amended), admit to candidature a graduate of any other university or a person with equivalent qualifications obtained at an appropriate institution, provided that unless exempted by the Faculty the applicant has qualifications registrable by the Board of Veterinary Surgeons of New South Wales.
A candidate may be admitted on a probationary basis for a period not exceeding six months; and upon completion of this probationary period, the Faculty shall review the candidate's work, and either:
confirm the candidate's status; or
terminate the candidature.
In the case of a candidate admitted on a probationary basis under section 3(3), the candidature shall be deemed to have commenced from the date of such admission.

4 Method of candidature

A candidate shall, unless exempted in accordance with the provisions of section 4(2):
pass such preliminary examination as the Faculty may prescribe;
engage for a period of at least two years in full-time supervised advanced clinical study and research in the University of Sydney within the subject areas;
apply for the approval by the Faculty of the topic of a thesis.
A candidate may be exempted by the Faculty from the preliminary examination referred to in section 4(1) if the candidate:
either is a Bachelor of Veterinary Science of the University of Sydney who:
(i)  graduated with First Class or Second Class Honours;
(ii)  obtained High Distinction or Distinction in the subject most related to the field in which the candidate is proceeding; or
(iii)  has been awarded a Graduate Diploma in Veterinary Clinical Studies of the University of Sydney; or
was admitted to candidature in accordance with section (3)2 and is deemed by the Faculty to hold a qualification equivalent to one of those set out in section 4(2)(a).
A candidate shall not be given any credit towards the requirements for the degree in respect of any work completed for a diploma within the Faculty.
The Faculty shall appoint a full-time member of the academic staff of the University of Sydney to act as supervisor of the candidate.
The Faculty may also appoint a member of staff, an honorary associate, or a person similarly qualified in another university or appropriate institution or organisation, to act as an associate supervisor.
Except with the permission of the Faculty on the recommendation of the Associate Dean, Staff and Students, a candidate shall complete the requirements for the degree not later than the end of the third year of candidature.

5 Thesis and examination

A candidate shall lodge with the Registrar three bound copies (printed or typewritten) of the thesis which embodies the results of an original investigation by the candidate within the approved field of study.
The candidate shall state in the thesis, generally in the preface and specifically in notes:
the sources from which the information was derived;
the extent to which the work of others has been used; and
the portion of the thesis which is claimed as original.
The candidate shall not present as the thesis any work previously submitted for a degree or diploma of this or any other university; but
The candidate may incorporate such work in the thesis, provided that the candidate indicates the work so incorporated.
The thesis shall be accompanied by a certificate from the supervisor stating whether, in the supervisor's opinion, the form of presentation of the thesis is satisfactory.
On receiving the thesis and having considered the certificate of the supervisor, the Faculty shall, if it thinks fit, appoint two examiners, of whom one shall be a member of the Faculty and the other an external examiner.
The examiners shall report to the Faculty, which shall determine the result of the examination.
The Faculty shall review the progress of each candidate annually and, on the recommendation of the Associate Dean, Staff and Students, may terminate the candidature of a candidate who, in the opinion of the Faculty, has not shown evidence of sufficient progress towards the degree.