University of Sydney Handbooks - 2011 Archive

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For a table of commonly used acronyms and abbreviations that appear in University documents and publications, see Abbreviations.

This glossary describes terminology in use at the University of Sydney.



Academic Board
The senior academic body within the University. The Academic Board has, as principal responsibility, to maintain the highest standards in teaching, scholarship and research at the University and advises Senate and the Vice-Chancellor in that regard. In conjunction with faculties, the Academic Board has responsibility for approving new or amended courses and endorsing faculty development of units of study. The Board is also responsible for the formulation and review of policies, guidelines and procedures in relation to academic matters. For further information, see the University of Sydney (Academic Governance) Rule 2003 (as amended).

Academic Consortium 21 (AC21)
An international network, of which the University is a member, which comprises educational, research and industrial organisations throughout the world with the objective of encouraging the further advancement of global cooperation to the benefit of higher education and to contribute to world and regional society.

Academic cycle
The program of teaching sessions offered over a year. Currently the cycle runs from the enrolment period for Semester One to the completion of the processing of results at the end of Semester Two. See also 'Academic year', 'Stage'.

Academic dishonesty
Academic dishonesty occurs when one person presents another person's ideas, findings or written work as his or her own by copying or reproducing them without due acknowledgement of the source and with intent to deceive. Academic dishonesty also covers recycling, fabrication of data, engaging another person to complete an assessment or cheating in exams. See also 'Plagiarism'.

Academic record
The complete academic history of a student at the University. It includes, among other things: personal details; all units of study and courses taken; assessment results (marks and grades); awards and prizes obtained; infringements of progression rules; approvals for variation in course requirements and course leave; thesis and supervision details.

Access to a student's academic record is restricted to authorised University staff and is not released to a third party without the written authorisation of the student. See also 'Academic transcript'.

Academic transcript
A printed statement setting out a student's academic record at the University. There are two forms of academic transcript: external and internal. See also 'Academic record', 'External transcript', 'Internal transcript'.

Academic year
The current calendar year in which a student is enrolled. See also 'Academic cycle', 'Stage'.

Ad eundem gradum
Long-standing full-time members of the University’s academic and general staff who are not graduates of the University may be considered by Senate, upon their retirement, for admission Ad eundem gradum ('to the same degree') to an appropriate degree of the University.

Governed by the University’s admission policy, this is the process for identifying applicants eligible to receive an initial offer of enrolment in a course at the University. Admission to most undergraduate courses is based on performance in the HSC, with applicants ranked on the basis of their Australian Tertiary Admissions Rank (ATAR).

Other criteria such as a portfolio, interview, audition, or results in standard tests may also be taken into account for certain courses. Admission to postgraduate courses is normally on the basis of performance in a prior undergraduate degree and other criteria as specified in the relevant degree resolutions.

Admission basis
The main criterion used by a faculty in assessing an application for admission to a course. The criteria used include, among other things, previous secondary, TAFE or tertiary studies, work experience, special admission, and the Australian Tertiary Admissions Rank (ATAR).

Admission (Deferment)
An applicant who receives an offer of admission to a course may apply to defer enrolment in that course for one semester or one academic cycle. (Note: this policy is currently under review.)

Admission mode
A classification based on how a student was admitted to a course, for example 'UAC' or 'direct'.

Admission period
The period during which applications for admission to courses are considered.

Admission year
The year the student expects to begin the course. See also 'Commencement date'.

Advanced diplomas
See 'Course'.

Advanced standing
See 'Credit'.

In exceptional circumstances involving serious illness or death of a student prior to completion of their course, the award of an aegrotat, or posthumous degree or diploma, may be conferred.

See 'Graduate'.

Alumni sidneiensis
A searchable database of graduates of the University from 1857 to approximately 30 years prior to the current year.

Annual average mark (AAM)
The average mark over all units of study attempted in a given academic year (equivalent to the calendar year). The formula for this calculation is:

AMM Graphic

(Sums over all units of study completed in the selected period.)

The mark is the actual mark obtained by the student for the unit of study, or in the case of a failing grade with no mark – 0. Pass/fail assessed subjects and credit transfer subjects (from another institution) are excluded from these calculations. However, the marks from all attempts at a unit of study are included.

Annual progress report
A form used to monitor a research student's progress each year. The form provides for comments by the student, the supervisor, the head of the department and the dean (or their nominee). The completed form is attached to the student’s official file.

Annual Report
The University’s yearly financial and audit report, submitted to the NSW Parliament. It also includes a broad range of the University's activities and the strength of their performance in relation to the University's stated roles, values and goals.

Students may lodge an appeal against academic or disciplinary decisions. See also 'Student Appeals Body', 'Student Disciplinary Appeals Committee'.

Appeals against an academic decision
A student may appeal to the Student Appeals Body against a decision by the University that affects the academic assessment or progress of a student within his or her award course, including a decision:

(a) to exclude a student in accordance with the University of Sydney
     (Coursework) Rule 2000 (as amended)
(b) not to readmit or re-enrol a student following exclusion in
     accordance with the University of Sydney (Coursework) Rule
     2000 (as amended)
(c) to terminate a student's candidature for a postgraduate award.

Appeal against a disciplinary decision
A student may appeal to the Student Disciplinary Appeals Committee against a determination being:

(a) a finding by the Vice-Chancellor or the Student Proctorial Board
     that the student is guilty of misconduct
(b) the imposition of a penalty upon the student by the Vice-Chancellor
     or the Student Proctorial Board
(c) an order made by the Vice-Chancellor or the Student Proctorial

The process of measuring the performance of students in units of study and courses. Performance may be assessed by examinations, essays, laboratory projects, assignments, theses, treatises or dissertations. See also 'Result processing'.

Formative assessment
Used principally to provide students with feedback on their progress in learning. It reinforces successful learning, and is an opportunity for students to expose the limits in their knowledge and understanding.

Summative assessment
Summative assessment is used to certify competence, or to rank students by order of merit. It certifies the attainment of a standard, and is used as the basis for progression to the next part of a program, or to graduation.

Associate supervisor
A person who is appointed in addition to the supervisor of a research student to provide particular expertise or additional experience in supervision. See also 'Instrumental supervisor/teacher', 'Research supervisor', 'Supervision'.

Association of Pacific Rim Universities (APRU)
A consortium of leading research universities in the Pacific Rim, of which the University is a member. APRU aims to foster education, research and enterprise, thereby contributing to economic, scientific and cultural advancement in the Pacific Rim.

Assumed knowledge
For some units of study, a student is assumed to have passed a relevant subject in the HSC – this is called assumed knowledge. While students are generally advised against taking a unit of study for which they do not have the assumed knowledge, they are not prevented from enrolling in that unit of study. See also 'Prerequisite'.

Attendance mode or attendance pattern
The attendance pattern for a course is full-time, part-time or external, depending on the student attendance requirements and student load.

Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF)
The framework for recognition and endorsement of qualifications established by the Ministerial Council on Education, Employment, Training and Youth Affairs (MCEETYA).

Australian Tertiary Admissions Rank (ATAR)
A measure of overall academic achievement in the HSC that helps universities rank applicants for university selection. The ATAR is a rank of any student's performance relative to other students. It is calculated from the aggregate of scaled marks in 10 units of the HSC (two best English units plus eight other units, including only two category B units) and is presented as a number between 0.00 and 99.95 with increments of 0.05. The ATAR replaced the Universities Admissions Index (UAI) in June 2009.

Provides financial help to students who are 25 years old or over who meet the required criteria, and are undertaking an approved full-time course at an approved institution. See also 'Youth allowance'.

Automated Results Transfer System (ARTS)
This system was developed by the Australasian Conference of Tertiary Admissions Centres (ACTAC) to allow access to a student's electronic academic record, via an admission centre or tertiary institution.


Bachelor's degree
The highest undergraduate award offered at the University. A bachelor's degree course normally requires three or four years of full-time study or the part-time equivalent. See also 'Course'.

Board of studies
An academic body that supervises a course or courses, and is similar to a faculty except that it is headed by a chair rather than a dean.

Financial award made to a student, based primarily on need. See also 'Scholarships'.


Cadigal program
A program, named in recognition of the Aboriginal people of the land on which the University is located, designed to increase the successful participation of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people in degree courses in all faculties at the University of Sydney.

See 'University Calendar'.

The grounds on which the University is situated. There are 10 campuses of the University of Sydney:

  • Burren Street (Institute for International Health, Institute of Transport and Logistics Studies)
  • Camperdown and Darlington (formerly known as Main Campus)
  • Camden (Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources; and Veterinary Science)
  • Conservatorium (Sydney Conservatorium of Music)
  • Cumberland (Health Sciences)
  • Mallett Street (Nursing and Midwifery)
  • Rozelle (Sydney College of the Arts)
  • St James (Law teaching spaces)
  • Surry Hills (Dentistry).

Cancellation of enrolment
The University may cancel a student’s enrolment for non-payment of fees.

A person is 'admitted to candidature' on the date on which he or she accepts the University’s offer of admission to an award course, in accordance with University and government requirements as amended from time to time. There are maximum periods and in some cases minimum periods of candidature depending on the award course and whether the candidate is a full-time or part-time student.

Census date
The date at which a student's enrolment, load and HECS liability are finalised before this information is reported to DEEWR. See also 'Commonwealth Supported Place', 'HECS-HELP'.

See 'Graduation ceremony'.

The non-executive head of the University. An honorary position, the Chancellor presides over meetings of the University's governing body, the Senate, and important ceremonial occasions such as graduations.

Clinical experience
Students undertake clinical placements in a professional environment as part of their course requirements. Many require University-approved supervision. In order to undertake clinical placements a student may be required to fulfil additional requirements.

Combined degree
A single program with a single set of course resolutions leading to the award of two degrees (unless otherwise specified in the resolutions). See also 'Double degree'.

Commencement date
The date a student commences their candidature.

Commonwealth Supported Place (CSP)
(Previously known as a HECS Place.) A student in a Commonwealth Supported Place makes a contribution towards the cost of their education (known as the student contribution) while the Australian Government contributes the majority of the cost.

Confirmation of Enrolment notice (COE)
This notice is issued to each student after enrolment, showing the course and the units of study in which the student is enrolled, together with the credit point value of the units of study and the student-contribution weights. Until all fees are paid, it is issued provisionally. A new confirmation of enrolment notice is produced every time a student’s enrolment is varied.

Conjoint ventures
This is when two or more institutions cooperate to provide a unit or course of study to postgraduate coursework students. In these arrangements, students enrolled for a degree at one institution complete one or more units of study at the other institution to count towards the award program at their 'home' institution.

Continuing professional education
A process which provides a number of programs of continuing education courses for professionals as they move through their career. These programs are currently administered by the Centre for Continuing Education (CCE) and a number of departments and foundations across the University. This process supports the whole of life learning concept and involves the maintenance of a long-term relationship between the student and the University.

A body that comprises: the Fellows and former Fellows of the Senate of the University of Sydney; members of the former governing bodies of the institutions with which the University has amalgamated or their predecessors; the graduates of the University of Sydney, including graduates of the institutions with which the University has amalgamated or their predecessors; professors and other full-time members of the academic staff of the University; and principals of the incorporated colleges.

Core unit of study
A unit of study that is compulsory for a particular course or subject area. See also 'Unit of study'.

A unit of study that must be taken in the same semester or year as a given unit of study (unless it has already been completed). These are determined by the faculty or board of studies concerned, published in the faculty handbook and shown in FlexSIS. See also 'Prerequisite', 'Waiver'.

Cotutelle Scheme
Agreement between the University and any overseas university for joint supervision and examination of a PhD student as part of an ongoing cooperative research collaboration. If successful, the student receives a doctorate from both universities with each testamur acknowledging the circumstances under which the award was made.

A program of study at the University of Sydney. The main types of course are:

Award course
A formal course of study that will see attainment of a recognised award. Award courses are approved by Academic Board and endorsed by Senate. The University broadly classifies courses as undergraduate, postgraduate coursework or postgraduate research. See also 'Bachelor's degree', 'Course rules', 'Diploma', 'Doctorate', 'Major', 'Master's degree', 'Minor', PhD, 'Stream'.

Non-award course
Studies undertaken by students that do not lead to an award from the University. Non-award courses include professional development programs. See also 'Cross-institutional enrolment'.

An award course not designated as a research award course. While the program of study in a coursework award course may include a component of original work, other forms of instruction and learning will normally be dominant.

A course in which at least 66 per cent of the overall course requirements involve students undertaking supervised research over a prescribed period of time, leading to the production of a thesis or other piece of written or creative work.

Course alias
A unique five character alpha-numeric code which identifies a University course.

Course code
See 'Course alias'.

Course leave
Students are permitted to apply for a period away from their course without losing their place. Course leave is formally approved by the supervising faculty for a minimum of one semester. Students on leave are regarded as having an active candidature, but they are not entitled to a student card. At undergraduate level, leave is not counted towards the total length of the course. Students who are absent from study without approved leave may be discontinued and may be required to formally reapply for admission. See also 'Progression'.

Course rules
Rules that govern the allowable enrolment of a student in a course. Course rules may be expressed in terms of types of units of study taken, length of study, and credit points accumulated. For example, a candidate may not enrol in units of study that have a total value of more than 32 credit points per semester.

Course rules also govern the requirements for the award of the course. For example, in many cases a candidate must complete a minimum of 144 credit points. See also 'Course', 'Corequisite', 'Prerequisite'.

Course transfer
Applies to students transferring between courses, either within the University of Sydney or between institutions. In some circumstances a student may be eligible to transfer to a course directly, ie without reapplying for admission.

The recognition of previous studies successfully completed at the University of Sydney (or another university or tertiary institution recognised by the University of Sydney), as contributing to the requirements of the course to which the applicant requesting such recognition has been admitted. It may be granted as specified credit or non-specified credit.

Specified credit
The recognition of previously completed studies as directly equivalent to units of study.

Non-specified credit
A 'block credit' for a specified number of credit points at a particular level. These credit points may be in a particular subject area but are not linked to a specific unit of study. See also 'Annual average mark (AAM)', 'Waiver', 'Weighted average mark (WAM)'.

Credit points
The value of the contribution each unit of study provides towards meeting course completion requirements. Each unit of study normally has a six credit point value assigned to it. The total number of credit points required for completion of award courses will be specified in the Senate resolutions relevant to the award course.

Cross-institutional enrolment
Enrolment in units of study to count towards an award course at another university. See also 'Course (Non-award course)'.


Data Audit Committee (DAC)
The Data Audit Committee's role is to oversee the integrity and accuracy of the course and unit of study data as strategic University data. It also advises the Academic Board on suggested policy changes related to course and unit of study data. A subcommittee of the VCAC Enrolment Working Party, it is chaired by the Registrar, with membership including the deans, the Student Centre, FlexSIS and Planning and Statistics.

Deadlines (Enrolment variations)
See 'Enrolment variation'.

Deadlines (Fees)
The University has deadlines for the payment of course and other fees. Students who do not pay fees by these deadlines may have their enrolment cancelled or they may have a barrier placed on the release of their record. See also 'Cancellation of enrolment'.

The head of a faculty, or the principal/director of a college, such as the Sydney Conservatorium of Music, or Sydney College of the Arts.

Dean's Certificate
A statement from a faculty dean certifying that all requirements, including fieldwork and practical work, have been met and that the student is eligible to graduate. Not all faculties use Dean’s Certificates. In faculties that do, qualified students have ‘Dean’s Certificate’ noted on their academic record.

Deferment (Deferral)
See also 'Admission (Deferment)', 'Course leave'.

See also 'Bachelor's degree', 'Course'.

Delivery mode
Indicates how students receive the instruction for a unit of study. The delivery mode must be recorded for each unit as distinct from the attendance mode of the student. For example, an internal student may take one or more units by distance mode and an external student may attend campus for one or more units.

Distance education
Where subject matter is delivered in a more flexible manner, such as correspondence notes, a student may only attend campus if required. See also 'Distance education', 'Extended semester', 'International student (Offshore studies)'.

Intensive on-campus
Core content is delivered with support learning in an intensive (one or more days) format on campus. Participation is usually compulsory. Previously this may have been called residential, block mode, or weekend workshop.

On-campus (normal)
Attendance of scheduled lectures, tutorials etc at a campus of the University.

A department is the academic unit responsible for teaching and examining a unit of study. It may be called a school, a department, a centre or a unit within the University. See 'School'.

Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations (DEEWR)
The federal government department responsible for higher education.

Department of Education, Science and Training (DEST)
Previous name of the federal government department now known as DEEWR.

The award granted following successful completion of diploma course requirements. A diploma course usually requires less study than a degree course. See also 'Course'.

Direct admissions
For some courses, applications may be made directly to the University. Applications are received by faculties or the International Office, and considered by the relevant department or faculty body. Decisions are recorded and letters are forwarded to applicants advising them of the outcome. See also 'Admission', 'Universities Admissions Centre'.

Disability information
Students may inform the University of any temporary or permanent disability which affects their life as a student. Disability information is recorded but is only available to authorised users because of its sensitive nature. Students will be informed about how it is used.

Disciplinary action
Undertaken as the result of academic or other misconduct, for example plagiarism, cheating, security infringement, criminal activity.

A defined area of study, such as chemistry, physics or economics.

Discipline group
A DEEWR code used to classify units of study in terms of the subject matter being taught or being researched.

Discontinuation (course)
See 'Enrolment variation'.

Discontinuation (unit of study)
See 'Enrolment variation'.

A written exposition of a topic which may include original argument substantiated by reference to acknowledged authorities. It is a required unit of study for some postgraduate award courses in the faculties of Law, and Architecture, Design and Planning.

Distance education
Where a student does not attend campus on a daily basis for a given course or unit of study. See also 'Delivery mode', 'Extended semester'.

A high-level postgraduate award. A doctorate course may involve research only or a mixture of research and coursework; the candidate submits a thesis that is an original contribution to the field of study. See also 'Course', 'PhD'.

Domestic student
A student who is not an international student. See also 'Local student'.

Double degree
A double degree is a program where students are permitted by participating faculties (and/or by specific resolutions within a single award) to transfer between courses in order to complete two awards.

In some circumstances a student enrolled in a PhD may transfer to a master’s by research, either on the recommendation of the University on the basis that the research they are undertaking is not at an appropriate level for a PhD, or at the student’s own request for personal or academic reasons.


A unit of study within a degree, usually an option within a course. Electives allow more detailed study of a particular subject.

Embedded courses
Award courses in the graduate certificate, graduate diploma and master's degree by coursework sequence which allow unit of study credit points to count in more than one of the awards, for example the Graduate Certificate in Information Technology, Graduate Diploma in Information Technology, and Master of Information Technology.

Enrolled student
A person enrolled in an award course of the University.

Refers to a period of time in a student's candidature. This period:

(a) commences at the time the student has complied with all
      government and University requirements for enrolment
(b) unless the student re-enrols, ceases at the date on which:
          i. the University cancels, or the student withdraws from or
          discontinues enrolment; or
          ii. the next new enrolment period commences.

A student enrols in a course by registering with the supervising faculty in the units of study or program of research to be taken in the coming year, semester or session.

An enrolment is classified as commencing if a student has enrolled in a particular degree or diploma for the first time.

Students already in a course at the University re-enrol each year or semester. Most continuing students are required to pre-enrol. See also 'Pre-enrolment'.

Enrolment list
A list of all currently enrolled students in a particular unit of study. See also 'Unit of study'.

Enrolment variation
Students may vary their enrolment at the start of each semester. Each faculty determines its deadlines for variations, but student-contribution liability depends on the Commonwealth census date. See also 'Commonwealth Supported Place'.

Equivalent full-time student load (EFTSL)
The equivalent full-time student load for a year. It represents the annual study load of a student undertaking a particular course of study on a full-time basis.

Equivalent full-time student unit (EFTSU)
See 'Equivalent full-time student load'

A set of questions or exercises evaluating on a given subject given by a department or faculty. See also 'Assessment', 'Examination period'.

Examination period
The time set each semester for the conduct of formal examinations.

Examiner (Coursework)
The person assessing a student or group of students, for example through oral or written examinations, coursework assignments, and presentations.

Exchange student
Either a University of Sydney student participating in a formally agreed program involving study at an overseas university, or an overseas student studying here on the same basis. The International Office provides administrative support for some exchanges.

A faculty may ask a student whose academic progress is considered to be unsatisfactory to 'show good cause' why the student should be allowed to re-enrol. If the faculty deems the student’s explanation unsatisfactory, or if the student does not provide an explanation, the student may be excluded either from a unit of study or from a course or faculty.

An excluded student may apply to the faculty for permission to re-enrol. Normally, at least two years must have elapsed before such an application would be considered. University policy relating to exclusions is set out in the Calendar. See also 'Appeals', 'Progression'.

A decision made at a sub-unit of study level to allow a student to complete a unit of study without also completing all the prescribed components of coursework and/or assessment. See also 'Credit', 'Waiver'.

The ultimate penalty of disciplinary action is to expel the student from the University. The effect of expulsion is:

  • the student is not allowed to be admitted or to re-enrol in any course at the University
  • the student does not receive their results
  • the student is not allowed to graduate
  • the student does not receive a transcript or testamur.

Extended semester
A distance-learning student may be allowed more time to complete a module or program if circumstances beyond the student’s control, such as illness, affect the student’s ability to complete the module or program in the specified time. See also 'Distance education'.

See 'Attendance mode or attendance pattern', 'Distance education'.

External transcript
A certified statement of a student’s academic record printed on official University security paper. It includes the student’s name, any credit granted, all courses the student was enrolled in, the final course result, and all units of study attempted within each course. It also acknowledges prizes the student has received. Marks can be included or omitted, as required. See also 'Academic transcript', 'Internal transcript'.


A formal part of the University’s academic governance structure, consisting mainly of academic staff members and headed by a dean, which is responsible for all matters concerning the award courses that it supervises. Usually, a faculty office administers the faculty and student or staff enquiries related to its courses. The University Calendar sets out the constitution of each of the University’s faculties. See also 'Board of studies', 'Supervising faculty'.

Faculty handbook
An annual University publication for each faculty, that provides detailed information about the faculty, its courses and resolutions.

An interest-free loan facility available to fee-paying postgraduate students who are undertaking coursework programs.

Fee-paying students
Students who pay tuition fees to the University and are not liable for student contributions to a Commonwealth Supported Place. The Commonwealth does not contribute towards the cost of the education of fee-paying students. Annual fees vary between the faculties. Students pay a per-semester fee.

Fellows of Senate
Members of the governing body of the University who are either elected, appointed or ex-officio.

Flexible learning
See 'Delivery mode', 'Distance education'.

Flexible start date
Full fee-paying distance students are not restricted to the same enrolment time frames as campus-based or Commonwealth-supported students.

Flexible Student Information System (FlexSIS)
The computer-based Flexible Student Information System at the University of Sydney. FlexSIS holds details of courses and units of study being offered by the University and the complete academic records of all students enrolled at the University.

Formative assessment
See also 'Assessment'.

Full-time student
See 'Attendance mode', 'Equivalent full-time student load'.


The outcome for a unit of study linked with a mark range. For example, a mark in the range 85 to 100 attracts the grade 'high distinction' (HD). See also 'Mark'.

A student who has completed all the requirements for an award course but has not yet graduated. See also 'Graduation', 'Potential graduand'.

A person who holds an award from a recognised tertiary institution. See also 'Graduand', 'Graduation'.

Graduate certificate/graduate diploma
See 'Course'.

Graduate-entry degree
A bachelor’s degree (or other undergraduate degree), that requires another undergraduate degree as a prerequisite of entry. Examples of graduate-entry degrees at the University of Sydney include the Medical Program, Graduate Law and the Bachelor of Dentistry.

The formal conferring of awards either at a ceremony or in absentia. See also 'In absentia', 'Potential graduand'.

Graduation ceremony
A ceremony where the Chancellor confers awards upon graduands.

Group of Eight (Go8)
The Group of Eight represents Australia's major research-intensive universities. Its membership comprises the vice-chancellors (presidents) of the Australian National University, Monash University, the University of Adelaide, the University of Melbourne, the University of New South Wales, the University of Queensland, the University of Sydney and the University of Western Australia. The Go8 works to ensure a consistent and sustainable policy environment which maximises the wide-ranging economic, social and cultural benefits to the Australian community of higher education and ensures Australian universities are recognised as among the best in the world.

Group work
A formally established project to be carried out by a number of students working together, resulting in a single piece (or assorted pieces) of assessment. See also 'Legitimate cooperation'.


See 'Faculty handbook'.

Head of department/Head of school (HOD/HOS)
The head of the academic unit that has responsibility for the relevant unit of study, or equivalent program leader.

Higher Education Contribution Scheme (HECS)

An eligible student in a Commonwealth Supported Place can apply for assistance in paying their student contribution. This may take the form of a HECS-HELP loan to pay for all or some of the student's contribution, or a HECS-HELP discount if all (or at least $500) of the student's contribution is paid by the census date.

Honorary degrees
A degree honoris causa is conferred on a person whom the University wishes to honour. It derives from the Latin translation of 'for the purpose of honouring'.

Some degrees may be completed 'with honours'. This may involve the completion of a separate honours year or additional work in the later years of the course. Honours are awarded in a class (Class I, Class II, which may have two divisions, or Class III).

NSW Higher School Certificate (HSC)
The NSW Higher School Certificate (HSC), which is normally completed at the end of year 12 of secondary school. The Australian Tertiary Admissions Rank (ATAR) is computed from a student’s performance in the HSC and gives a maximum rank of 99.95.


In absentia
Latin for 'in the absence of'. Awards are conferred in absentia when graduands do not, or cannot, attend the graduation ceremony scheduled for them. Those who have graduated in absentia may later request that they be presented to the Chancellor at a graduation ceremony. See also 'Graduation'.

Instrumental supervisor/teacher
All students at the Sydney Conservatorium of Music have an instrumental teacher appointed. See also 'Associate supervisor', 'Research supervisor', 'Supervision'.

Internal mode
See 'Attendance mode or attendance pattern'.

Internal transcript
A record of a student’s academic record for the University’s own internal use. It includes the student’s name, student identifier (SID), address, all courses in which the student was enrolled and the final course result, and all units of study attempted within each course, together with the unit of study result. See also 'Academic transcript', 'External transcript'.

International student
Any student who is not an Australian or New Zealand citizen or a permanent resident of Australia. An international student is required to hold a visa that allows study in Australia and may be liable for international tuition fees.

A private international student who is liable to pay tuition fees for their studies with the University.

Fee-paying – outgoing exchange
An international fee-paying student undertaking short-term study at a recognised overseas institution with which the University has a student exchange agreement. Exchange study counts towards the student’s University of Sydney award, and students remain enrolled in their University of Sydney course during the period of exchange.

International – non-award or cross-institutional
An international fee-paying student undertaking non-award study at the University on a cross-institutional basis. They are liable to pay fees for the study they undertake at the University, but there is no compliance reporting requirement – this rests with their 'home' institution.

International – sponsored
A private international student who is fully sponsored for their tuition. Their sponsorship may also include overseas health cover and compulsory subscriptions.

Offshore studies
International offshore students undertake their program of study at one of the University’s offshore campuses and do not enter Australia. Therefore they do not require a visa. They are distinct from international students who are on outbound exchange programs as they never enter Australia during their program of study.

Short course
An international fee-paying student undertaking a short course with the University of Sydney such as international development programs, executive training or study visits. The study undertaken by these students is non-award and generally a student visa is not required.

Sponsored award
An international student sponsored by the Australian Government, undertaking a program of study at the University. Currently, holders of Australian Development Scholarships funded by AusAID are the only students in this category. These students are fully sponsored for their tuition and other costs such as travel and health cover, and are paid a stipend.

Study Abroad
An international student who is undertaking short-term study at the University under the Study Abroad scheme. Study Abroad students must have completed at least one year of study towards a degree at a recognised institution in their home country and must be continuing towards the degree of their home institution. See also 'Local student', 'Student type'.


Learning entitlement
See 'Student learning entitlement'.

See 'Course leave'.

Legitimate cooperation
Any constructive educational and intellectual practice that aims to facilitate optimal learning outcomes through student interaction. See also 'Group work'.

The sum of the weights of all the units of study in which a student is enrolled. The weight is determined by the proportion of a full year’s work represented by the unit of study in the degree or diploma for which the student is a candidate. Student load is measured in terms of Equivalent Full-Time Student Load (EFTSL). See also 'Equivalent full-time student load'.

Local student
Local students are defined as an Australian or New Zealand citizen or an Australian permanent resident. See also 'Commonwealth Supported Place', 'Domestic student', 'International student'.


A field of study, chosen by a student to represent their principal interest. This is comprised of specified units of study from later stages of the award course. Students select and transfer between majors by virtue of their selection of units of study. One or more majors may be awarded upon the graduand's assessment of study. See also 'Course', 'Minor', 'Stream'.

Major timetable clash
The term used when a student attempts to enrol in units of study that have so much overlap in the teaching times that it is decided they may not enrol in the units simultaneously.

An integer (rounded if necessary) from 0 to 100 indicating a student’s performance in a unit of study. See also 'Grade'.

Master's degree
A postgraduate award. Master’s degree courses may be offered by coursework, research only or a combination of coursework and research. Entry to the course often requires completion of an honours year at an undergraduate level. See also 'Course'.

Mature-age student
A student who is 21 years or older on 1 March of the year in which they commence studies, and who has not completed the high school qualifications normally needed to gain entry.

Method of candidature
A course is either a research course or a coursework course and so the methods of candidature are 'research' and 'coursework'. See also 'Course (Coursework)', 'Course (Research)'.

Mid-year intake
Admission to degree programs for Semester Two.

Studies undertaken to support a major. Minor studies require smaller number of credit points than a major. Students select and transfer between minors (and majors) by virtue of their selection of units of study. One or more minors may be awarded upon the graduand’s assessment of study. See also 'Course', 'Major', 'Stream'.

Mixed mode
See 'Attendance mode or attendance pattern'.

The Master of Philosophy (MPhil) is a master's by research degree offered by some (but not all) of the University’s faculties. See also 'Course', 'Master’s degree'.

Mutually exclusive units of study
See 'Prohibited combinations of units of study'.

The University of Sydney’s student portal system. It provides access to email, library services, student self-administration, support services, e-learning software such as Blackboard and WebCT, as well as information about the University and its courses.


Non-award course
See 'Course'.

Non-standard session
A teaching session other than the standard Semester One and Semester Two sessions – such as Sydney Summer School or Winter School, in which units of study are delivered and assessed in an intensive mode during January or July respectively. See also 'Semester', 'Session'.


Orientation Week
Orientation Week, or 'O Week', takes place in the week before lectures begin in Semester One. During O Week students can join various clubs, societies and organisations, register for courses with departments and take part in activities provided by the University of Sydney Union.


Part-time student
See also 'Attendance mode or attendance pattern', 'Equivalent full-time student load'.

Permanent home address
The address used for all official University correspondence with a student, both inside and outside of semester time (eg during semester breaks), unless the student provides a different address for use during the semester. See also 'Semester address'.

The Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) and other doctorate awards are the highest awards available at the University. A PhD course is normally purely research-based; the candidate submits a thesis that is an original contribution to the field of study. See also 'Course', 'Doctorate'.

Presenting another person's ideas, findings or work as one's own by copying or reproducing them without acknowledging the source. See also 'Academic dishonesty'.

Policy Online
The website which provides access to the University’s current policies, procedures and guidelines.

A term used to describe a course leading to an award such as a graduate diploma, a master’s degree or a PhD, which usually requires prior completion of a relevant undergraduate degree (or diploma) course. A 'postgraduate' is a student enrolled in such a course. See also 'Course (Coursework)', 'Course (Research)'.

Postgraduate Education Loans Scheme (PELS)

Potential graduand
A student who has been identified as being eligible to graduate on the satisfactory completion of their current studies. See also 'Graduand', 'Graduation'.

Pre-enrolment – also known as provisional re-enrolment – takes place in October, when students indicate their choice of unit of study enrolment for the following year. After results are approved, pre-enrolment students are regarded as enrolled in those units of study for which they are qualified. Their status is 'enrolled' and remains so provided they pay any money owing and comply with other requirements by the due date.

Students who do not successfully pre-enrol in their units of study for the next regular session are required to attend the University on set dates during the January/February enrolment period. See also 'Enrolment'.

A unit of study that is required to be successfully completed before another unit of study can be attempted. Prerequisites can be mandatory (compulsory) or advisory. See also 'Assumed knowledge', 'Corequisite', 'Qualifier', 'Waiver'.

Awarded in recognition of outstanding performance, academic achievement or service to the community or University.

Probationary candidature
A student who is enrolled in a postgraduate course on probation for a period of time up to one year. The head of department/school is required to consider the candidate’s progress during the period of probation and make a recommendation for normal candidature or otherwise to the faculty.

Professional practice
Some students undertake placement in a professional practice as part of their course requirements. This may require University-approved supervision. Professional placements are located in a wide range of professional practice environments, and may not require additional criteria to be fulfilled.

Each degree is composed of various units of study. The way the units are put together for a degree is referred to as a student's 'program'.

Satisfactory progression is satisfying all course and faculty rules (normally assessed on an annual basis) to enable the completion of the chosen award within the (maximum) completion time allowed. See also 'Exclusion'.

Prohibited combinations of units of study
When two or more units of study contain a sufficient overlap of content, enrolment in any one such unit prohibits enrolment in any other identified unit. See also 'Unit of study'.

Provisional re-enrolment
See 'Pre-enrolment'.


An academic attainment recognised by the University.

A mandatory (compulsory) prerequisite unit of study which must have a grade of pass or better. See also 'Assumed knowledge', 'Corequisite', 'Prerequisite', 'Waiver'.


The submission for assessment of one’s own work, or of work which is substantially the same, that has previously been counted towards the satisfactory completion of another unit of study, and credited towards a university degree, and where the examiner has not been informed that the student has already received credit for that work.

In addition to enrolling with the faculty in units of study, students must register with the department responsible for teaching each unit. This is normally done during Orientation Week. Note that unlike enrolment, registration is not a formal record of units attempted by the student.

Research course
See 'Course (Research)'.

Research supervisor
A supervisor is appointed to each student undertaking a research postgraduate degree. The supervisor will be a full-time member of the academic staff or a person external to the University recognised for their association with the clinical teaching or the research work of the University. See also 'Associate supervisor', 'Instrumental supervisor/ teacher', 'Supervision'.

Research Training Scheme (RTS)
The RTS provides Commonwealth-funded higher degree by research (HDR) students with an 'entitlement' to a HECS exemption for the duration of an accredited HDR course, up to a maximum period of four years full-time equivalent study for a doctorate by research and two years full-time equivalent study for a master's by research.

The official statement of a student’s performance in each unit of study attempted as recorded on the academic transcript, usually expressed as a mark and grade. See also 'Grade', 'Mark'.

Result processing
Refers to the processing of assessment results for units of study. For each unit of study, departments/schools tabulate results for all assessment activities and assign preliminary results. See also 'Assessment', 'Examination period', 'Formative assessment'.

Result processing schedule
The result processing schedule will be determined for each academic cycle. All schools and faculties are expected to comply with this schedule. See also 'Assessment', 'Examination period'.


Financial or other form of support made available to enable students to further their studies. See also 'Bursaries'.

A school or academic unit that encourages and facilitates teaching, scholarship and research, and coordinates the teaching and examining duties of members of staff in their subjects or courses of study.

A half-yearly teaching session, the dates for which are determined by the Academic Board. Normally all undergraduate sessions will conform to the semesters approved by the Academic Board. Any offering of an undergraduate unit not conforming to the semester dates (non-standard session) must be given special permission by the Academic Board. See also 'Non-standard session', 'Session'.

Semester address
The address to which all official University correspondence is sent during semester time, if different to the permanent address.

The governing body of the University. See the University Calendar ( for more details of its charter and powers.

Any period of time during which a unit of study is taught. A session differs from a semester in that it need not be a six-month teaching period, but it cannot be longer than six months. Each session maps to either Semester One or Two for DEEWR reporting purposes. Session offerings are approved by the relevant dean, taking into account all the necessary resources, including teaching space and staffing. The Academic Board must approve variation to the normal session pattern. See also 'Non-standard session', 'Semester'.

Session address
See 'Semester address'.

Short course
A fee-paying student undertaking a short course with the University of Sydney such as professional development or executive training. The study undertaken by these students is a non-award course.

Show cause
See 'Exclusion', 'Progression'.

Special consideration
Candidates who suffer serious illness or misadventure which may affect performance in any assessment may request that they be given special consideration in relation to the determination of their results.

Special Studies Program (SSP)
A period of release from normal duties to allow academic staff to undertake a planned program of academic activity and development.

Financial support of a student by a company or government body.

A normal full-time course of study taken in a year. See also 'Course rules', 'Equivalent full-time student load', 'Progression'.

Strategic Directions
See also 'University Strategic Directions'.

A defined award course, which requires the completion of set units of study as specified by the course rules for the particular stream, in addition to the core program specified by the course rules. A stream will appear with the award course name on testamurs, eg Bachelor of Engineering in Civil Engineering (Construction Management). See also 'Course', 'Major', 'Minor'.

A person enrolled as a candidate for an award course or unit of study.

Student Appeals Body
Any student may appeal to the Student Appeals Body against an academic decision on the ground that due academic process has not been observed by the relevant faculty in relation to the academic decision. Refer to the University of Sydney (Student Appeals against Academic Decisions) Rule 2006 for more details. See also 'Appeals'.

Student Disciplinary Appeals Committee
Any student may appeal to the Student Disciplinary Appeals Committee against a misconduct determination by the Vice-Chancellor or a Student Proctorial Board. See also 'Appeals'.

Student identifier (SID)
A nine-digit number that uniquely identifies a student at the University.

Student ID Card
All full-time or part-time students who successfully enrol at the University of Sydney will receive a Student Card. New students will have their card issued in person at the time of enrolment. Successful re-enrolling students will receive their card by mail.

The Student Card includes the student’s name, student identification number (SID), a digitised photo and the library borrower’s number and barcode. Where applicable, it will also display a travel concession logo from the Ministry of Transport (if student eligibility requirements are met).

The card has a number of interoperable uses, such as the ability to purchase printing and photocopying services at the University’s libraries and gain access to certain secure buildings. The card identifies the student as eligible to attend classes and must be displayed at formal examinations. It must also be presented to secure student concessions and to borrow books from all sections of the University Library.

For more information about Student ID Cards please visit the Card Centre (or see the website:

Student learning entitlement
All Australian citizens, New Zealand citizens and holders of a permanent visa are allocated a Student Learning Entitlement (SLE) of up to seven years equivalent full-time study. This is measured in equivalent full-time student load (EFTSL), which is the proportion of a full-time load that a unit of study represents. The University sets an EFTSL value for each unit of study it offers. To be Commonwealth- supported for a unit, a student must have enough SLE to cover the EFTSL value of that unit.

Student progress rate (SPR)
A calculation that measures the rate at which the load undertaken is passed annually in each award program.

Student type
Student type identifies whether a student is local or international and the type of study the student is undertaking. See also 'Domestic student', 'Exchange student', 'International student'.

Study Abroad program
A scheme administered by the International Office that allows international students who are not part of an exchange program to take units of study at the University of Sydney, but not towards an award program. In most cases the units of study taken here are credited towards an award at the student's home institution. See also 'Exchange student'.

Subject area
A unit of study may be associated with one or more subject areas. The subject area can be used to define prerequisite and course rules, for example the unit of study 'History of Momoyama and Edo Art' may count towards the requirements for the subject areas 'Art History and Theory' and 'Asian Studies'.

Summative assessment
See 'Assessment'.

Summer School
See 'Sydney Summer School'.

Supervising faculty
The faculty which has the responsibility for managing the academic administration of a particular course, such as the interpretation and administration of course rules, approving students’ enrolments and variations to enrolments.

Normally the supervising faculty is the faculty offering the course. However, in the case of combined courses, one of the two faculties involved will usually be designated the supervising faculty. In the case where one course is jointly offered by two or more faculties (eg the Liberal Studies course), a joint committee may make academic decisions about candidature and the student may be assigned a supervising faculty for administration.

Refers to a one-to-one relationship between a student and a nominated member of the academic staff or a person specifically appointed to the role. See also 'Associate supervisor', 'Instrumental supervisor/ teacher', 'Research supervisor'.

Suspension of candidature
See also 'Course leave'.

Suppression of results
Results for a particular student can be suppressed by the University when the student has an outstanding debt to the University (this particularly applies to international students who have not paid their tuition fees), or when the student is facing disciplinary action. A student may also request a suppression for personal reasons.

Sydney Summer School
A program of accelerated, intensive study running for approximately six weeks during January and February each year. Both undergraduate and postgraduate units are offered. Sydney Summer School provides an opportunity for students at Sydney and other universities to catch up on required units of study, to accelerate completion of a course or to undertake a unit that is outside their award course. All units attract full fees, but some scholarships are available.

Sydney Winter School
An intensive session offered by the University in July during the mid-year break. See 'Sydney Summer School'.


Teaching department
See 'School'.

Teaching end date
Official finish date of formal timetabled classes.

Teaching start date
Official commencement date of formal timetabled classes.

Term used when a student’s candidature has been officially closed because they are not able to complete the course requirements. See also 'Candidature'.

A certificate of award provided to a graduand, usually at a graduation ceremony. The University award conferred is displayed along with other appropriate details.

A major work that is the product of an extended period of supervised independent research. See also 'Course (Research)'.

The schedule of lectures, tutorials, laboratories and other academic activities that a student must attend.

See 'Academic transcript'.

See 'Course transfer'.

Tuition fees
Tuition fees may be charged to students in designated tuition fee-paying courses. Students who pay fees are not liable for HECS.


Universities Admissions Centre (UAC)
The UAC receives and processes applications for admission to undergraduate courses at recognised universities in NSW and the ACT. Most local undergraduate students at the University of Sydney apply through the UAC.

Universities Admission Index (UAI)
A measure of overall academic achievement in the HSC that helps universities rank applicants for university selection. The UAI is a rank of any student's performance relative to other students. It is calculated from the aggregate of scaled marks in 10 units of the HSC (two best English units plus eight other units, including only two category B units) and is presented as a number between 0.00 and 99.95 with increments of 0.05.

In June 2009 the UAI was replaced by the Australian Tertiary Admissions Rank (ATAR). See 'Australian Tertiary Admissions Rank'.

Under examination
Indicates that a research student has submitted their written work (thesis) for assessment, and is awaiting the finalisation of the examiners' outcome and recommendation.

A term used to describe both a course leading to a diploma or bachelor’s degree and a student enrolled in such a course.

Unit of study
Unit of study or unit means a stand-alone component of an award course. Each unit of study is the responsibility of a department. See also 'Prohibited combinations of unit of study'.

Unit of study enrolment status
This indicates whether the student is still actively attending the unit of study (currently enrolled) or is no longer enrolled. See also 'Cancellation of enrolment', 'Discontinuation'.

Unit of study level
Units of study are divided into junior, intermediate, senior, honours, Year 5, and Year 6. Most majors consist of 32 senior credit points in a subject area (either 3000 level units of study or a mix of 2000 and 3000 level units of study).

Unless otherwise indicated, the term 'University' in this document refers to the University of Sydney.

University Calendar
The annual University publication available in print and online that provides general and historical information about the University of Sydney, the statutes and regulations under which it operates and the Senate resolutions relating to constitutions and courses in each faculty.

University Medal
A faculty may recommend the award of a University Medal to a student qualified for the award of an undergraduate honours degree whose academic performance is judged to be outstanding.

University Strategic Directions
This refers to the University of Sydney Strategic Plan 2007–2010. A new plan is currently in development.

Where a student enrolled in a master's by research course is undertaking research at such a standard that either the University recommends that the student upgrade their degree to a PhD, or the student seeks to upgrade to a PhD and this is supported by the University.


Variation of enrolment
See 'Enrolment variation'.

Vice-Chancellor and Principal
The chief executive officer of the University, responsible for its leadership and management. The Vice-Chancellor and Principal is head of both academic and administrative divisions.


In a prescribed course, a faculty may waive the prerequisite or corequisite requirement for a unit of study or the course rules for a particular student. Unlike credit, waivers do not involve a reduction in the number of credit points required for a course. See also 'Credit', 'Exemption'.

WAM weight
A weight assigned to each unit of study to assist in the calculation of WAMs.

Weighted average mark (WAM)
This mark uses the unit of study credit point value in conjunction with an agreed 'weight'. The formula for this calculation is:

Weighted average mark

(Sums over all units of study completed in the selected period.)

The mark is the actual mark obtained by the student for the unit of study, or in the case of a failing grade with no mark – 0. Pass/Fail assessed subjects and credit transfer subjects (from another institution) are excluded from these calculations. However, the marks from all attempts at a unit of study are included. (Effective from 1 January 2004.)

In addition, faculties may adopt other average mark formulae for specific progression or entry requirements. If such a formula is not specified in the faculty resolutions, the formula outlined above is used. See also 'WAM weight'.

Winter School
See 'Sydney Winter School'.


Year of first enrolment (YFE)
The year in which a student first enrols at the University. See also 'Commencement date'.

Youth allowance
Youth allowance is payable to a full-time student or trainee aged 16 to 24 years of age who is enrolled at an approved institution such as a school, college, TAFE or university, and who is undertaking at least 15 hours a week face-to-face contact.