University of Sydney Handbooks - 2011 Archive

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Master of Fine Arts (MFA)

The Master of Fine Arts (MFA) by research is designed to provide graduates and professionally qualified visual artists with the opportunity to extend their professional practice through advanced research. The MFA provides an opportunity for candidates to pursue creative work and theoretical studies in depth and extend their knowledge, understanding and competence within their major field of endeavour.

Candidates develop a level of proficiency, self-direction and focus through investigating a proposed area of research to produce work of an original and speculative nature. Work is undertaken in a tutorial environment under the guidance of a supervisor and through participation in a seminar program.

It is assumed that those entering this degree are trained and competent in their particular field and are seeking to extend their practice at a higher level.

The Master of Fine Arts is normally undertaken on a full-time basis. Full-time candidates are allocated a studio space at Rozelle Campus and will be expected to complete the degree requirements in two years. Generally speaking, candidates will be expected to devote the equivalent of a 35-hour week to their research.

Part-time candidature is available on a limited basis and subject to the Faculty approval. Part-time candidates must complete requirements in three years and may not be allocated studio space within SCA.

Entry requirements

Applicants for the MFA program are expected to hold the following qualifications:

  • an honours degree in Visual Arts, or
  • a Bachelor of Visual Arts and a Graduate Diploma in Visual Arts, or
  • other qualifications considered by the Dean to be equivalent to four year honours degree in visual arts, and
  • a demonstrated ability to undertake research.

As there are some limitations on places and studio space, not all eligible applicants can be offered candidature. Selection is competitive, based on the applicant€™s research proposal, portfolio of recent work and interview.

Probationary admission

Candidates may be admitted on a probationary basis for a period not exceeding one year. Upon completion of this probationary period, the candidate€™s work will be reviewed and the candidature confirmed or terminated.

Postgraduate qualifying/preliminary study

SCA may admit an applicant to a period of preliminary study if the normal entry requirements have not been met. This may involve completing specified units of study or carrying out a particular piece of research. A further application for admission to candidature for the degree must be made on completion of the preliminary program.

Course structure and requirements

Candidates are required to nominate one of the following methods of candidature:

  1. by creative work and research paper, culminating in a substantial exhibition, performance or installation of works in a joint show of candidates at the end of candidature, together with the research paper of 10,000€’12,000 words and oral presentation, or
  2. by thesis of 35,000€’50,000 words in the field of art theory, art history, cultural studies or professional studies in visual art.

Over the first two semesters candidates attend a weekly seminar program dedicated to the discussion of individual research and contemporary visual arts practice. At the end of each semester candidates must complete written work prescribed by the academic staff members coordinating the seminar series. Part-time candidates must attend the seminars within the first two years, and in consecutive semesters. In the first two semesters candidates may also be required to undertake study in research and professional practice. In the third and fourth semesters, candidates complete the research paper and are also required to attend the Graduate School Forum.

Submission of work and examination

By creative work and research paper
All candidates must submit for examination in the last semester of their candidature:

  1. a substantial exhibition, performance or installation of the work or works with supporting visual material of work completed during candidature and an explanation of the structure and mode of exhibition and developmental process, and
  2. a research paper in English, of between 10,000€’12,000 words, relevant to the candidate€™s work and its development, its cultural, historical or theoretical references.

The work or works of art and the research paper will be the result of original investigation in the approved study area.

By thesis
The candidate must submit for examination a thesis, in English, of between 35,000 and 50,000 words, which is the result of an original investigation in the field of art theory, art history, cultural studies or professional studies in visual art. The candidate must identify those components of assessable work which are respectively their own, and that of others.

The candidate will need to advise of their expected submission date in writing approximately 12 weeks in advance, so that appropriate examiners can be considered and other arrangements can be made in good time.

The candidate will be examined by an examination panel consisting of at least two persons, who have not been the candidate€™s supervisor during candidature, with at least one of these examiners being external to SCA.

For more information about the examination process please refer to the Postgraduate Research Guide. Essential Information for MFA Candidates and Supervisors available on SCA website.

Course resolutions


Master of Fine Arts

1 Course codes


Course title


Master of Fine Arts

2 Award of the degree

The degree of Master of Fine Arts shall be awarded in one grade only.

3 Eligibility for admission

An applicant for admission to candidature for the degree shall, except as provided in chapter 10 of the By-laws:
be a Bachelor of Visual Arts (Honours) of the University of Sydney, or
hold the degree of Bachelor of Visual Arts and the Graduate Diploma of Visual Arts of the University of Sydney.
An applicant for admission to candidature must in support of the application submit for the approval of the Sydney College of the Arts Board (hereafter in these resolutions referred to as SCA Board) a proposal for a program of study in the discipline area nominated.
Applicants may be required to demonstrate to the satisfaction of SCA Board their ability to proceed by the method nominated.

4 Availability

Admission to candidature for the degree may be limited by quota.
In determining the quota the University will take into account:
availability of resources, including studio space, library, equipment and computing facilities; and
availability of adequate and appropriate supervision.
In considering an applicant for admission to candidature SCA Board may take account of the quota and will select in preference applicants who are most meritorious in terms of the admission criteria.

5 Probationary admission

A candidate may be accepted by SCA Board on a probationary basis for a period not exceeding twelve months and upon completion of this period SCA Board shall review the candidate's work and shall either confirm the candidate's status or terminate the candidature.
In the case of a candidate accepted on a probationary basis, the candidature shall be deemed to have commenced from the date of acceptance.

6 Method of progression

A candidate for the degree shall proceed:
by studio practice and research; or
by thesis.

7 Discipline areas

The degree may be taken in the following disciplines:
Jewellery and Object
Electronic and Temporal Arts
Sculpture (including performance and installation)
Theories of Art Practice

8 Time limits

A candidate may proceed on either a full-time basis or, with the permission of SCA Board, a part-time basis.
A full-time candidate shall complete the requirements for the degree, unless otherwise determined by SCA Board on the recommendation of the Director or member of staff appointed by the Director to have supervisory responsibility for the Master of Fine Arts, at the end of the second year of candidature.
A part-time candidate shall complete the requirements for the degree, unless otherwise determined by SCA Board on the recommendation of the Director or member of staff appointed by the Director to have supervisory responsibility for the Master of Fine Arts, by the end of the third year of candidature.
The dates for completion of requirements for the degree shall be adjusted for those candidates permitted to proceed on a part-time basis following their admission to candidature on a full-time basis, and vice versa.

9 Credit

A candidate, who before admission to candidature has spent time in advanced study in the University of Sydney or in another University or institution, may be deemed by SCA Board to have spent such time after admission to candidature provided that it represents no more than half of the total candidature.

10 Supervision

SCA Board shall appoint to act as supervisor of each candidate, on the recommendation of the Director or member of staff appointed by the Director to have supervisory responsibility for the Master of Fine Arts:
a full-time member of the academic staff of Sydney College of the Arts; or
a member of the academic staff of Sydney College of the Arts with a fractional appointment of 0.5 or greater.
SCA Board will appoint, from amongst appropriately qualified persons, an associate supervisor to assist in the supervision of any candidature.

11 Requirements for the degree

A candidate proceeding primarily by thesis shall:
complete such seminars and such units as may be prescribed by SCA Board;
carry out supervised research on a topic approved by SCA Board on the recommendation of the Director or member of staff appointed by the Director to have supervisory responsibility for the Master of Fine Arts;
write a thesis embodying the results of the research; and in completion of requirements for the degree;
lodge with the Registrar three copies of this thesis, typewritten and bound in either a temporary or a permanent form.
The degree shall not be awarded until the candidate has caused at least one copy of the thesis (containing any corrections or amendments that may be required) to be bound in a permanent form.
The candidate shall state in the thesis the sources from which the information was derived, the extent to which the work of others has been used and the portion of the work claimed as original.
The thesis shall be accompanied by a statement from the supervisor stating whether, in the supervisor's opinion, the form of presentation of the thesis is satisfactory.
A candidate may not present as the thesis a work which has been presented for a degree in this or another university, but will not be precluded from incorporating such in the thesis provided that in presenting the thesis the candidate indicates the part of the work which has been so incorporated.
A candidate proceeding by studio practice and research shall:
complete such courses;
attend such seminars; and
complete such essay or other written work including a research paper; and
carry out such supervised research in a discipline or disciplines as may be prescribed by SCA Board on the recommendation of the Director or member of staff appointed by the Director to have supervisory responsibility for the Master of Fine Arts; and
present for exhibition, at a joint exhibition of candidates, and examination at the end of the second year of candidature a substantial exhibition, performance or installation, work or series of works of art.

12 Examination: Research and Thesis

On completion of requirements for the degree by a candidate proceeding primarily by thesis, SCA Board shall appoint on the recommendation of the Director or member of staff appointed by the Director to have supervisory responsibility for the Master of Fine Arts, an examination panel consisting of:
at least two persons, who have not been supervisors of the candidate; and
at least one of whom is external to SCA.
The reports of the examiners shall be made available to the Director or member of staff appointed by the Director to have supervisory responsibility for the Master of Fine Arts who shall consult with the supervisor.
The Director or member of staff appointed by the Director to have supervisory responsibility for the Master of Fine Arts shall report the result of the examination of the candidature, together with a recommendation concerning the award of the degree, to SCA Board which shall determine the result.
In special cases SCA Board on the recommendation of the Director or member of staff appointed by the Director to have supervisory responsibility for the Master of Fine Arts may require the candidate to take a further examination in the area of the thesis.
SCA Board may permit an unsuccessful candidate to revise and re-submit the thesis if, in the opinion of the Director or member of staff appointed by the Director to have supervisory responsibility for the Master of Fine Arts, the candidate's work is of sufficient merit to warrant this concession, and may prescribe special conditions to be fulfilled by the candidate.

13 Examination: Studio Practice and Research

On completion of the requirements for the degree by a candidate proceeding primarily by studio practice and research, SCA Board, on the recommendation of the Director or member of staff appointed by the Director to have supervisory responsibility for the Master of Fine Arts, shall appoint an examination panel consisting of:
at least two persons, who have not been supervisors of the candidate; and
at least one of whom is external to SCA.
The Examination Panel shall examine the exhibition, performance or installation and the associated written work at a meeting chaired in a non voting capacity by the Director or member of staff appointed by the Director to have supervisory responsibility for the Master of Fine Arts;
Having received reports from the Examination Panel and having received reports on the examination of the coursework the Director or member of staff appointed by the Director to have supervisory responsibility for the Master of Fine Arts shall report the result of the examination to SCA Board, which shall determine the result of the candidature.
In special cases SCA Board, on the recommendation of the Director or member of staff appointed by the Director to have supervisory responsibility for the Master of Fine Arts may require the candidate to take a further examination.
SCA Board may permit an unsuccessful candidate to revise and re-submit the work if, on the recommendation of the Director or member of staff appointed by the Director to have supervisory responsibility for the Master of Fine Arts, the candidate's work is of sufficient merit to warrant this concession, and may prescribe special conditions to be fulfilled by the candidate.

14 Progress

The SCA Board may:
on the recommendation of the Director or member of staff appointed by the Director to have supervisory responsibility for the Master of Fine Arts, call upon any candidate to show cause why that candidature should not be terminated by reason of satisfactory progress towards completion of the degree; and
where, in the opinion of SCA Board, the candidate does not show good cause, terminate the candidature.

15 Transitional provisions

These resolutions shall apply to:
persons who commence their candidature after 1 January 2010; and
persons who commenced their candidature prior to 1 January 2010 and who elect to proceed under these resolutions.
A candidate for the degree who commenced candidature prior to 1 January 2010 may complete the requirements in accordance with the resolutions in force at the time the candidate commenced, provided that the candidate shall complete the requirements by 1 January 2012 or such later date as the Dean may, in special circumstances, approve.