Welcome to the Sydney Conservatorium of Music

Music is at the centre of all people’s lives in the 21st century. Our playlists enable us to access music from cultures and styles from all over the world. Musicians are an amazing group of people because we are the ones who are able to create, re-create, invent, and interpret music that is of our generation, our international culture, and from times past. Our exploration of music through time connects us to previous generations and projects into the future. It is an exciting time to learn to be a musician as new technology enables us to connect to listeners in so many different ways. A degree in music will set you up to be someone who can make a difference to others’ lives through your skills and humanity. Very few people can really make music at an expert level. At the Sydney Conservatorium you will have the opportunity to contribute to this vibrant expression of living and develop the expertise to sustain a lifetime of musical work.
The Sydney Conservatorium of Music is Australia's premier tertiary music institution. In addition to its significance in the Australian musical landscape, the Sydney Conservatorium is increasingly influential in the Asia Pacific. Ideally situated at the centre of Sydney's Central Business District and arts precinct and just minutes from the Sydney Opera House, the Con offers students a comprehensive musical education, including the knowledge and skills necessary for thriving in all aspects of music in the 21st century. Our brilliant, dedicated faculty and gifted student body share a passion for music and the arts, a love of learning, and a unique kinship that can last a lifetime.
Our exceptional undergraduate and graduate degree programs focus on performance, composition, music education, conducting and musicology. Mentored by leaders in each field, our students can focus on one area of expertise or pursue a combination of specialties to satisfy their creative energy. As a student of the University of Sydney, you will be engaged with scholars who will challenge you. They will inspire you. They will urge you to uncover, reach for, and achieve goals you did not know were possible. Most of all, the skills you develop and the experience gathered at the Con will forever be the foundation of your excellence as a musician, composer, and/or teacher. It will help define your career. It will shape you as a person. And you will continue drawing on it throughout your lifetime.
I invite you to share in our extraordinary and dynamic musical world. I invite you to become one of our graduates – one of the many soloists, orchestral musicians, composers, academics and educators, critics, writers, and arts administrators who are integral to shaping the world through music.
Professor Anna Reid
Dean, Sydney Conservatorium of Music